Uncle's side of the story.

Linda couldn't believe the words out of John's mouth. After all, she'd spent her whole life being tormented by him, and he couldn't possibly expect her to think that he was innocent. She sighed in disbelief then followed a soft chuckle, "Uncle, my grandparents risked everything to protect you. You can't possibly-"

He strolled to slouch on the couch next to her, "I am sure you won't believe me and you are honestly the last person I expect to believe me, let alone take my side -and quite honestly I don't care." He loosened his tie, then exhaled, "I truly didn't kill your mother. Despite what everyone thinks or believes - I truly loved my sister. Yeah, I did a few nasty tricks here and there but I would never take it that far..."

Feeling irritated by his uncle's words, Linda raged, "So all the things you pulled on her you think were "just tricks", I don't think you fathom the damage you caused, You-"

He cut her off, "Are you going to let me finish??"

Linda pondered his question, she needed to know everything, who knows what clues could be hidden in her uncle's story, after all, if he truly wasn't responsible, his story could lead her to the real culprit. After thinking it through, she calmed herself and then nodded, "Fine, you can finish..."

John chimed, "Thank you. As I was saying...I may have pulled a few fast ones on my sister and manipulated the other sister into helping me - one thing for sure, I loved my siblings - in my weird way, or so at least I think. After my parents told me that I wasn't fit to run the company and wrote me off, I was devasted and angry. I spent my whole life training and studying for Global Tech. It was supposed to be mine, it was promised to me. Then suddenly, after a single mistake, I lost everything. It was given to her lover. Yes, I loved my sister but your father- that's a different story. He was only with her for mere months and worked at the company for mere months, but within that time, he managed to take all that was meant for me. How can I sit by and watch everything I worked for, everything I have known to be mine slip right through my fingers?? To a stranger? I had to do something. That's when the tricking and stunts began, to tarnish their names- but after some time, even those stunts started to work against me - I was beginning to look crazy in the public eye - unstable! After another one of my failed stunts, I decided to stop and just let it go. So I went to my favorite bar to drown my sorrows and bask in my failures. As I was sitting at a bar - feeling sorry for myself, contemplating my life going forward, wondering how it was going to look like without Global Tech, I was met by a familiar face, Tony, that man saved my life. He told me he would help me get my company back - the right way. He recruited me to his company as a shadow advisor, in that way, I could get more experience. At first, I was skeptical, but I accepted the offer, I figured, if I had to fight, at least my skills should match those of that man who took everything. However, as I worked with Tony, I started contemplating the idea of having my own company, in fact, I had started with the process. Fortunately for me, things were looking up and I had managed to secure potential investors, thanks to Tony's contacts. My life was in order and I was beginning to forget Global Tech - but one day, I received a phone call with the promise of a big investor - someone who will open doors for me. I was supposed to meet them in a private room at Queen Airport. It seemed too good to be true and something told me not to go, but after talking to Tony, he assured me that it would be fine and so I made my way to the meeting. I was a fool, I should have known something was wrong when I was asked to hand over a brown envelope to a pilot - I mean the person could have easily reached for that file, he didn't need me to hand it to him. Anyway, two days after that meeting the plane crash happened, and pictures of me handing over a file were sent to me via post with the instruction to request the police to drop the investigation. I was not going to follow through with the demands because I knew I was innocent and they would not find anything linking me to the accident but little did I know."