Ch 251 - Eating your Tickets? ~Clerkess~

"I think you scared her away...."

"Don't care, let's go back!"

Hermione said with a smile and they walked back to the campfire at a very slow pace, while her face looking quite triumph.

When they did go back, only to find now Bagman and Crouch gone, but Luna was still there talking to Ginny.

"Well, I must be getting back. Daddy will begin to wonder where I've got to," Luna said, standing up and embracing Ginny, whom she cared for as though she was her actual sister.

Luna began saying goodbye to everyone, and she stopped for a brief moment when she got to Lucifer.

"It was really wonderful to see you again, Lucifer, I'll catch up with you on the Express," she then turned and walked away, blowing a small innocent kiss on purpose.

Hermione felt her eyes twitch in slight loathing. She didn't want to feel that way about Luna, but with how she talked to her boyfriend, Hermione couldn't help it.

They passed the time jovially until about Dusk when even the air had a hint of excitement to it, quivering with anticipation for the upcoming game.

The Ministry Wizards eventually gave up and let the people have their fun and excitement as the game drew closer.

Salesmen were apparating every few feet, carrying trays and pushing carts full of extraordinary merchandise.

There were luminous rosettes - green for Ireland, red for Bulgaria - which were squealing the names of the players, pointed green hats bedecked with dancing shamrocks, Bulgarian scarves adorned with lions that really roared, flags from both countries that played their National Anthems as they were waved.

Tiny models of Firebolts that really flew, and collectible figures of famous players, which strolled across the palm of your hand, preening themselves.

"Been saving my pocket money all summer for this," Ron told Harry as they, Hermione, and Lucifer strolled through the salesmen, buying souvenirs.

Though Ron purchased a dancing shamrock hat and a large green rosette, he also bought a small figure of Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker.

The miniature Krum walked backward and forward over Ron's hand, scowling up at the green rosette above him.

Lucifer wanted nothing more than to stomp that thing into the ground.

He didn't know why, but even just the look of Viktor Krum made him completely hate the guy, he wasn't sure exactly why.

"Wow, look at these!" Harry said, hurrying over to a cart piled high with what looked like brass binoculars, except that they were covered with all sorts of weird knobs and dials.

Lucifer walked over to get a better look at them.

"Omnioculars," the saleswizard said eagerly, "You can replay actions... slow everything down... and they flash up a play-by-play breakdown if you need it. Bargain - Ten Galleons each."

"Wish I hadn't bought this now," Ron said, gesturing at his dancing shamrock hat and gazing longingly at the Omnioculars.

"Four pairs," Harry said firmly to the wizard.

"No - don't bother," Ron said, going red.

"At the very least, don't bother with mine. I'm not letting you buy me anything, Potter," Lucifer said with a smirk.

"He'll be buying only two pairs," That's what he said, as he paid for his own Omniocular as well as Hermione's.

"Y-You didn't have to do that..." she said, her cheeks a light pink, "but thank you... I'll go get us some programs!"

They went back to the tents after their short shopping spree to see Bill, Charlie, and Ginny all sporting green rosettes as well, and Arthur was carrying an Irish Flag.

Fred and George had nothing as they had given all their money to Ludo Bagman.

Suddenly, a deep and booming gong sounded somewhere beyond the woods, and at once, green and red lanterns blazed into life in the trees lighting a path to the field.

"It's time!" Arthur said, looking as excited as anyone else, "Come on, let's go!"

Hermione looked at Lucifer and saw that he was more excited than he led on.

He was about to see a Professional game of Quidditch for the first time, and she was going to witness his excitement first-hand.

She had butterflies in her stomach from just the thought.

Clutching their purchases, Arthur had led them into the woods, following the lantern lit trail.

With Ron skipping along right behind him, eager to catch a glimpse of the Bulgarian seeker.

Harry was close behind Ron, as he didn't want to be stuck between Lucifer and Hermione who would more often than not be seen sharing loving kisses.

They could all hear the sound of thousands of people around them, hurrying and squealing excitedly.

The atmosphere around them was infectious and it was hard to not be excited for the game.

They walked for about twenty minutes, until at last they emerged on the other side and found themselves in the shadow of the gigantic stadium.

"Seats about a hundred thousand," Arthur informed them, having most likely spotted the look on Harry's, Hermione and Lucifer's faces.

"Ministry task force of five hundred have been working on it all year. Muggle Repelling Charms on every inch of it. Anytime a Muggle has gotten anywhere near here, they've suddenly remembered urgent appointments and had to dash away again.... bless them," he added fondly, leading the way toward the nearest entrance, which was already surrounded by many shouting Witches and Wizards.

"Prime seats," the Ministry Witch had said to Arthur after checking all of their tickets , "Top Box! Straight upstairs and as high as you can go!"

They hurried up, and Hermione almost waited, but Lucifer told her to go on, that he'd be right there.

The Ministry Witch took his ticket and was avoiding eye contact, at least at first she was.

When she looked up, her face said that she had confirmed her suspicion.

"M-Mr. Morningstar, a-an honor to b-be the one to check your t-ticket. S-Same as your friends," she smiled kindly at him.

"Thank you," he said and walked up after them.

As he climbed the stairs, he tried to find them, wasn't that far behind, but he had little success with how many people were busy getting into their seats.

During his climb, he came across Luna again, "Luna!"

She turned upon hearing her name and her smile grew.

"Lucifer!" She ran up to him and embraced him out of habit. He tensed a little bit, but wasn't as put off by it.

She let go of him a moment later, "Going up after Ginny and them?"

"You saw them pass?" He asked, having to talk louder than usual over the crowd of people.

"I did, I saw Hermione, she kept glancing back behind her, now I know why," Luna smiled an oddly cheeky smile.

"D-Don't know what you're talking about," he said, trying to play it off as nothing.

Luna's eyes danced with something he couldn't place, "You should've... um... you should've told me you were going to be here at the World Cup, I could've and would've gladly gotten you and your father better seats," he said, noticing that, while they were high, they weren't that close to the Top Box either.

"Oh, it's alright, just getting to come here at all is a wonderful thing, regardless of the seat you get, but it would've been nice talking to Ginny..." Luna trailed off, looked away, glanced back at him for a moment, then looked away again.

"At the next world cup, just let me know and I will," he smiled at her and said goodbye, continuing the search for his girlfriend.

Because of how many people he still had to push past, it took him even longer than it should've to get up to the Top Box.

Upon finally making it up there, Lucifer heard the voice of Cornelius Fudge, and he did not like what he said, "... ah, and here's Lucius!"

He indeed saw Lucius Malfoy, or at least the back of him.

Standing, assumedly glaring at the Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione.

"Ah, Fudge," Lucifer saw him holding out his hand to the Minister, "I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa? Or my son, Draco?"

"How do you do, how do you do?" Fudge said, smiling as he bowed to Narcissa, "and allow me to introduce the Bulgarian Minister, Mr. Oblansk - Obalonsk - well, he can't understand a word I'm saying, so it matters little. I daresay you've met Arthur Weasley, yes?"

Lucifer walked right up behind him, no one noticed him at all yet.

He did hear Lucius speak softly, "Good lord, Arthur... What did you sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?" 

Tapped Lucius on the shoulder, who turned and saw damn boy, "Oh, you, what are you doing up here in the Top Box? Get your ticket like Arthur did?"

"I paid for mine, actually, what did you do, threaten Bagman for three tickets?" Lucifer asked and stood there, unmoved by Lucius' attempt at attaining the dominant ground, but he didn't wait for an answer, "Now get out of my way."

"You will show me respect, boy!" Lucius hissed, trying the same thing as at the end of his Second Year.

Hermione was standing now to see her boyfriend more clearly, who dismissed Lucius' words.

"Move out of my way, or I will move you out, the choice is yours." Even without his eyes being red, Hermione saw the menacing look he was giving Lucius.

"You will not talk to my husband that way!" Hermione turned and saw Narcissa standing.

Lucifer turned to look at her.

He didn't say anything, but she faltered ever so slightly under his glare.

He turned back to Lucius, "Last time I'm going to tell you," his eyes started to glow a dull red, "get out of my way, or I will force you to move away."

Fudge grabbed Lucius by the arm, "Just move, for the love of Merlin..."

Fudge didn't want a scene to happen at the World Cup, for any reason at all.

He was willing to be lenient this time given the heritage of Lucifer, coming from the most Noble Bloodline.

Lucifer watched him the entire time he was made to move by Fudge, his red eye dissipating into its usual black color.

He tore his eyes from Lucius, briefly noticing a House Elf sitting in the same row that the Malfoy's chose to sit, and made to sit next to Hermione.

He didn't know it, but Ron had almost sat in the seat beside her, Harry was in the seat on her right, but she threatened Ron with great pain if he took the seat she was saving for Lucifer, so Ron had to sit on Harry's right side.

Hermione looked at him as he sat down, everyone in the immediate area returning some sense of normalcy.

At least, until she heard Draco mutter something under his breath.

She looked at Lucifer again, he closed his eyes and was trying his best to remain calm.

Then Hermione heard Lucius speaking, but he was a little louder than his son, "Purebloods associating with such-"

It happened faster than even Hermione expected.

Lucifer was on his feet, over the seat,

and had grabbed Lucius Malfoy by the scruff of his clothing, lifted him off the ground, and had his wand pressed into the man's neck."Finish the sentence. I. Fucking. Dare you."

Hermione looked around and saw many people in the Top Box looking at them.

She saw the Bulgarian Prime Minister and he seemed amused by the situation.

"Lucifer, c-calm down now-" Fudge tried to mediate the situation, but he showed no sign of even lowering his wand.

"Finish it!" Lucifer yelled angrily.

People upwards of forty feet away were looking in their direction to see what was going on.

It was only Hermione's intervention that stopped him.

"Lucifer," she had stepped over the seats and was standing beside him, "he's not worth it, okay? He isn't worth all this trouble," she placed her hand on his left tricep.

He took longer than usual, but he eventually dropped Lucius down into his seat.

"You, or your worthless son even so much as think about talking down on Hermione again, or even dare to use that derogatory term in front of me, I'll skin you alive and leave your carcass for my hounds"

The Weasley's had never seen Lucius Malfoy afraid, not once in their lives, until that promise Lucifer had made to him.

The fear in his eyes was impossible to miss.

Lucifer limbed over his seat with Hermione and settled back into the chair when Ludo Bagman arrived.

"Everyone ready-" he paused for a moment, "What happened?" He had asked just as the Malfoy's got up and moved farther down the Top Box to different seats.

"Just get on with it, Ludo, please?" Fudge almost begged of him.


Author's Note

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