A broken choice

After many empty coins and caution against the various dangers that inhabit this mysterious field, the groups finally arrive at a giant white coin

In the vast white room, bathed in a soft and unreal light, the group made a stop, impregnating the atmosphere of this strange place. Arion, contemplating the immaculate walls and the grandeur of the space, broke the silence with a voice of reflection and wonder: "Look around us, my friends. This piece is a real mystery, a symbol of the antiquity and wisdom of past times. Who knows what secrets it contains?"

Alice, captivated by the simple beauty of the place, nodded with an enigmatic smile. It is as if this room were an open book, but written in a language that we still have to learn to understand," she murmured, letting her gaze wander on the patterns engraved in the walls.

Lucie, the mystical cat, silently observed the surroundings, her piercing eyes reflecting the ambient light. A slight purr escaped his throat, a sign of approval or vigilance, no one could say.

The group stood there, absorbing the enigmatic energy of the room. Everyone felt the importance of this place in their quest

And in the center of the room, on a simple but majestic platform, lay the much sought-after key. Its golden glow shone faintly in the room's diffuse light, evoking both the promise of answers and the threat of new challenges.

Arion slowly approached the platform, his gaze fixed on the sacred object with respect and determination. That's it, my friends,' he said in an emotional voice. The key to Yamir, our ticket to the truth and our guide through the mysteries that await us."

Alice felt her heart beat stronger at the sight of the coveted object. She drew near to Arion, her gaze captivated by the golden glow of the key. 'It's incredible,' she whispered, her voice full of anticipation. 'After so much effort and danger, here she is at last, at hand.'

The group stayed there for a while, absorbing the importance of that moment. The key was more than just an artifact; it was the symbol of their perseverance, courage and willingness to discover the truth, whatever it was.

however during this rejoicing a laugh fu heard it was the followers who had betrayed them. This sinister laughter of the traitors resounded in the room, breaking the serenity that reigned there. Arion stiffened, his eyes squinting as he watched the intruders with icy intensity.

Alice tightened her grip on the key, feeling the anguish rise in her. "How could you betray us like this?" She asked in a voice of disappointment and anger. 

The traitors approached, their faces contorted by a mixture of triumph and cruelty. We are survivors, ready to do anything to achieve our goals,' their leader replied with a scornful smile. We found the key before you, and we won't let anyone take it away from us."

Lucie, the cat, gave out a weak but threatening grunt, her eyes fixed on the intruders with a fierce determination.

Arion took a deep breath, looking for the best strategy to get out of this perilous situation. We will not back down from your threats,' he said in a calm but resolute voice. This key belongs to us by right, and we will do everything in our power to protect it. '

The confrontation between the two groups was tense, charged with palpable electricity Alice felt the weight of the decision weigh on her shoulders as tension rose in the room. Despite the determination of her group, she could not ignore the reality of the situation: they were outnumbered and the traitors seemed ready to do anything to get the key.

In a gesture of resignation mixed with disappointment, Alice held out the key to the traitors' leader, her gaze filled with determination but also with regret. We don't want violence,' she explained in a calm but firm voice. We came here to find the truth, not to shed blood. Take the key, but know that our quest will not end here."

Arion looked at Alice, wide-eyed with surprise and disagreement. "Why?" he cried, his voice tinged with frustration." We sacrificed so much to get that key, and now you just want to give it up?"

Alice looked away, feeling the weight of guilt on her shoulders. We cannot afford to lose more lives for an uncertain cause," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. Perhaps if we show mercy, we can find another way to the truth. '

The traitors took the key with a triumphant smile, savoring their victory. But as they were about to leave, the leader of the traitors glared contemptuously at Arion. "You have shown weakness," he spit. And weakness is punished."