The evening after

The content of the text left Jeremy at a loss, he had to read it three times to understand it. The Kings were the enemies and he understood that his aunt hated his dad for what he did to his biological mother, but what possible reasons could have possessed her aunt to give such a precious gift to his enemies? Was she colluding with the Kings?

"What do you mean ma? That is one of your most cherished paintings! How can you give it to our enemies like that?". Jeremy addressed his aunt as 'ma' because she raised him for the first 10 years of his life, she was the reason he fell in love with art. His aunt always shined every time she held the brush, she was always transcended to a different universe, he always wondered what went through her mind to sometimes make her smile, or sad. Watching her paint ignited his passion for fine art.

"Don't worry about it, the painting found its home...", her text contained a sense of gentleness and calmness as opposed to Jeremy who was getting 

more agitated by each passing second.

"Aunt Jin, I need an explanation...", he replied 

"If you want to know, let's talk in person next time I come to Queenstown", she texted back

"Okay, see you then. Love you aunt."

His aunt never replied which made him frown, but he expected it. Things have not been the same between them ever since Jeremy chose to remain by his dad's side. Jin Ae believed that even though Jeremy was forcefully taken from her, he wouldn't forget what his father did and he would return when he became of legal age. However, one day Jeremy called her to tell her that he would remain in London with his dad and take over the family business, from that moment on, things took a different turn, the upcoming meeting would be their first encounter following Jeremy's move to London. Just thinking about that made him nervous, he loved his aunt, and over the years he tried to call and text, but her responses always remained cold and distant. He understood why his aunt could feel betrayed, but he couldn't understand why he had to bear his father's sins, he is a boy, and obviously, he loved the idea of having a father, although they didn't have the best relationship, but he was still the only parent he had left, 'why doesn't aunt understand that?', He mumbled to himself.

Kim Jin Ae is the sister of Jeremy's biological mother, Kim Soo Ah. His mom and dad, Tang Jee who happened to have been of Chinese descent due to his father's side met during their college years. Due to both families being against the relationship, the two pursued a secret relationship, and it would have remained secret if Kim Soo Ah had not fallen pregnant with Jeremy. However, the year she fell pregnant was the year Tang Jee was set to go to London for a year and he promised to come back to her and make things right. Initially, they managed the long-distance relationship with Tang Jee checking up on her and sending her supplements and maternity clothes. But things started changing around 6 months into the long-distance relationship, Kim Soo Ah started making most of the phone calls and Tang Jee stopped asking about her pregnancy. Eventually, Soo Ah gave up the chase and decided to focus on her baby because the stress was starting to affect her child, sadly, she passed away after giving birth due to some complications and Jeremy was taken in by his aunty who loved him as her own and the whole family loved him the same, they named him Jeremy after Soo Ah's favorite Actor and long-term celebrity crush, Jeremy Renner, they saw it as keeping her innocence and the best part of her alive. Ten years later when Soo Ah's family had already given up on reaching for Jeremy's father, Tang Jae showed up at a door demanding full custody of the child with a court letter. Thanks to his rich status, he was able to avoid the legal route and they had no choice but to let him have his way, but Jin Ae managed to slip a letter into his bag asking him to come home when he becomes old enough.

After starring at his phone hoping for a response to his text from the only person whom he had considered his mother, he finally put the phone aside, sat for a while in his car fighting the urge to cry, 

"I can't believe I still have expectations",

After a while of getting his emotions together, he then started the engine and drove back to his house.

After a week of preparation, and the occasional texts with Linda, the evening of the supper finally arrived. This time he was going to be ready, he had to redeem himself, but most importantly, he had to find out exactly what Linda's grandfather knew. He picked up the gifts he asked Lydia, his restaurant manager, to assist pack. 

Linda stopped by to pick him up for supper, despite the text exchanges during the week, the two had actually not seen each other, let alone be so close to each other since the exhibition evident in the tension and awkwardness in the car. Jackson looked at both of them from the rearview mirror and instantly concluded, 'Something must've happened, why else would they avoid eye contact with each other, and why was little miss's face so red?'.,

He chuckled, "Should I turn on the aircon? Your faces are red and so I am assuming is too hot?". They both replied 'yes' at the same time confirming Jackson's suspicions. In response to being surprised by their answer, they turned to each other only to abruptly look away from each other, each hiding their embarrassment and shyness, no one had the confidence they had the previous night.

The ride was quiet and the atmosphere suffocated Jackson, he had never been one to speed, but he couldn't handle it, he had to get them out of the car or he was going to die, but he still couldn't help his nosiness, 'I don't get it, could they have perhaps? No way, but that is the only reason they could act this way? Should I ask Ms.? No, that would be inappropriate'

"We are here ma'am", Jackson noted as they arrived at her grandmother's place, his tone was accompanied by a sigh of relief, the car was even starting to get too cold for his liking. 'Most uncomfortable ride ever!', he thought while opening the door for them, his face covered with an awkward smile, 

"Thank you, Jackson. Jeremy, are you ready for this?", Linda finally spoke her first words since meeting Jeremy and he flushed a smile of assurance. They walked hand-in-hand towards the main door leaving Jackson in amazement at the sudden behavior change, 'Couldn't they have done that in the car?? Why did I have to suffer?? But I must say, both their acting skills are Class A: The other one wants to destroy the other one, while the other one wants to save the other one and then use him as a chess piece in her game' 

He sighed, "Young people these days..."

John appeared next to Jackson who was still watching the two young adults making their way to the door, "Yes, young people, they make a lovely couple, don't they?". His voice brought up a murderous aura from Jackson, although he was smiling out of politeness, he couldn't hide the murderous cloud that surrounded him, 

Sensing Jackson's dislike of him, He smirked, "You still are as loyal as ever to my dead sister. Relax, I won't hurt her little cub, not today at least, way too many faces. Goodbye", John waved with a sinister smile as he also made his way to the door.

Jackson slightly bowed his head to show respect but his eyes remained covered in hatred and discontent for the man, 'how despicable can that man be??'