Linda was woken up by the sun rays that effortlessly pierced through the window, announcing the new day. She squinted her eyes due to the sudden discomfort before fully opening them. She was naked under the sheets, and next to her was a bowl of water with a washcloth that hung lazily on the edge of the bowl, next to it were dozens of medications, and she recognized the fever pills, "I guess I wasn't dreaming."
She heard footsteps and then saw the door handle turn slowly and on impulse, she pulled the rest of the sheets to cover her chest, and her eyes widened when she saw Jeremy waltz in with a tray carrying a bowl of soft porridge, "Jeremy! w-what are you-"
His eyes met hers and he found himself smiling, "Oh, good. You are awake, I was about to call the ambulance", he mocked,
"Why are you here?", she asked sternly,
He placed the tray on the other side of the bed, "Your grandmother called me last night saying you were crying like a baby begging for me to come", he sighed mischievously while touching her forehead, "Why would you torment the poor old lady like that?". He sighed, Good, the fever is completely gone. Eat up, we have a lot to do today?"
"Why did-?", she was instantly hit with the memories from the previous day, and tears began to fill up her eyes again, she looked up at him helplessly "Jeremy, my parents...", and his heart collapsed.
He held her tightly, "I know baby, I know. We got this okay. That's why you should eat up, we have a culprit to catch"
She sniffled, "How did you know?"
He exhaled, "Freddy..."
She allowed the tear to fall for the last time, then turned to him with a serious face, "I need your help."
He pulled out his phone and waved it in her face, "I'm already on it. So finish your food, okay? We have a long week ahead of us." She nodded gratefully and ate her food without complaining.
Meanwhile, Tony had called Maggie up to his home office. His eyes were darkened with rage and Maggie was seated on the couch with clenched hands and slightly trembling, she had never felt such a murderous aura before.
He hadn't said anything but she could tell what he was thinking, from his gaze on her to the cold movements of his hands as he picked up his coffee cup - Oh, he was angry, alright! Furious!
With a shaky voice, she cleared her throat, "Um, Mr. Tony....I just want to say that I am sor-"
Tony muttered coldly, "You are sorry...I know.", he stood from his desk and calmly made his way to the couch she was seated on, "You know Maggie, I am not angry. I am not angry that you used the money so don't worry, I won't ask for it back....", he cupped her trembling face and coldly gazed into her blue eyes, "I am not angry that you bought the wrong dress....that's your own stupidity...", he began to put pressure on his grip causing her to squirm in pain, "But do you know what I am angry about?"
She violently shook her head, "I don't know sir...I don-"
He pressed some more, "Come on, think...think...what could make me angry and I will let you go. Say it before I break your jaws right now!", he gritted his teeth,
With tears streaming down her cheeks, she whimpered, "I couldn't stop the engagement..."
He violently tossed her face aside, "There you go...I knew you were smart", he took out a handkerchief, "Wipe those tears.", he strolled back to his chair, "I am naturally a reasonable person Maggie and I know you are sorry....and to prove you are sorry, I know you will do this next task for me..."
She felt her chest close off, her heartbeat peaking, what had she done? She shouldn't have come back. This man was evil; her palms were sweating, but she had no choice now, she was his puppet. For the first time ever, she understood why Jeremy feared this man so much, and she nodded in fear, "Yes Mr. Tony...I will"
"Good", he took out a hotel key and a small plastic pocket with two red pills..."You will find a way to get my nephew to drink those at that hotel."
Her eyes widened, this was not what she wanted, without meaning to, she blurted out, "How sir, I don't think-"
Tony violently banged the table making her flinch, "I thought you were sorry". He pierced through her with his cold murderous gaze and her survival instincts kicked in.
She scurried to the table and took the pills, "As you wish sir....I will do as you tell me."
" have three me when he's taken the pills."
She lowered her head and ran out of the office, almost bumping into Jeremy's stepmother, "Sorry ma'am,", she said without making eye contact and Victoria smirked.
"Tony Tony, what have you done to that poor girl?!"
He loosened his tie to relieve some of his anger, "Don't worry about it and get your pretty little behind here..."
"Dear brother, my husb-"
"Since when do you care?", he asked
"You are right....I don't..", she moved to his lap
He held her face, "And I told you not to call me that when it's just me and you...I was adopted by your family goddammed! We are not related."
She smirked and moved her lips closer to his, and his coldness melted...' only she could handle the real me', he thought as their lips collided.
Back at the King's mansion, Linda, Lilly, Joseph and Jeremy were all seated around the table. They all had a single goal: to catch the culprit.
For the first time in their entire lives, her grandparents were meeting the famous ice queen. Linda's gaze was coldest and distant, she was treating them like her office workers. The room was in complete silence, no one dared to say anything until she cleared her throat, "Here is the thing, Jeremy has a plan and we will need both of you."
Lilly twinkled, "Anything darling....anything...your grandfather and I are ready. We also want to catch this person."
She smirked coldly, "Good. No takebacks.", she turned to Jeremy with a gentle expression, "Okay, over to you, baby. How do we catch this person."
He leaned back and grinned, "Simple, using my gang." and everyone's eyes widened,
"Did he just say gang??", Joseph turned to Lilly in shock.