Drunken Mistakes

Linda made sure that no one found out about the interviews and she wondered how Grandmother was able to act calm throughout the whole lunch when she knew about Jeremy,

She smiled and gave her a slow clap, "You are a great actress Grammy, you knew this whole time?"

"Don't change the subject young lady, are you nuts??", she iterated this time more firmly

Linda casually picked up the knife she dropped, washed it, and resumed cutting the fruits, "Because I think Jeremy just got caught up in some stuff he shouldn't be part of, besides, I need to clear my name once and for all", she said ever so calmly confusing Lilly even more. Anyone in her situation would be trying to get away from it, why was this girl running towards obvious trouble? Besides, she only knew about the interviews and that Jeremy works for her uncle, but that's how far as her intel goes, "Linda, what are you talking about?? Clear your name?? Why?? What's happening?", she said even more worried

Linda upon realizing that her grandmother did not know everything, tried to steer away from the subject, but her grandmother was not stupid, she already caught up, "Don't even think about it?? Tell me everything? right now!", Lilly was starting to lose her temper

"Shhhh, grammy, someone might hear us", Linda said 

"Don't tell me your uncle has someone spying on us again", she lost her balance and stumbled but Linda rushed to help her stand, her temper or any major emotional triggers were not good for her heart condition, hence Linda is always cautious around her and tried not to stress her. Seeing Lilly lose balance like that frightened Linda and she became increasingly worried, 

"Calm down granny, please calm down", Linda said while helping her breathe, she sat her down on the kitchen counter stool.

Lilly was aware of John's greed and jealousy, John's ex-wife told her herself when she went to beg her to not take the kids with her. Infact, Lilly blamed herself for all of it, she always thought that maybe if she had taught him thoroughly enough, or better yet, not encouraged his dream of being in the business, life would have turned out better. She feels that she created this greed and envy in him, after all, children's behaviors are the reflection of the parent's teaching.

"I am sorry Linda, my actions have put you in danger, maybe if I was nicer to John, he would have become a kinder uncle and a better husband or father,

Linda gently brushed her grandmother's hand, "No grandmother, not this again. It is not your fault. Uncle is an adult with his own choice, his actions shouldn't concern you. He should take responsibility for them",

"Fine, but still, I am very worried about this thing with Jeremy, what if your uncle does something drastic? Honestly, I can also see that Jeremy is a good boy, but his ignorance can put you in serious danger. John is my son, I may not know exactly how dangerous he is, but I can sense that he is a sinister man. Please be careful Linda."

Linda could feel that her grandmother was genuinely worried about her, and it honestly broke her heart, she gently touched her slightly wrinkled face, and with a genuine assurance look on her face, she said, "Don't worry Grammy, nothing will happen. And don't worry about the spy in the house..."

Lilly smiled in amazement at Linda. She never ceases to surprise her, but feeling more assured, she changed the subject, "You know Linda, you are also my granddaughter and so I can sense that you can take care of yourself...and I do want you to get married, but interviews?? What were you thinking? Do you think marriage is a job???", she teasingly slapped her shoulder

Linda playfully rubbed her shoulder, "Ouch! Grammy, how did you know??", she pouted

"I might be a 65-year-old retired old lady, but I still have ears at Global Tech, I know everything there is. Like that angry room of yours in that office...?

"Was it Freddy??", she asked curiously, 

Lilly touched her mouth in shock, "Freddy knows too?!?", 

Linda could see that her grandmother was not going to spill anything, so she decided to let it go for now,

"Fine then Grammy, let's take this to the table", she said holding two plates of pudding and she asked the helper to bring the remaining. She didn't want Lilly to carry anything.

At the table, Jeremy was halfway through his second glass but he was already drunk and unable to speak, Lilly seeing this rushed to her husband in surprise, they had only been gone for 15 minutes

"Joseph, what did you do to him?", cried Lilly

"Well, honey, it looks like Linda's husband-to-be can't hold his alcohol. A glass and a half made him like that", Joseph was practically sober and just watching the boy talk to himself.

Jeremy was drunkenly mumbling something to himself, "It's h-hot...Lin...jack-", but no one could really make half the things he was saying, Linda was disappointed at his alcohol tolerance level, 

"Well, I guess we will have dessert some other time, let me take him home", she could not understand why he drank if he knew he couldn't hold his wine.

Lilly was sad that they were about to leave without trying out her new vanilla pudding with a twist, "No honey, I made this for you, wait ...Cherry!" Lilly called one of the maids and asked her to pack up the dessert for them, then turned to her granddaughter "Linda, don't forget to bring Jeremy to the family dinner next Sunday?"

Linda was shocked by her grandmother's request " Are you sure?"

Lilly winked at her, "Yess....whatever it is you had planned, I am sure these visits will help you in your goal?", 

'Had grandmother figured it out?', Linda pondered. "Okay Grammy," she said taking Jeremy's jacket which was now on the ground, then her grandfather came to help her carry Jeremy to the door.

Lilly got up to walk them out, "Bring Sharon as well, and your aunt is coming to town so she will be there, I will try to get your uncle to at least show up this time...but something tells me this time he will. And please, make sure the boy doesn't overdress...." she smiled

At the door, Linda called out to Jackson who was now waiting outside the car, Jackson rushed to take over from them, and Linda bid her goodbyes to her grandparents with kisses on their cheeks, they smiled and watched proudly as she walked away. Jeremy's mumbles finally stopped, and he dosed off, they drove to his apartment block only to realize that they didn't know his apartment number and were forced to make a U-turn to the nearest hotel. Even putting him to bed was a struggle for the both of them, let's just say Linda was very grateful to have worn flat shoes. Jeremy started to become nauseated, and they had to hold his head at the toilet while he vomited, 

"Are you sure he only had one and a half glasses of wine, " Jackson whined with his tie now crooked, he had never dealt with such a drunk person before, he reminded him of his kids when they were young and refused to go to bed. They finally got Jeremy to calm down, they left a glass of water and Linda left a note on the table with his phone.

The next morning Jeremy woke up shirtless and his head was banging as if he had been run over by a herd of angry bulls, he saw the colorful note placed on the table, and brushing his head he made his way over there:

"I didn't know your apartment number so we dropped you off at the hotel, the bill has been settled and the hotel staff will bring your shirt in the morning"

At that moment, Jeremy's memories of the previous night all started playing vividly, his face turned red and he became overwhelmed by a cold wave of dread. Remembering scenes from lunch, to the car and the hotel room, "What the hell??", he was too embarrassed to even mention Linda's name.

As his memories were flooding in, he was suddenly stricken by panic, he realized that he had to talk to Linda... he had to make sure that Grandpa Joseph did not say anything to her.