The stranger in my fiancé's living room 2

To say Jeremy was shocked was an understatement. The woman who suddenly left without a word, no phone call, no text just silence was suddenly standing in front of him claiming to be home. His nostrils were flaring with anger, "Home?! Home?! Which home Maggie??"

Without being bothered by the angry beast charging at her, Maggie calmly made her way to the kitchen, and took out a glass to help herself to the bottle of wine on the countertop, "Hmm, you always did keep a good bottle of wine, which is weird because you don't drink much", 

Jeremy angrily marched to grab the glass from her, "This is not for you and I need you to leave right now!"

Mouth wide open, she chuckled, "Oh wow! This is the welcome I get. Who is it for?" 

"My fiancé...", he responded casually, "Leave Maggie."

Maggie crossed her arms and reacted for the first time since they began talking. She was jealous and angry nothing stopped her from going berserk, she was losing control over her well trained puppy. All this time, she thought he was still broken over her, it turns out he was getting married, Kim was right, he was moving on and he had changed, "Fiancé? what fiancé? You son of b-"

Ignoring her outrage and feeling offended by her victim behavior, he gritted his teeth while forcefully dragging her toward the door, "It doesn't matter. It is none of your business. Get the hell out of my house! Who the hell do you think you are? Showing up as if it's not a big deal. You broke my heart! You walked out on me without a word or anything, didn't pick up my calls, nor reply to my texts. Now you show up here and expect fl-"

He was disturbed by the knock on the door and his face instantly dropped, his anger suddenly turned to uneasiness and panic, his heart was heavy with sadness and fear. He knew it was Linda and she was the last person he wanted to see looking the way he did, he was an emotional mess, but there was nothing he could do, it was already late, she was behind the door. He imagined the look on her face, her reaction to Maggie, he felt a knot tighten around his heart. He sighed heavily, and softly muttered "Now look what you have done. I am sure you are happy..."

His reaction brought a malicious smile to Maggie, she smirked, "That must be your little fiancé huh? Why not open the door, I am looking forward to meeting her...go-on, open it or should I?", she said as she reached for the door and was met by a gracefully gorgeous woman, who not only exuded an air of charm but also of power and dominance. Linda looked as calm as she could, without any emotions whatsoever, "Hello, you must be Maggie-", she said casually shocking Jeremy and Maggie was lost for words, but her bruised ego only fueled her jealousy and envy, "Ha! I see you Googled me-"

"Oh! Please", she chuckled, "I have no time to waste on the likes of you. I can assure you, we don't even move around the same circle, but him?", she proudly waltzed in "-him, worth every penny". Jeremy closed the door behind her, but remained frozen in his position together with Maggie.

When Linda looked at Jeremy, her heart broke, because behind the anger, she saw the amount of love he had for Maggie, and the fact that he was angry at this moment only meant that he was not over her, which broke her. She sighed, 'I guess the feeling is not mutual', she concluded. However, that was not the time to break, she had to keep a brave face, not in front of her at least, she refused to break down in front of the woman who still had so much power over her prince. She made her way to the open wine, closed it, and packed it in her bag, "I presume this is mine, and the fact that is open, it is most likely because of you.", she then slowly marched towards them but her eyes fixed on Maggie, with a stern and cold voice, "Here is the thing Ms. Maggie, I don't mind people taking or playing with what is supposed to be mine before my turn comes. However, once it becomes mine, sharing becomes a problem. Business, toys, food, this wine whatever it is...once it's marked mine, it becomes mine and I protect what is mine.", she concluded without breaking eye contact with Maggie, her eyes held so much power and dominance that it made Maggie flinch with fear.

Seeing that her message was received, she then turned her attention to Jeremy and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, "Call me tomorrow.", but as she was about to open the door, Maggie flipped and grabbed her arm, "Did you just threaten me you bitch?? You obviously don't know me-", she was about to land a hot slap on Linda's face when Jeremy caught her hand mid-air, "Lay a finger on my fiancé and I will show you flames.", he growled, his eyes were burning with fury, he was genuinely protecting her which made Maggie even angrier, she tossed Linda's arm aside, gritted her teeth as she clenched her hands into fists then hurried to the couch, eyes twitching like a maniac and mumbling to herself. If thoughts could kill, Linda would've suffered a gruesome death. Jeremy leaned in, took her bag and gently held her hand, "Let me walk you to the car."

He was worried about how she'd react, he thought she would be angry and call off the wedding, instead of being worried about his plan being ruined, he was more worried about losing her, 'when did she become more important than my plan?', he wondered as he walked her to the car.

"Don't worry about the wedding, " she spoke, surprising him, "it's still ongoing and we will still announce our engagement during the gala. I trust you will handle this nice and quietly". Her voice sounded stern and cold, and he instantly felt a jolt of pain in his heart, something was wrong and he knew it, she was angry. He grabbed her arm halting her, "Linda, I-I am sorry", 

She faked a smile to hide the turmoil in her heart, she loved him, but his heart belonged to someone else, she was no longer angry, just hurt, "It's okay. Oh look, we are here. Thank you for walking me, you should go back now.", she took her bag and he opened the door, without looking back, she jumped in, but to her surprise, he followed her in.

"Jeremy, please-", she said with a cracking voice, Jackson instantly gave Jeremy the death glare. 

Ignoring the danger in Jackson's eyes, Jeremy took her hand, and declared, "I am not leaving until you tell me you are okay?"

His gentle touch made it hard for her to remain in control, her emotions began to spill over, and her heart was in a million pieces, "I am okay. There. Leave now.", she said with a trembling voice. 

He softly caressed her face, and unannounced to Linda, a tear gently rolled down, and he softly whispered, " are not fine."