Keep your enemies close but your family even closer

"You can let him in", Linda said after a few minutes of getting her breathing in order

The moment her uncle walked into her office, the mood in the office became sinister and gloomy, it was as if there was a dark cloud harboring above them. 

"How is my favorite niece?", her uncle said with a conceited smile

Linda was clenching her fists underneath her table yet forcing a smile, "U-uncle, what are you doing here?", 

"I came to see my favorite niece, am I not allowed to do that?", her uncle was wandering around the office scanning and touching everything but avoiding eye contact,

She pointed at the stack of files on her desk, "No uncle, just that I have a meeting with an important client...I was just preparing for it", still forcing a smile and following her uncle with her eyes. He finally pulled the chair across her, laid back in it, and crossed his legs with no inch of respect for Linda as the boss;

"Oh poor daughter, you know if it's too much, your uncle would be happy to help. You are only 26, you should do what other 26-year-olds are doing not wasting your youth away like this. And I heard that mother put you in quite a difficult position with your inheritance: finding a husband on top of running a billion-dollar company, you poor thing. Anyway, being the cool uncle I am, I decided to lend a hand, I have someone I think would suit you", he showed Linda a picture of a handsome young man in a fitted designer suit posing in front of a red sports car

Without losing focus on what her uncle was saying, Linda thought, 'It looks like there's a leak at grandmother's, I will need to clean house again' 

"Oh Uncle John, don't worry about that, I already found the perfect candidates to choose from, besides, I don't want anyone from the same industry I am in, that might complicate things. Oh one more important thing, red is not my color, but please feel free to recommend someone different, your favorite niece would appreciate that very much," she said politely with a wide smile on her face

Her office phone went off once more, "Ma'am, you have an incoming call from Mr. Felixton", Freddy could be heard announcing from the other side of the line 

Linda covered the phone with her hand signaling to her uncle that she needed to take the phone and his time was up, "Uncle, I have to take this, please do feel free to visit some other time,", her hands were still slightly trembling, 

"Oh niece, always busy busy, I will show myself out", Linda nodded politely and proceeded to put the phone in her ear, "Yes Mr. Felixton, I am free to talk, I am not doing anything important". A few minutes after he left her office. Linda sighed heavily automatically defaulting back to her calm self, "Freddy, bring them in", in a matter of seconds Freddy waltzed in carrying a crate of 5 empty glass bottles,

"I don't know how much longer I can handle this pretense game with this man, there is nothing I want more than to squash him like the bug he is", she said to herself concealing the anger that was slowly leaking through every pore of her body, "Hand me those and go back to your station". A few minutes later, faint glass-shattering sounds can be heard coming from her office, "Poor cuz, she has to do this every time uncle comes to her office, that reminds me, I have to order more bottles and ask someone to clean up her rage room when she's done."

Linda usually felt better after breaking a bunch of glasses, she discovered this trick on one of her escapades with Sharon and knew that she had to get a rage room at her office and her house.

Back in his car, Linda's uncle was busy hitting and kicking the car seats, "That little rat! Who the hell does she think she is?! 'nothing important'! and refusing my help. Just because my parents love her she now thinks she's all that!! That little piece of nothing!," he continued to hit and kick the car seats making the driver uncomfortable, "Mr King, are you okay?", 

"What do you think you idiot?!, I am surrounded by idiots! Since she doesn't want to marry a man of my choosing, then I will make sure that this little trash doesn't get married at all! One way or another, I am getting back what is mine." He said with an intense malicious look, then loosened his tie and shouted at the driver "Drive you idiot!", 

After shattering the bottles into a thousand pieces, Linda decided to call her old acquaintance, Kim

"Kim, I think Uncle is up to no good, please keep an eye on him", she said taking off her rage room gear, 

Kim chuckled, "I thought that old geezer was done scheming,"

"He will only stop when Global Tech is back in his hands. Also, that thing I asked you to look at, did you find anything?"

"I have not found anything yet, but Linda, do you really think your uncle killed your parents?", Kim asked,