Her father's sister -2

Sello was Linda's aunt, her father's sister. Every year her father's side of the family honor their invite to the gala in respect for her. Although they hated the Kings and blamed them for their son's death, they loved their niece to bits, they kept begging her to visit South Africa sometimes, but her work seemed to win every time.

"How did you know I was here and where are you staying this time around?", she asked as she led her to the hotel restaurant, with their arms interlinked

"Well. That gentleman assistant of yours told me, and what happened to the young one? Your cousin?", Sello asked silently, and they soon reached the restaurant. A very elegant place and they sat at a table by the window overlooking most of the city. Soon a waitress came to take their orders and flashed a smile before turning away from them.

Linda's eyes were sparkling at the sight of her aunt, she was that excited, "Oh, Freddy! He took a day off to look after Grammy, she passed out yesterday", she frowned, but it was quickly replaced with the excitement that was oozing out of her, "Where are you staying aunt??"

Sello could see that she was affected by Lilly's health hence she moved away from the topic as quickly as she did. As much as she didn't like the old witch, seeing Linda that hurt broke her excitement as well. "I am sorry about your grandmother love, I am sure she will be alright", she sent her a warm smile, before welcoming the subject change, "Well... I am staying at Glossy Rose Hotel-"

Linda furrowed her eyebrows, "Do you plan on finishing all of the hotels in town before you make it to my place",

"Linda dear, we have had this conversation before, haven't we?"

"Yeah, yeah, you can't because of my dad and you can't bear to be at the same place he nested, blah blah, I know... I know. But that doesn't mean I will stop asking."

"Of course dear, I know that too well because you are asking for the 10th time now".

They both laughed, and just then the elegant waitress came back with a tray of two coffees, she gently placed the cups in front of them and informed them when they could expect their order. Linda couldn't help but compare the restaurant to Jeremy's place, as expensive and elegant as it was, it missed the homey element, and the waitresses were very professional and elegant as if they were robots unlike at Jeremy's where they seemed to have personalities of their own.

She sighed heavily and a smile found its way to her face as she thought about him and how he seemed to be ridiculously occupying her mind as of lately. For a second she forgot she was not alone but it was too late to hide her blush because Sello already caught up on it, "hmmm, a boy?", Sello said casually, "Who is it?"

Linda tried to deny it but there was no fooling Sello, she remained persistent until Linda gave in, "Uhm, aunt, actually, I am getting married.", just like Jeremy, Linda didn't want to waste her favorite aunt's time over a phony wedding, but things were different now, she was falling for him, besides, she was going to find out soon, but a part of her hated keeping such news to herself.

Sello looked at Linda, waiting for her to announce that it was a joke, but her niece's face told her otherwise, "You are serious. Aren't you?"

Linda nervously looked down at her cup, "Yes, the engagement will be announced at the gala. I didn't tell you because everything started off as fake and I didn't want to waste everyone's time, but -"

"You have developed feelings for him...", Sello reached out her hand to Linda's, "Does he feel the same?", she asked quietly, 

"Um..I_", just then Maggie's face appeared in her mind and her face was suddenly covered in sadness, with a trembling voice, "I thought so. Um, now I am not sure.", a tear rolled down her cheek and she quietly wiped it off and smiled, "But he said no one is above me, but I am not sure, because, he-he's quite complicated.", Linda thought the reason he insisted on apologizing was because of her uncle and his revenge schemes.

Sello walked around the table to bury her in her arms, "It's okay sweety. You will be okay."

Linda sniffled, "Yeah, Sharon said the same thing", she pulled away, "People are watching Aunty, I don't like to be gossiped about you know", 

Sello smiled, "You silly girl, I see you are still selling that whole Ice Queen facade. Fine, I will go back to my seat.", 

Linda was always happy to interact with her aunt, she found her personality rejuvenating, a 40-year-old with a 20-year-old soul at the same time, she found her motherly side warming. The way she spoke to her and comforted her was everything a mother would do, she recalled the days she'd style her natural hair and the 3-years she stayed with her after her parents died, she was more of a young adult back then, a 20-year-old who gave up three years of her life to look after her niece. Now she's a full-grown woman, she even bleached her short hair white which went well with her fully matured curvy body and her voice had become more huskier. She was truly an amazing woman, she made sure she stayed in touch with her, although most of the other family members had grown distant because they got tired of asking her to visit, Sello was the only one who remained constant in her life, assuring her that she had a place in her dad's family tree.

Linda smiled at her lovingly, "Thank you for Aunty, for everything"

Sello nodded, and chuckled, "Let me know if you need anything, and it's okay to love, don't regret falling for that boy, in fact, he must be special to have captured the heart of this ice queen. I can't wait to see him and give him a piece of my mind".

Linda laughed softly, but soon she remembered the offshore accounts in her father's name and she had been looking for a way to ask her paternal family about him, but with Sello here, she decided to just go for it, after all, this is the person who knew him the most. If her father is alive and wants to be found, Sello would be the first to know,

"Aunt…", she suddenly said in a serious tone alarming Sello,

"What is it sweety?", her voice sounded worried,

Without any hesitation, Linda blurted, "Did dad have an affair while he was alive?"