Supper with the Kings 2

From the pool, Linda detoured to the bathroom to freshen up first, she knew that she could not fool Lilly and Sharon, with one look on her face, they would instantly figure everything out and that was the last thing she needed, they were already worried enough about things as they are. On her way from the bathroom, she bumped into her uncle who was coming out of his room, she intended to just ignore him, but she remembered that she had to keep up her polite and fragile little girl appearance in front of him, "Uh-uhm, uncle, how are you?"

He chuckled, "My favorite successful niece, I have been well. I must say, your fiancé is quite a catch..."

Linda politely smiled, "Oh Uncle, it only seemed fitting that I chose someone who will at least be pleasing to look at, given that this is a fake marriage and we will not be doing anything remotely intimate"

John chuckled, "Oh niece, don't underestimate the power of looks, besides, who knows, he might be the one to change things around here...and get this ice-cold queen of ours to finally open up to some romance."

Unbeknown to him, Linda could read through his pretentious act, this was his way of telling her change was coming and so she countered, "Hmm, I don't know uncle, some situations can't be changed, and it's always best that we accept and live happily with what we have. I already run a billion-dollar company, which is even worth more in euros, I have a loving family, and now a gorgeous husband to look at. I couldn't ask for more, that will just make me greedy, and greed can be deadly." still retaining her polite exterior

John furrowed his brows, and his tone became more firm, "Oh niece, haven't you heard? Change is inevitable"

Linda still maintaining her polite composure, "That is true uncle, change is indeed inevitable."

"So niece, tell me-", John was interrupted by Sharon who suddenly appeared,

"Oh you are here, grandma Lilly has been looking for you.." she said grabbing her hand, "Oh. Hi Uncle John, I didn't see you there."

John could sense the hostility in Sharon's voice, unlike Linda, Sharon could not mask her hatred towards him, but John always assumed it was because of his fight against Linda for Global Tech. His fight for the company was public, and some approved it, some didn't, and Sharon fell on the didn't side. He gave Sharon an awkward smile, "Sharon dear, I think it's high time you get your eyes fixed, this is the 4th time you've said that, this evening alone.",

"Oh, is it? Sorry Uncle John, I will definitely get my eyes looked at some other time, because today, we have dessert to plate. See you out there." She dragged Linda to the kitchen where Lilly was waiting patiently, Linda rushed to hug her, "Oh Grammy, I missed you"

"Oh honey, me too. Why don't you just move back to the house?", Lilly asked patting her granddaughter, 

Linda gently pulled away from the hug, "Not this again Grammy, mom's house feels-",

"I know, I know, it makes you feel closer to your mother," Lilly said continuing to prepare the chocolate mousse

Linda gently placed her hand on her shoulders, "Yes. Grammy why don't you go sit down or start the dinner since the starter and the main are ready? People are hungry and Aunt Josie is on her third wine glass, I will take care of this with Sharon then join you quickly.".

Lilly gladly welcomed her granddaughter's request and went to the already set dining table, she rang her bell calling everyone who was scattered all over the house, and soon enough, everyone gathered around the brown wooden dining table matched with brown velvet chairs. There were three white Succulents flower pots in the middle of the table and each person had a stainless steak knife, a dessert spoon, a soup spoon, and a fork accompanied by a wine glass and water glass. 'Wow. it's like dining at a restaurant' Jeremy thought.

Lilly took the moment to express her gratitude, "Thank you, everyone, for coming, it's been a while since we had one of these with the whole family like this, well almost whole, because some of my grandchildren are not here, "she directed her attention to John who avoided eye contact, she smiled and continued, "Nonetheless, I have Freddy here and Linda, and hopefully, next time we do this, everyone will be around. Please enjoy the dinner", with that, she sat down, and everyone followed suit.

Linda and Sharon finally appeared from the kitchen to take their seats and were followed by the helpers who were carrying staters. 

Linda sat between Sharon and Jeremy, John was seated at the opposite side of the table next to Josie, and Joseph and Lilly both sat at the head of the table.

John kept throwing glances at Jeremy and Linda examining the interaction, which looked normal and did not stand out in any way, 'is this boy even doing anything to make her fall for him?'

"John...", Lilly softly called out to a John who was immersed in the duo opposite him, "John!", she called out again louder causing the room to go silent and all attention to fall on her,

John abruptly turned to his mother "Yes, mother..."

"I have been calling your name, is everything okay? is there something you want to ask Linda and Jeremy because you have been staring at them for a while now? Or do you need something at that side of the table?"

Knowing the tension between Linda and John, everyone turned to John in wonder, but Linda and Jeremy knew what he was looking for and Jeremy was not impressed, 'Can't he at least act natural in front of everyone?'

John did not intend to be caught, and fearing the awkward position he was put in, the only way he felt he could cover up, would be to complement the couple, he chuckled, "Oh no Mother is not like that, I am just admiring how good they look together, I mean wow! like a match made in heaven. Two extremely good-looking individuals, wh-"

"Uncle if you continue to praise them that much, some of us will start to assume you might not even mean your words", Sharon chimed in making the room even more intense

Linda never felt so proud of her friend, while the rest of the table cringed because it was exactly what they thought, except for Freddy,

"Sharon, I really think Uncle means it, I mean look at how red his face is, he is even embarrassed to have said such cheesy things," as much as Freddy meant well, the receiver didn't take it as such, and seeing the fury in his face, Josie jumped in to protect her son,

"My precious innocent baby had never been one for words, what he meant was that John's face was filled with pride seeing his precious niece all grown up and gearing for marriage."

Linda softened her voice, "Well, in that case, thank you, Uncle John. I was close to believing Sharon, my mood almost dampened honestly. Your blessings mean a lot to us, so I am glad that it is all cleared up, thank you.". Although Linda's tone was polite, the amusement in her face could only be seen by those who were close to her, Jeremy even sensed a menacing energy behind her smiley face sending chills down his spine, 'is she laughing at his uncle's ridicule? I thought she was scared of him, this does not look like the face of a scared person. Does John even know his own niece??", he threw his eyes at John with a terrified look, but to his surprise, John's face was now smiling, 'Oh my word, he is eating into her act'.