Chapter 38: Tea With The Ladies

While the men were out hunting, the ladies sat around enjoying themselves with teatime. The event might have sounded frivolous, but it was a serious event. Everything had to be perfect, from the porcelain cups, to the ten different flavors of tea. The crowning decorations were the three tier towers of finger sandwiches, scones, and macarons given to each lady attending. However, nobody noticed all the attention that went into setting up the event; they only cared about how they could improve their status by it.

Cosaria sat at a table with Lady Smifflehiem, an older woman, and Lady Kelma, a young one.

Smifflehiem said, "How ever did you discover such a romantic gesture Lady Cosaria?"

Kelma sighed, "It was so romantic!"

Cosaria said, "Twas something my maid's familiar with. She is very knowledgeable."

Smifflehiem said, "Yes, it was a brilliant idea, truly. To think of using it for the handkerchief. It must have taken you weeks to think it up."

With an absent mind as usual, Cosaria said, "In truth, I had not even prepared a-"

"My Lady," Tilda interrupted, "Would you like some more tea?"

"Tilda!" Cosaria turned to the ladies and said, "This is the maid here."

Tilda bowed then whispered into Cosaria's ear, "Have you asked them about their handkerchiefs yet?"

It would not set a good impression if the woman discovered that Cosaria had not prepared a handkerchief. And at this point, Cosaria needed friends, not enemies.

"Not yet! Oh, but I shall," Cosaria said.

While Tilda poured tea, she found herself wishing Marley could have attended. Situations like these were the exact reason Cosaria needed a lady in waiting. Not a maid.

Cosaria said, "How did all you decorate your handkerchiefs?"

Tilda moved away from the table as Lady Kelma went on a lengthy rant about her embroidered blue jay.

Tilda thought, This confirms it. Cosaria has no idea how to keep up appearances. Which may or may not be a good thing, now that I think about it.

Meanwhile, at Lady Selinda Pafster's table, Lady Loris kept glancing over at Cosaria's table. She sighed as she watched the enigmatic light pervade from Cosaria's presence. Loris mumbled, "I wish I was sitting over there."

Tilda noticed as Selida glowered at Cosaria. While Tilda couldn't read minds, she was adequate at reading faces, and Selinda's face said, 'I won't let HER be the star of this event.' It was like she had visible angry vibes pointed straight at Cosaria.

She is definitely planning something. Probably something petty too, Tilda thought.


Delrik and Felux had made it far in the forest, when Felux landed his feet hard on the ground. He knelt down to check animal imprints in the dirt.

Felux announced, "They dinna look right."

Delrik pointed to a bush and said, "That fur, there."

Black fur, emanating a black aura, had been caught on the branch. Checking the bush, Felux deduced that the branch had been broken off to make way for a giant beast.

"It's a demon beast," Delrik declared after Felux had given him the fur to inspect.

"Aye. I'll bet you Lord Grysle's involved here."

"Agreed. Let's ride out and catch that beast before anything actually happens."


Selinda laughed as everyone around her looked uncomfortable. At Cosaria's table, everyone laughed genuinely. Watching Cosaria's table brought a smile to Tilda's face. Without warning, Selinda stood up.

Tilda immediately analyzed the situation; Selinda, angry, a full glass of tea, walking towards Cosaria.

Rolling her eyes, Tilda also began walking towards Cosaria.

Selida gritted her teeth. Tilda read her face, which said, 'About time she got what's coming to her.'

Oh no! A rock! Selinda 'accidentally' tripped as the cup, full to the brim of staining red tea, flew towards Lady Cosaria like a wasp with a vengeance. Unfortunately, the flying liquid was intersected by an 'oblivious' maid. Tilda had walked in the way, and the contents of the cup had spilled all over her.

Selinda's fury sparked red hot as she declared, "Wha-! How could you!"

Tilda didn't even try to pretend to be surprised. In her most deadpan, sarcastic voice, she said, "Oh no. I'm so sorry Lady Selinda. It's all my fault."

Selinda felt the full force of that comment. She said, "The insolence!" But unfortunately for her, Tilda hadn't 'said' anything insolent.

In absolute horror, as if the world had ended, Cosaria gasped, "Tilda! You're covered in tea!"

Turning to Cosaria, Tilda spoke gently, "Don't worry milady. It just spilled on my apron and aprons are made to get dirty. I'll go wash it out."

With that, Tilda exited stage right. As Tilda passed by a glaring Selinda, Tilda smirked. Not enough for anyone else to see, but just enough to mock the arrogant Lady. Selinda's face turned red with fury.

Tilda took a tally; Tilda: 1, Selinda: 0

Lady Smiffleheim said, "It was a good thing that maid was there. That tea would have spilled all over you, Lady Cosaria!"

Kelma said, "Your lovely dress would have been ruined!"

Cosaria fiddled with her fingers, saying, "I do hope Tilda will be alright."

"Who? The maid?"

"Oh, how considerate you are!"

Selida was appalled as she thought, I just tripped and fell and nobody is even asking me if I'm okay? What is happening!

"Oh look," Smifflehiem said pointing to two hunters, "It's Lady Bluewether and Lady Dorsey. They must be back from the hunt already."

Cosaria turned her head and looked, saying, "Oh?"

The two women were unlike anything Cosaria had ever seen. In their mid-thirties, early forties, the women were stocky, with thick muscles. They wore leather and armored chainmail. Slung over their shoulders hung a fox pelt and a game bag filled with small sparrows. When they walked, they clomped. When they looked towards the ladies, the ladies cowered away in fear. All except Cosaria. Cosaria had been struck with a distinct case of admiration.

With big eyes, filled to the brim with excitement, Cosaria walked over to them and bowed. She said, "Excuse me, but I didn't know that ladies were allowed to hunt."

Bluewether and Dorsey exchanged a glance. This encounter was clearly out of the norm.

Dorsey shrugged and turned back to Cosaria, saying, "Sure we can, though, we only stayed in the green hunting ground."

Cosaria clasped her hands together and leaned forward.

Encouraged by Cosaria's eagerness, Bluewether said, "That's where you'll find small stuff like rabbits and sparrows."

Dorsey said, "The real hunting is in the silver and blue hunting grounds, but we'd advise staying out of that area. Those are the real dangerous areas."

"Oh, yes. Thank you," Cosaria said bowing.


Tilda was washing out the apron in the nearby stream's cool water. She held up the cloth to the sun only to find that the stain had barely faded.

Tilda said, "Looks like the stain isn't going to wash out."

She snickered, as an image of Selinda's shocked/disgusted face flashed across her mind.

Tilda grinned, "Worth it."

Cosaria came bounding like a rabbit through the weeds. When Tilda caught sight of her, she put on her apron and walked over.

"Milady, what is it?"

Excited, Cosaria said, "I'd like to go hunting!"

…The wind blew.

…The grass shwaed.

…And Tilda pursed her lips.