After placing Ava gently in bed, I found myself drawn to a familiar direction.



After some time,

I stood in front of my room, a place where childhood memories lingered.

The room, now filled with the echoes of the past, held a certain nostalgia and the weight of a history that shaped my journey.

As I placed my hand on the door, various patterns started to appear and glow.

I recognized these intricate patterns as ruin magic, each symbol carrying its own significance.

The room, steeped in memories, now revealed a layer of enchantment and mystique, hinting at the magical elements interwoven with my childhood experiences.

Upon stepping into the room, a mysterious atmosphere fills the air.

The furniture stands untouched, and a captivating painting hangs on the wall, its colors still vibrant despite the absence of any dust, leaving an intriguing sense of preservation in this untouched space.

On the wall, a cherished picture captured a moment frozen in time – my mom, dad, me, and my little brother.

Mom's eyes shimmered with a golden hue, complementing her beautiful red hair. Meanwhile, my father showcased red eyes paired with black hair. Inheriting my father's features, I observed the image of my little brother, who possessed red eyes and white hair. The room, adorned with this snapshot of family, resonated with the bonds and connections that shaped my upbringing.

As I moved toward the picture on the wall, an unknown force seemed to pull me closer, as if there were unseen threads connecting me to that cherished moment frozen in time.

The room, filled with the echoes of my family's presence, became a space where the past exerted its captivating influence on the present.

As my fingertips made contact with the picture, a radiant glow emanated from it. Along the edges, similar runes started to appear, forming a pattern that seemed to unlock a hidden realm beyond the painting.

A box materialized, suspended in the magical aura, inviting exploration and unveiling a mysterious dimension concealed within the artwork. The room, with its magical revelations, held a sense of wonder and anticipation.

"What is this?" I exclaimed, astonished by the magical display unfolding before me.

The mysterious box suspended beyond the painting held the promise of secrets waiting to be unraveled.

The box exuded a dark aura, creating an atmosphere of intrigue. As I cautiously opened the box, I discovered a book nestled inside. The room, with its magical undertones, seemed to pulsate with the weight of ancient knowledge encapsulated within the mysterious contents of the book.

As I gazed at the book within the box, a flicker of recognition crossed my mind. It seemed to be the same book that I had been reading before losing consciousness, as fragments of that memory surfaced with a hazy clarity.

As I touched the book, there was no immediate reaction.

The room, steeped in magical ambiance, maintained a momentary stillness.

The lack of an immediate response added an element of suspense, leaving me to ponder the significance of the mysterious book and its connection to the unfolding events.

The lack of immediate reaction left me pondering, "Is this a normal book?" As I inspected it further, the room, with its magical undercurrents and the weight of memories, became a stage for unraveling the secrets concealed within the seemingly ordinary pages.

Uncertain about the book's purpose, I decided to keep it for the time being.

As I held it, I noticed that the book was locked, preventing me from exploring its contents. The room, with its mystical aura and the lingering echoes of the past, held a secret yet to be unveiled within the confines of the enigmatic tome.

As I gazed toward the window, the sun is about to dawn

Let me take care of this war thing first

I thought

I started my journey toward the eastern border, approximately 5000 km away. With a single jump, I launched into the air, the room and its magical aura fading as I embarked on a journey under the twilight sky. The night beckoned, and the room's mysteries were momentarily left behind as the world unfolded beneath my airborne strides.

To be continued