The Gala: Table 2

Freddy's eyes widened. How could he blurt out something like that? What was he thinking? No, he wasn't thinking. That's the problem. He was too frustrated and angry to even be in the same room as his grandparents, but his absence would cause concerns. He sighed, "I mean it is Linda who put all of this together, so we are technically here because of her. Without her, this wouldn't be possible - she didn't even ask for my help."

Sharon stared skeptically at him, "Is that why you are upset? Because your cousin didn't give you enough work??"

He gulped down his drink and then snarled, "Yes....that is exactly why. Now let's move on."

Sharon and Jackie instantly shared a look and none of them believed a word from his mouth. Freddy never liked organizing the family gala events, in fact, he always had an excuse, so why was he lying?

Fortunately for him, the entire table bought into his word, so he wasn't questioned any further, but that didn't mean that the mood suddenly improved, everyone was still shooting daggers at each other. They may have not voiced out their insults, but their eyes were loud, and they communicated their thoughts clearly and loudly. 

Ignoring the chaos on the table, Lilly sighed silently and clenched her dress underneath the table, 'Linda will know the truth, just not like this and not tonight'. Tonight is very important to the family.'. she silently thanked Freddy for keeping everything to himself. 

Joseph couldn't stomach the sad look on his wife's face, he leaned in to kiss her cold cheek, then whispered, "Everything will be okay..."

It didn't matter how many times Joseph assured her, Lilly knew the truth, after tonight, nothing will ever be okay. She might lose her precious forever - in fact, she is on the road to losing two grandchildren, all because of her selfishness.

After Linda's welcome speech on the podium, she handed the ropes over to the MC of the evening and then made her way to the table to join her family. Like magic, the mood at the table instantly brightened, as if everyone was thinking the same thing, 'Linda must not find out. She must not suspect anything...'

Sharon was taken aback by the sudden change in air, then concluded, 'Something is definitely happening here.'

Linda sat down, and Jeremy leaned in, "You were great out there and oh my word, you are beautiful. I can't even control myself.", 

Linda blushed, "Stop it, people are watching..."

"So what, soon we will officially be public, let's call this a teaser.", he kissed her on the cheek and those who were watching indeed gasped and began pointing at them, this included an unpleased Tony and a very happy John.

Unaware of Tony's sour expression, John leaned in, "See that... I told you our plan was coming together...soon my friend, soon we will take back everything that is ours..."

Tony awkwardly chuckled, "Yes, yes indeed you said...the plan is coming together", 'I need to stop it!', he thought, 'Damn that stupid girl! After the bold speech she gave, in the end she couldn't even stop the engagement, but there is still a way to use her. She seems ambitious enough. These two will not get married! It must never happen.'

An ecstatic John was blind to the storm coming his way, threatening his plans. In fact John was the happiest in the family. But seeing Linda's smile so widely and purely somehow made his heart tingle, 'Why am I feeling like this?', he placed his hand on his chest, 'could it be that I am genuinely happy for my niece and why did I suddenly think of my sister?'. He was unable to decipher the sudden wave of foreign emotions - something he's never felt before looking at Linda. 

Fearing he might be overthinking, he shook his head in denial, 'No no, it must be because I am getting closer to getting what is rightfully mine and she will be able to focus on what is hers, the gallery.'

Suddenly, a group of servers came around each table with a tray of stater, while the chef stood tall at the podium to explain what the guests would be eating. Everyone was pleased with the starter selection making Sello smile proudly at her niece, 

"Look at how impressed everyone is...and having the chef explain his dishes is truly a nice touch. I am proud of you." Linda's face lit up in happiness.

Unbeknownst to her, Jeremy has been watching her this whole time and her smiley face only made him even more eager to be with her. He suddenly placed his hand on Linda's lap, sending goosebumps all over her body, and her face turned completely red, making him chuckle, "Woman, I told you to not make such a face, I am already at my limit...."

Linda mumbled, "Then don't touch me like that..."

They were radiating with happiness so much that it sent a pang of pain to Lilly's heart making her wince. Joseph's face instantly turned dark in fear, "Honey, what is it??", he asked as silently as could and Lilly squeezed his hand and smiled, "It's nothing. I am just happy to see her smile so brightly",

'Happiness shouldn't make you wince...', Joseph thought but he knew why it would hurt. In a few hours, they would no longer have a space in their daughter's heart and they might never get to see her smile like that. Such moments would soon be a distant dream.

Realizing this, Joseph decided to give his wife one last precious moment, "Linda, instead of announcing the engagement yourself, how about you let your grandmother do it..."

Everyone was surprised at the sudden request, "Why?", Jin Ae asked with a hint of disapproval, "Why her?"

Joseph sighed, "Bec-"

"Yes! I would love that!", Linda yelled cutting him off - she didn't have to think about it. She knew that whatever the reason was, it must have been important, besides, she was just happy that her grandparents were finally at ease with her relationship with Jeremy, "It would really mean a lot to me."

Lilly's eyes lit up, "Thank you, honey...",

'Tonight might be the last time we get to see you happy like this - and be part of such a special moment..', that's what they thought as they silently watched their granddaughter openly bask in Jeremy's embrace.