
When the group put Arion's body in front of the platform, they gathered around his body, bathed in a soft and soothing light that seemed to emanate from the platform where the key rested. Alice knelt near him, her trembling hands gently clutching hers. A silent prayer rose in his heart, full of gratitude for the shared moments, sadness for the loss and determination to continue their quest.

The other members of the group stood respectfully around them, their faces marked by the pain of loss and the flash of fragile hope that persisted despite everything. Each offered his own silent homage to Arion, remembering the moments when his wisdom and courage had guided them through the trials.

After a moment that seemed to last an eternity, Alice rose slowly, her gaze fixed on the platform before them. She knew they could not stay here any longer, that the leader of the cult who had betrayed them had to mulch for his affront. She was determined to honour Arion's memory by pursuing their quest with even greater firmness and resolve.

One last time she laid her hand on Arion's cold forehead, whispering a prayer for his eternal rest. Then, with a glimmer of determination in her eyes, she turned to the rest of the group, ready to take the lead of their veangeance and recover Yamir's key.

In a moment of silent communion, the group prepared to leave, carrying with them the memory of Arion and the promise to complete their quest in his honor. 

However at the moment when Alice and her group advanced some meters to go out they heard atrocious cries coming from it or the traitors were gone

The heartbreaking screams resounded through the room, piercing silence with alarming intensity. Alice and her group froze, horrified by the sounds of suffering that came from the darkness where the traitors had disappeared with the key.

A shiver of fright ran through Alice's spine as she rushed to the place where the screams came from, her heart pounding the throb in her chest. The other members of the group followed her quickly, their worry being read on their faces as they prepared to face the horror that awaited them.

When they finally reached the place where the screams seemed to take shape, what they discovered was chilling. The traitors lay dead on the ground or the majority of them were torn out in two leaving room that a pool of blood and organs scattered on all sides, the remnants whose leader, enveloped by tentacles of scarlet colors expressed their faces twisted by the unspeakable pain of their bodies that spanking crush little by little or their cries and the sound of continuous cracking of their bones was the only thing heard. 

Alice felt a shiver of terror pass through her as she realized that the traitors had been trapped by a monster, their fate sealed by their own greed and betrayal. She understood that this dark force was the consequence of their action, a manifestation of the merciless nature of the universe.

Faced with this terrifying vision, the group instinctively retreated, knowing that they could do nothing to save those who had turned against them. They understood that Yamir's key was much more than just an artifact, that it was linked to forces far beyond their understanding, and that they had to be careful in their quest to find it.

However at the same time Alice saw a red light appear and suddenly an explosion shook the room, projecting Alice and her group back with relentless force. As they came to their senses, Alice felt a sharp pain throughout her body, testimony to the violence of the impact. She painfully opened her eyes to discover that the fine red gleam she had seen had turned into a sinister aura, pulsating with disquieting energy.

The group got up with difficulty, their eyes crossed with concern as they tried to understand what had just happened. The room seemed imbued with a charged atmosphere, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Alice rose slowly, her mind in the grip of growing confusion. She felt that this explosion was not just an accident, but rather the result of a malevolent force that sought to stop them in their quest. An icy anguish gripped her heart as she realized that their enemies were still among them, ready to do anything to prevent them from achieving their goal.