What began as a simple scheme to win Jeremy back quickly became a nightmare. She spent nights thinking of ways to escape the hell she naively created and thought of all the bridges she burnt. Every night she was sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness with no hope left and no one to reach out their hands to her - or so she believed until she received a call from Jin Ae. She may have not known the reason for her call, but she knew this was her only hope - the last chance to slip from Tony's grip. Her home has become a prison and nights have turned to days because of him, and she knew his threats of ending her life with just a snap of a finger were not just words - she's heard the stories - only those were not just stories. To make matters worse, she overheard him talk about the drugs she is supposed to give Jeremy - a hypnotic drug that can stay in the human blood for over 24 hours - and for those hours, the subject becomes a suggestible mindless vessel easy to control. If that did not send her night terrors, nothing else would - whatever plans Tony had for Jeremy were not those of a loving uncle.
"Please...save me..", she trembled, "I can't do what he wants me to do and he's never going to let me go- I have to escape.."
Jeremy sighed and sank back on his seat, "My uncle...", he muttered void of any emotions,"After everything I told you about him - you still associated yourself with him - willingly?". His voice was laced with disappointment, only worsening Maggie's regrets. She knew very well what he was talking about - but those stories sounded too horrid to be true, hell, she even thought he was making some of it up, but now she's living that hellish experience. The very same hellish Jeremy warned her about, even she's disappointed in herself.
"I am sorry Jeremy...", she whimpered,
"Please...please help me. I can't do the things he wants me to-"
Unlike her trembling hands, Jeremy's expression softened even more, emphasizing his calmness, "Well, this is definitely some development - I thought I might have to beg you to work with me, but I guess the heavens are on my side-", he chuckled, "For someone who grew up with that man - let me tell you, there is no escaping. The best way to escape is to either offer him something extremely valuable or take him down, that's why I called you here. I want to take him down, since I have run out of things to offer him"
Maggie's face darkened even more and the fear in her eyes held Jeremy's answers. She didn't have to say it out loud, she was frightened of Tony -"Maggie..", he suddenly called out her name in a stern voice, "Maggie, be honest...did my uncle threaten you...Did he put his hands on you-"
Her eyes welled up even more, and she nodded, "He said if I don't get you to take these drugs - he was going to make me pay for wasting his time and money -", she wiped her tears and sniffled, "But Jeremy, why does your uncle hate you so much? What did you do? It can't just be about the company..."
He sighed, "At this point....I don't even know. I think the idea of me just disgusts him in general...", he folded his arms on his chest with determination, "But you know Maggie...I am tired of living under his thumb and living in constant fear - that's why I need your help. You don't have to do much....you just have to make sure that we get me to that hotel as my uncle instructed- just ahead of his schedule"
She was instantly covered in confusion, "I don't get it -- do you even know why he wants you to be there? and what are you planning?"
"Don't worry yourself about that - the plan. The less you know, the better and I don't know his plans, but I know why I need to be there. I guarantee you, this is the only way to free the both of us, and it's still a win for you, you still get to do as you were told-"
She thought quietly about it. Jeremy was right, she doesn't lose anything from this deal, she'll still get the job done - either delaying her death or buying her way out. "Fine, I will do it-", she sniffled, "What do I do with the drugs I am supposed to give you?"
"Classic Tony", Jin Ae scoffed, "Of course there were drugs involved. That explains why you are so rattled - you poor girl... you really did make a deal with the devil-"
It was times like this when Maggie wondered where it all went wrong, just a few months back, she was overseas without a bruise or eye bags, she blinked, and suddenly she was someone's pet, a pawn in a chess board being moved without her input, "All I wanted was Jeremy to come back to me-", she sighed, "--But none of that is worth it - I can't believe I am about to say this but I honestly just wanna go back to my old life -", she stood up, "you can keep the pills - apparently they have something do with hypnosis."
"Of course...is some weird illegal drug - so on brand with him.", Jeremy took the pills, "Thank you Maggie... I assure you all of this will be over soon."
Although still shaken by Tony, but her deal with Jeremy put her at ease. She will deliver him to Tony as they both want her to, and get to keep her life, at least for the time being. She left the eatery feeling more lighter and hopeful than she did when she walked in, 'I may even be able to sleep tonight...', she thought.
After she disappeared, Jin Ae turned to Jeremy, "Wow, that was easier than I thought..."
"I know right...", Jeremy retorted, "Now comes the big part - sneaking Linda in-"
"That's a big mystery...I wonder why she wants to do it herself? Why didn't you stop her?", Jin Ae asked concerned,
"These are her parents ...so I understand. Besides, apart from her being capable - she won't be alone...", Jeremy said beaming with pride
"Oh yeah...Mr. Knight is here-", she scoffed,
"Well...not me alone. You didn't think I was going to send my wife in danger without enough protection - did you? Speak of the devil-". He turned his attention to his phone and the corners of his lips curled up to a mischievous smile -"Uhm, aunt, I need to g-"
"Fine ...fine, go...I will lock up..like I have been doing these past days. Go!", he jumped to kiss her on the cheek, "Thank you aunt...you can have dinner on me, ask the cook to make you something..." and Jin Ae nodded,
He grabbed his jacket and headed to his fiancée who was patiently waiting for him to pamper her and ease her aching muscles.