The family reunion - 3

As far as Jeremy knows, Rose was the one who owned the art galleries and based on what Linda told him, it was evident that she also believed the painting was given to her mom, Rose. However, it seems both of them may have gotten the facts wrong, the more he thought about it, the more he became convinced that there was more to the story, "Ma, so you are telling me that Josie is the one who opened the Paris Gallery?"

"Well, as far as I know, yes. In honor of her sister and also as an apology, anyway, I am not here to discuss the King's family matters, will you take over?", his aunt asked with greater anticipation.

Jeremy was so wrapped up in the Josie and Rose puzzle that he forgot the initial request from his aunt, but upon its mention, his brain immediately began weighing the pros and cons of taking over the business, and the potential risks and complications this will have on his plans. He thought about declining it, after all, he was on a clock with his uncle, and he had promises to keep, but also, it was something his aunt built for him, 'but why was she letting it go so soon?', he wondered. After some silence, he suddenly probed, " Aunt, isn't the business important to you? Why are you letting it go? Why are you letting it go now? and why me? I mean we haven't been on good speaking terms in years and you suddenly show up with a business proposition"

His aunt smiled awkwardly, "I have worked hard for most of my life, even harder when you were taken, I figured it is time I take a break..."

But Jeremy was not buying it, "Aunt, what's going on?"

Her face suddenly dropped and the mood turned gloomy, "Is that obvious huh? Truth is I wanted to wait until you come back to us on your own time, but I don't think I have such a luxury - Time."

Jeremy became alarmed, initially he just felt it in his gut that something was wrong but now his aunt just confirmed his suspicions, his heart tightened, "Aunt, stop being cryptic..."

She gently touched his hand in assurance and gave a warm smile to melt his worries, "I will tell you in due time. I promise, but for now, what's your answer?"

He sighed heavily and gave in to her request, "Okay, but aunt I don't know anything about running an Art Gallery-"

Her eyes lit up in an instant, and with an even wider smile, she said, "I had a feeling you would say that, so I already told Linda about the change in management, I was-"

"I heard my name..", Linda's voice suddenly echoed from a distance as she approached the table

Jin Ae with the same wide smile turned her attention to Linda, "Oh yeah! thank God you are here. Remember I mentioned the new director for Paris Gallery?"

Linda frowned, "Yes. So you are really leaving us? The art?"

"Well, not entirely, remember I have an art gallery in Korea as well?", his aunt chuckled, "I am not really leaving the scene, just reducing the workload, I will still run that gallery I sort of revived back at Itaewon. Your wonderful fiancé here will take care of everything this side, with my help for the time being, until he's settled, and also with your assistance... I hope"

At the mention of Jeremy assisting, Linda panicked realizing the potential obstacles this would create for her plans to unravel the mystery of her parent's death. She felt that having him involved could be dangerous, after all, as far as she knew, he was still under John's influence, "Wait... you mean to tell me that he will be the new director??", she said worriedly

"So it seems...", Jeremy chimed in not sounding too ecstatic about the idea himself.

They both sighed heavily, making Jin Ae smile at their cuteness, but before she could chip in, her phone suddenly buzzed and her face darkened as she got heavily immersed in it. Without breaking contact with her phone, she abruptly stood up and hurriedly said her goodbyes, "Uhm... so, it seems we will have to postpone lunch to tomorrow love birds, something urgent just came up. Linda dear, I will borrow your driver for just a few minutes.", without waiting for her response, she flashed a smile before she disappeared. 

Her absence and what she said about them being love birds led to awkwardness at the table. Although things were normal that morning, especially after the night they had, being alone for the first time in a public space left them not knowing how to act.

They were too shy to even look at each other,

" So.. "

"I..", they both spoke at the same time, followed by a soft chuckle,

Linda smiled, "Why is it so awkward?", she asked making Jeremy burst out with laughter, "You are a straight talker aren't you?", he replied unable to hide his amusement,

She chuckled, "Well, I don't know about straight, but yes, I don't like beating around the bush."

"That's good", he said while gesturing Kimberly to come over, who was somehow stealing glances at them, he then turned to Linda, "I know you haven't had lunch because of all the gala planning and stuff, so please have something on the house before going back to the office".

Just then Kimberly came over to their table with a notepad ready to take her order. Linda looked at her straight into her eyeballs because she saw her glancing over their table most of the time.

Unable to handle Linda's intense gaze, Kimberly anxiously lowered her head and stammered, "S-sorry ma'am, can I take your order?"

However, Linda flashed her a big smile, then turned to Jeremy and flirtatiously ran her fingers through her hair, "Anything babe? For real?!?", announcing her stance in his life thus making it clear to Kimberly that he was hers.

'Babe? Did Maggie and Jeremy break up already?', Kimberly wondered