A hidden danger

Suddenly without warning the group was surprised by several followers who had attacked them at the beginning of their journey, they had followed them having lost many of them in the ocean of the fallen, he thanked the group for helping them to find this place, threatening with blades Alice and her group and proposed to become their hostages

The group, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the followers, momentarily froze, their minds tormented by this unexpected betrayal. The followers, armed with blades and fierce determination, seemed to be motivated by obscure and mysterious motivations.

Arion exchanged a serious look with Alice, silently weighing their options. He knew that violence would only lead to more suffering, but he was also aware of the danger these followers represented.

Finally, after a moment of reflection, Arion spoke in a calm but firm voice. We are not your enemies," he declared, his gaze fixed on the followers. "We are all here to discover the truth. If you want to help us, then let's do it together as allies."

The followers exchanged uncertain looks, seeming to hesitate between mistrust and the possibility of cooperation. After a brief moment of tense silence, their leader nodded slowly, accepting Arion's offer.

Arion thanked them but at that moment the chief stabbed Arion by surprise

Alice, struck by the brutal betrayal, rushed to Arion's side, desperately trying to stop the flow of blood from his wound.

Rage was bubbling in Alice's heart as she stared at the followers' leader, her fists clenched in anger. How can you so betray your word?" she cried, her voice trembling with contained rage. We offered our help, and this is how you thank us?"

The leader of the followers showed no remorse, content to laugh with contempt at the group's distress. "Offered your help? You have been used, in this unforgiving world, only the strongest survive,' he said in an icy tone. We don't need weak people like you to fulfill our destiny."

Despite the throbbing pain in his flank, Arion tried to straighten himself, his determination still burning as sharp. We will not be your puppets,' he said in a weak but resolute voice. We will leave, but we will return, and you will be held accountable for your actions."

The group cautiously advanced through the mysterious realm, carrying Arion on their shoulders, their determination reinforced by the urgency of finding help for their wounded mentor. The betrayal of the followers had left them suspicious and vigilant, aware that other dangers might hide in the shadows, ready to strike at any time.

Lucie, Alice's cat, shaken but determined, was slowly recovering from the attack of the followers' leader. His gaze burned with fierce intensity as he walked beside Alice, ready to defend his group against all odds.

As they advanced through the dark tunnels and narrow passages, their path was littered with obstacles and sneaky traps. But despite the challenges they faced, the group remained united in their determination to overcome each challenge, motivated by the desire to save Arion and continue their quest for the key to Yamir.

Every step was a struggle, every moment full of uncertainty, but they clung to the hope and conviction that the truth awaited them somewhere beyond the darkness.