The night before the gala...2

Linda's heart tightened as she watched Jackie search through her bag, and on impulse, her hand reached to stop her,

In a shaky tone, "Jackie, it was a long flight and you did say that you're tired, how about you go freshen up first... have some food, then when you're all refreshed, we can go through the file..."

Jackie could feel her hand slightly trembling, she was scared of what was in the bag, she was afraid of finding out the truth, she was not ready and Jackie understood, she instantly stopped what she was doing, and looked at her, "You know we don't have to keep digging..."

Linda nervously chuckled, "Am I that obvious?"

She smiled warmly, "Yeah, a little, and I get it. A lot can be behind the red door and once you open it, there is no going back. That's why I am saying we don't have to do this, and you really don't-"

She cleared her throat, and with determination on her face, she stood tall, "No, I have to do this... I must, I need to know what caused that plane crash. If it was foul play, I need to make sure my parents get justice and if it wasn't, then I can have some peace."

She grabbed both her hands, "Okay, I understand, but you need to be completely sure. The fact that I am here, means whatever I have will most likely change your life forever and it might change the way you perceive those who are dear to you. So you need to be prepared okay?".

She smiled nervously, "Yes, I know. Please, go freshen up. I'm sure I'll be ready by the time you come back...Jackson already took your bags upstairs."

Jackie smiled warmly before making her way up to her room, the moment she was out of sight, Linda made her way to her rage room. She hasn't used the room in a while and for the first time, she is using it for something other than her anger. She screamed as loudly as she could trying to get ahold of herself, "I have to do this....I know why I started this. I am very close...I can do this...", she said multiple times. For some reason she was terrified, they had done this before with Jackie, but this time she found herself even tempted to not open the file at all. She screamed and broke her bottles for what seemed like a long time before she finally came out to find Sharon taking out the takeout food from the big brown bag and placing it on the coffee table, with one look, she knew her friend was not okay.

"You were in the rage room, you never use the room unless you are angry....but this was not for anger, was it? Did someone make you angry?", she stopped whatever she was doing and stared at her with utter concern,

Linda looked up the staircase, "Where is my aunt?"

"She is not up there, she met with some friends from her younger days and they decided to go out for drinks or catch up or it's just me, you, and J-Jackie, I suppose?", she asked raising her eyebrows, 

Linda chuckled, "Yes, she is here. I think she is freshening up..."

Sharon sighed, "I see, and that's why you are in the rage room, did you find out something very damming?"

"I haven't opened it. I am scared Sharon, for the first time ever, I am dreading opening the file...", she said going to the couch where Sharon was, 

"The don't do it,", she said, "Don't open it until you are 100% sure....I mean whatever Jackie has is for you, for sure it could wait a day or two, so don't rush it."

Linda stayed silent for a few minutes contemplating what Sharon was saying, and based on the way her entire body relaxed at the idea, she could tell it had accepted it, "Okay, I guess I can open it after the gala..."

She exclaimed, "Oh yeah, right - the gala, that too. This is one of King's special events and I support that notion, get through the gala first..".

Linda breathed out and the whole tension melted away and the knot she felt in her stomach washed away, 'Just two nights', she thought to herself, 'I will know everything after two nights'.

Just then, Jackie descended the stairs in her black silky pajamas holding a red file, "Oh, the food is here...yummy"

"Yeah, we ordered Thai curry, your favorite.", Linda said,

"Nice. Linda this is the file.", she handed her the file, "You honestly don't have to look tonight, you can just keep it safe somewhere until you are ready..."

Linda laughed softly, "Funny, Sharon just said the same thing, but I would prefer if you keep it in your bag, and when I am ready, I will ask for it."

"Good, I will be here until you are ready..."

"What about school?"

"Don't worry. Our work will truly start once that file is open, and I will need to set up here - No pressure though."

Sharon raised her eyebrows, "Wait, do you know what is in there?"

Jackie chuckled, "Of course I do...", she winked, "Also, Freddy. This will give more time to work on him, so really, no pressure.."

Linda laughed, "I can't believe you are using my hardships for your gain...please don't corrupt my cousin..."

They all laughed, and from that moment on, the room was filled with nothing but soft laughter and chattery up until the moment Linda's phone buzzed. Jackie reached for it, and saw the pop-up: 

'I am outside babe', "Linda, why is Jeremy outside your house?"

Sharon looked at her mischievously, "He he he, you didn't tell her....then let me do the honors..", she cleared her throat readying for a dramatic announcement, "It is her boyfriend! But why isn't he coming in, he usually comes straight to the house..."

Linda grabbed the phone from gasping Jackie's hand, and she answered, "I am not sure, I-"

Jackie in a state of shock, grabbed Linda's arm, "Wait, wait, are you saying you and Jeremy are dating? Like officially dating? Like beyond the contract dating?"

Sharon answered casually unaware of Jackie's diminished smile, "Yeah, and he's here to pick up her and her dress, they plan on leaving for the gala together, so we will mostly meet them there. You don't have to worry, you will leave with me-"

"Worried?! Why are guys so relaxed?! I know I was one of the people pushing you together but I didn't think it was going to be serious...are you really doing this??"

Both Linda and Sharon were surprised by Jackie's reaction, she seemed more scared than just genuinely worried, "Jackie, what is with the reaction?"

"Listen, Linda, if you are going to do this, and be serious with Jeremy, then you must open that file.", she fretted,

Linda's heart dropped, 'What could be in that file', she now wondered what could have Jackie so shaken, while Sharon asked loudly, "Jackie, what is in that file that is frightening you so much?? and what does that have to do with Jeremy?", 

"I can't say, all I know is she has to open it. Also, how can you openly date your uncle's puppet like that, aren't you scared that he will turn on you? No - Actually, let me rephrase that....", she squinted her eyes, and with frustration in her voice, she yelled, " ...What will you do when he finally turns on you and burns everything you love to the ground?! He is working for John after all and does he know you know?"

"No, I don't...I am not aware that she knows...", Jeremy's voice laced with shock announced behind them, and with him was Sello who was also looking flabbergasted, "You work for John King?"