Third person POV

A young boy asked his grandpa

"hey grandpa who is our king. Many people are talking about it today

When previous king and queen died. Crown prince was become the king but. Prince is in coma from a long time so right now all the authorities are under the crown prince wives

Grandpa see there is joker .

Hey don't run ....

Third person POV

In the dimly lit room, the cold air clung to the shadows as the person slowly awoke from their slumber within the confines of a coffin. With an eerie silence, the lid creaked open, revealing a figure with chiseled features and an otherworldly handsomeness.

His eyes, a mesmerizing blend of dark red

and the warm hues of the sun, flickered open, adjusting to the subdued light.

A chill resonated in his voice as he spoke, "I am thirsty." The words echoed in the confined space, carrying an undertone of a mysterious origin.

As he emerged, his jet-black hair fell in disarray, framing his pale complexion that seemed untouched by the passage of time.

The room remained shrouded in darkness, emphasizing the contrast with his striking appearance.

The handsome stranger stood, a spectral silhouette in the muted glow, his eyes reflecting a unique blend of darkness and the fiery warmth of the sun.