Mortal illusion

The group proceeded cautiously through the meanders of the subterranean labyrinth, astonished to meet neither hostile creatures nor deadly traps on their way. The absence of apparent danger was both reassuring and troubling, leaving a sense of worry about what awaited them at the end of their journey.

After two hours of intense walking, they finally reached a large room, vast and majestic, but also destroyed and abandoned for a long time. The walls were scarred by time, the columns lay in ruins on the ground, and piles of debris littered the dusty ground.

Alice, Arion and the other members of the group stopped, amazed and intrigued by this discovery. They looked at each other, mute in wonder at the fallen greatness of the room.

"Look around," murmured Arion, his gaze sweeping the remains of the ancient place." This piece bears the scars of a long-forgotten past. There may be hidden answers here, clues about the Yamir Key or the lost domain."

They began to explore the room, examining every corner for any signs or clues that might guide them in their quest. They discovered ancient inscriptions carved into the walls, mysterious artifacts scattered among the debris, and esoteric symbols that evoked a forgotten past.

However, as they advanced further into the room, a strange sensation took hold of them, an impression that something was watching them in the shadows. The group froze, alert and on guard, preparing for any eventuality.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in the room, an ancient and distant voice that seemed to emerge from the depths of time. Welcome, truth seekers. You have found your way to me, the Keeper of Knowledge. Listen carefully, because I have the answers you've been looking for for so long."

The group listened carefully, absorbing every word spoken by the mysterious voice. They knew that this encounter was crucial, that the Guardian of Knowledge held the keys to their destiny and the quest for the Key of Yamir.

At the time of their listening, they saw a faint glow appear or the voice finally came from here and could see a form this creates. As the group looked enthusiastically at the bright golden silhouette hovering in the distance in the room, a sense of joy and comfort filled them, prompting them to rush to this spellbinding apparition. However, Arion and Alice, staying behind, felt a sense of distrust, an intuition warning them of the dangerousness of this seductive vision.

Arion, with a sharp and attentive mind, felt that something was wrong. A glimmer of gratitude passed through his thoughts as he looked at the golden figure. He turned to Alice, the grave expression.

'Alice, we have to be wary. This golden shape is not what it seems to be. It is a creature of illusions, an entity that feeds on the desires and aspirations of those who see it."

Alice looked at Arion with surprise, then with understanding. She remembered the stories she had heard about such creatures, evil entities that took the form of what people wanted most, leading to their loss.

"We must warn the others," said Alice in a determined voice. "They will fall into the trap of this creature."

Arion and Alice rushed to the rest of the group, calling to the attention of their fellow followers. "Stop! Stay away from this figure! It is an illusion, a creature that seeks to deceive you!"

Some members of the group froze, unsure of what they heard, while others continued to advance, attracted by the false promise of the golden silhouette. Arion and Alice did their best to restrain them, imploring them to look beyond appearances and beware of illusions.

Finally, thanks to the insistence of Arion and Alice, the group managed to pull itself together, to break the charm of the illusion. The golden silhouette lost its luster, dissolving slowly in the air, revealing its true insidious nature.

The group, shaken but unharmed, thanked Arion and Alice for warning them of the danger. They realized that their quest was full of pitfalls and pitfalls, but that they had to remain united and vigilant to overcome the obstacles that stood in their way.