the City of Gold

The group continued its walk through the forest, but shortly after the walk, Alice noticed that Arion was not walking as usual and expressed a face of fatigue and pain. In the confrontation with the other cult Arion had indeed been wounded by a dagger in the belly. His wound, though not fatal, gradually weakened his vigor. Every step seemed to be an effort, and his face expressed the pain he was trying to hide.

Alice, concerned about her father's health, approached him cautiously. "Father, you need rest. We should find a safe place for you to recover from your injuries."

Arion smiles weakly. "My dear Alice, we cannot afford to slow down now. The quest for truth does not stop at challenges. We must continue."

Lucie, the mystical cat, rubbed herself gently against Arion, emitting a comforting purr. Alice felt a new determination born in her. "Of course, father, but we must also look after your health. We will find a suitable place to take a break."

They soon discovered a peaceful clearing, lit by the sun's filtered rays through the foliage. The group settled down, preparing an improvised shelter for Arion so that he could rest. The other followers sought medicinal herbs in the forest, hoping to relieve Arion's pain.

As Alice watched over her father resting weakly, she remembered the teachings of the deity. She understood that sometimes the quest for truth also required an understanding of one's own limitations and the need to care for those who guide the way.

Night fell on the clearing, and the group sat around the campfire. Arion, though tired, tried to share stories of the lineage, stories of ancient followers who had overcome similar trials. Everyone let himself be carried away by the wisdom transmitted through these stories, strengthened

Night fell on the clearing, and the group sat around the campfire. Arion, though tired, tried to share stories of the lineage, stories of ancient followers who had overcome similar trials. Everyone was carried away by the wisdom conveyed through these stories, reinforcing the common conviction that light could be found even in the darkest moments.

Lucia, the mystical cat, stood near Arion, watching over him with special attention. Alice silently thanked the creature for his comforting presence.

The next day Arion showed signs of recovery, although the road ahead remained difficult. The group decided to continue their quest with caution, adapting their pace to Arion's needs. The forest, although shaded by the secrets it contained, became a place of resilience and learning for all.

The group finally emerged from the dense forest, emerging in a clearing bathed in the emerging daylight. The trees parted to reveal a clear view of a vast plain, and in the distance, the imposing silhouette of a city was drawn on the horizon.

Alice, Arion, Lucie and the other followers felt a mixture of excitement and caution as they approached the city. The massive walls seemed to keep countless secrets, and the majestic towers touched the sky, testifying to the ancient history that hid behind the doors.

Arion, though still in recovery, regained some vigor in the sight of the city. "We have arrived, my daughter. This city may have the answers we have been looking for for so long.'

Alice nodded, her heart beating in anticipation. "Father, what do you think we'll find there?"

Arion contemplated the city with reflection. 'Perhaps archives, ancient texts, or even guardians of knowledge. We must remain open to all possibilities, for the truth can be presented in many ways. '

Lucie, the mystical cat, uttered a gentle meow, seeming to share the excitement of her travelling companions. Together they marched towards the city, crossing the plain with determination.

As they approached, the gates of the city slowly opened, revealing a world of mysteries and promises. Inside, the streets were bustling with constant activity, merchants selling their goods, scholars consulting ancient manuscripts, and locals going about their daily business.

Alice, Arion, and the followers explored the city, seeking clues and asking questions of the wise and learned they met. Each street corner seemed to reveal a new side of the truth they were looking for, and each conversation brought an extra piece to the puzzle.

Eventually they reached the central library, a sanctuary of knowledge. Endless shelves contained scrolls, ancient books and scrolls of wisdom. The guardian of the library, a venerable sage, welcomed them kindly.

"Seekers of truth, you are welcome. What are you looking for in the annals of our city?"

Alice spoke with determination. "We seek the truth that transcends enigmas and mysteries. We want to understand our history, our heritage and the meaning of our quest."

The guardian smiles, recognizing the thirst for knowledge in Alice's eyes. "The truth lies in the quest itself, dear child. Explore these archives, ask your questions, and may the light of wisdom guide your way."

Thus, Alice, Arion, Lucie and the other followers plunged into the treasures of the library, eager to discover the answers that would enlighten their path. The city stretched before them, full of possibilities and promises. Their quest for truth had only just begun, and each page turned in the ancestral archives brought them a little closer to the wisdom so much sought...