Breakfast at Jeremy's 2

With a towel wrapped around her and brushing her teeth in front of the bathroom mirror, Linda could not stop gushing at the event from earlier, was she dreaming? This was really happening and her face was completely red. She didn't know Jeremy could be such a beast and domineering, he is always so sweet and gentle, she never imagined such a side to him. 

"Linda, your aunt, and Sharon are downstairs, they brought fresh clothes-", Jeremy's voice echoes through the door making her jump out of her head, in excitement, she quickly rinsed her mouth. She couldn't wait to tell Sharon about him. When she came out she found Jeremy standing by the bedroom door, 

"Uh-oh, I am losing control again...", he closed the space between them and snatched her lips for a hot, passionate kiss, 

Linda pulled back, "Hey, stop. My aunt is downstairs". Her face was red and she was feeling the excitement as well, but they had to stop. She pulled out of his arms, "...please give me some privacy to put on my clothes."

"What? After everything we've done? At least let me watch...I mean look at you, why would I want to leave your side, especially with that look on your face? I want you, now, two minutes. I promise I will be fast...", he said seductively as he pulled her closer by the waist

"Jeremy....", Linda whined,

"Linda...", he whined back, feeling satisfied with teasing her, he retorted, "Fine. I will leave you alone....for now. It's hard, but I will do it.", he let her go and headed for the door,

"Thank you....", she said softly,

Just before exiting the room, Jeremy turned to her, and with a serious tone, he said "You are amazing Linda. Beautiful and amazing, I love you.".

Linda was left speechless, the way he said it felt assuring and her heart skipped a beat. There and then, she vowed to protect Jeremy, she couldn't wait for the day when she could tell him she loved him as openly as he did.

Downstairs, Sello and Sharon were chatting and enjoying a fresh cup of coffee while waiting for Linda and Jeremy's famous pancakes when she finally appeared with a very special glow that caught both of their attention.

"No way!", Sharon exclaimed,

"You can see it too...", Sello said, both making her shy,

She tossed her eyes to the kitchen and saw Jeremy blushing with a particular hunger in his eyes, and she remembered what he said about finding her shy look a turn-on.

She instantly cleared her throat and tried to clear her mind of the thoughts that were suddenly flooding her, 'What is wrong with me?', she thought. Shortly after she arrived, Jeremy brought three plates to their table, "Pancakes for two pretty women and one gorgeous lady."

Seeing Linda so smitten, Sello couldn't help but tease, "Stop it...I don't think she can take any more of this, look at how she's gushing. Grab a seat nephew-in-law...."

Linda nodded in support of her aunt's suggestion and Jeremy obliged.

"The gala is in five days, are you guys ready? I know it's a big night for both of you...", Sello asked as she sliced her pancake,

"I think we are ready, right?", Linda said starring at Jeremy who frowned leaving her surprised 

"No, I haven't gone shopping...", Jeremy said in a more agitated tone

"What? I thought you guys already had your outfits...Linda said- Oh I see. I am disappointed in your niece.", Sello said with pure disappointment in her voice,

"What did I do??", Linda asked in shock, she gave him the list of colors he had to get, so she couldn't understand why he had no outfit.

Seeing how clueless her niece looked, Sello emphasized, "You can't possibly expect the man to go shopping on his own, what if he chooses the wrong colors, You know what? The both of you are going to get both your outfits today...". She loved Linda, she was a bright young lady, but she couldn't understand why she was always so slow when it came to dating. She was genuinely worried about her.

Linda cried in confusion, "But aunt, I already-"

"No, this is not a discussion.". Sello said more sternly forcing Linda to give in.

While Linda remained puzzled as to what just happened, Jeremy just smiled because that's all he ever wanted. Shopping with his fiancé. It was truly the perfect afternoon.

On the other hand, John decided to visit his parents. It's not something he normally did, but he figured he could see his mother, especially after the news about her collapsing reached his ears. Despite everything they've been going through, he really cared for his mother, after all, that woman always protected and rescued him. He found her in the garden tuning up her roses, 

"Shouldn't you be resting?", he said

"Why? Are you worried that I would suddenly die without reinstating you on my will...", she sneered

"Geez, mother-", John exclaimed, he expected that she would be surprised, but didn't expect such behavior

Lilly chuckled, "Just kidding honey. What brought you here?"

"Why didn't you tell me you collapsed?", John suddenly asked with a stern tone

"I figured you didn't care or were too busy to care...", Lilly said nonchalantly, 

"Maa!", John exclaimed in annoyance,

"What?! Is the truth... every time we see you, you are always so angry and vindictive. Always eager to leave. When was the last time you came to just say hi?"


" please don't blame me..", Lilly said still paying attention to her flowers,

Seeing that there was no winning, John sighed, "I didn't come to fight, I just came to check on you. But because I am not Linda, you haven't even offered me a cup of tea. ..."

"See? Vindictive. Tell me, why are you fighting her?", she suddenly stopped to look at him

"She took everything from me...", John said through gritted teeth

Lilly jumped to his face in anger, "No! After what you took from her, you have no right to say that."

John's face darkened, and with a pained voice, he cried, "It wasn't me Mother! How many times do I have to say it? It was not me! I would never do that to my own blood. I am everything, but not that."

Lilly took a step back, and reverted to her nonchalant self, "You say that....but everything points back at own son.", she shook her head in distaste,

John sighed heavily in pain, "You are never going to believe me...". 

She looked at him, she really wanted to believe him but there was so much evidence, besides his behavior towards her sister did not help his case, " forget the fake posts, the paparazzi, the sabotage..."

"Yes, to get them out of Global Tech, not to physically hurt them....I would never...". All these years he's been singing the same tune, but there's just no changing his parent's conviction and there's no way of proving his innocence. He understood his position very well, but he still hoped his parents would believe him.

"How about Linda, would you do that to her...?", Lilly suddenly asked, 

"...I think I should leave. This is why I never visit by the way.", He was not sure how to respond, so far all he'd felt for Linda was pure hate. No bone in him liked her, how could he like someone who was about to steal his empire?

"John...", his mother called him in the most affectionate way he'd heard in a while, he wondered if she finally believed him, and he turned to her abruptly with anticipation.

"Yes...", he said in a gentle tone,

"Linda didn't take anything from you. We gave it to her.", Lilly said with a cold and stern face sending chills to John.