Sudden choking

The next day the group woke up but Arion felt a calm flat that settled on the ocean of the Fallen was strange, almost supernatural. Arion felt a palpable tension in the air, a sinister presence that seemed to weigh on them.

"Something is wrong," he murmured, looking at the horizon with suspicion. "This tranquility... it is not natural."

The other members of the group also felt the growing unease as the stagnant water reflected the cloudless sky. Suddenly, a dark mass emerged from the surface of the water, rising before them like a menacing shadow.

A tense silence enveloped the ship as all watched with horror the creature that stood before them. It was a huge right whale, its piercing eyes fixed on the ship with icy intensity.

Alice tightened her grip on the ship's railing, feeling a wave of terror overwhelm her. "What is it?" ,' she asked in a trembling voice.

Arion shook his head, his thoughts swirling as he sought an explanation. "I don't know," he honestly admitted. But we must remain calm and ready to react. This creature is unlike any other we have encountered so far."

The group stood ready, watching with apprehension the movements of the right whale. They knew their next action would be crucial,

Suddenly the whale plunged into the water leaving a lack of understanding within the group but Arion understood later that it was a thing that had frightened the bet, the inqiétude spread among the group while gigantic teeth emerged from the water, forming a threatening circle in the distance. The creature hiding beneath the surface was far more terrifying than they could have imagined.

Arion stood, his expression serious but determined. "We must act quickly," he said in a loud voice. This creature will swallow us if we do nothing, we must act quickly!"

The group immediately put itself into action, applying the skills and knowledge acquired during their journey. They adjusted the sails, steering the ship with skill to escape the deadly jaws that slowly closed around them.

Alice stood at the helm, her heart pounding as she maneuvered the ship with skill. She felt the weight of responsibility weigh on her shoulders, aware that everyone's life depended on her actions.

The group worked in harmony, coordinating their efforts to escape the imminent threat. The ship narrowly avoided sharp teeth, sliding on the rough waters of the Ocean of Fallen in a desperate attempt to survive.

Finally, after moments of anguish that seemed to last forever, the ship managed to get away from the deadly claws of the sea creature. A wave of relief ran through the group as they caught their breath, grateful for narrowly escaping a tragic end.

In the distance an island appeared giving way to joy in the group, but at the very moment of this blossoming a huge snake this leaven behind the boat. Alice warns everyone of this danger, in a desperate rush, the group rushed to the sides of the ship, jumping into the tumultuous waters of the Ocean of Fallen. The giant snake stood behind them, threatening to swallow them at any moment. With nimble movements, they swam as fast as they could toward the relative safety of the island emerging on the horizon.

The group struggled against the raging waves, their hearts pounding as they drew closer to the mainland. They were haunted by the massive silhouette of the snake chasing them with its giant geul ready to devour them.

Finally, after superhuman efforts, they finally reached the beach of the island. Exhausted but relieved, they ran aground on the sand, catching their breath and thanking the gods for escaping imminent death.

Arion rose, scanning the horizon where the serpent disappeared into the tumultuous waters. We have to be on our guard,' he said in a deep voice. This island could be a haven of peace, but we cannot afford to lower our vigilance. '

The group nodded, aware of the danger still present in this hostile environment. Together, they set out to explore the island, hoping to find answers on Yamir's key and escape the threats that were relentlessly chasing them.