As the sunlight illuminated her room, a maid's gentle knock disrupted the tranquility. "Lady Ava," the maid's voice called from beyond the door, "there is some important news related to the war. The Prime Minister has requested your presence." The weight of the message hung in the air, signaling the resumption of Ava's duties and the gravity of the kingdom's affairs amidst the turmoil of war.

"Alright," Ava replied, her voice carrying a sense of determination. "Tell him to wait for some time. I am coming." With that, she began to prepare herself for the meeting, the room's tranquility momentarily disrupted by the urgency of the kingdom's affairs.

As Ava entered the meeting hall, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of urgency. The Prime Minister and other key figures were already present, their expressions grave as they discussed the latest developments in the ongoing war. Ava took her seat, her mind focused on the task at hand, ready to contribute to the discussions and decisions that would shape the fate of the kingdom. The room, with its high ceilings and ornate furnishings, became a stage for the weighty matters that awaited their attention.

"Your Highness," the Prime Minister and other attendees greeted Ava as she took her seat. The room, with its high ceilings and ornate furnishings, became a stage for the weighty matters that awaited their attention. Ava's presence, as a key figure in the discussions, added a sense of gravity to the proceedings as they delved into the latest developments in the ongoing war.

"Yesterday night, the enemy soldiers surrendered," the Prime Minister, a middle-aged man, informed Ava and the other attendees. The news brought a moment of relief, but the gravity of the situation remained. The room, with its high ceilings and ornate furnishings, became a stage for the weighty matters that awaited their attention. Ava's presence, as a key figure in the discussions, added a sense of gravity to the proceedings as they delved into the latest developments in the ongoing war.

The Prime Minister's revelation about the unknown figures who aided in the war effort, particularly the one who wielded blood magic, sparked a discussion among the key figures present.

"Who could these unknown figures be?" one of the advisors pondered aloud. "And how did they come to possess such powerful magic?"

Another advisor chimed in, "It's true that blood magic is a rare and powerful form of magic, typically only wielded by royalty of Verdian descent. Could it be that these unknown figures are somehow connected to the royal family?"

The Prime Minister nodded thoughtfully. "It's certainly a possibility. However, we must proceed with caution. If these individuals are indeed connected to the royal family, their motives and allegiances may not align with our own."

Ava, listening intently, spoke up. "We must gather more information before jumping to conclusions. Let us not forget that our primary goal is to secure peace and stability for our kingdom."

The discussion continued, with each key figure offering their insights and perspectives on the matter. The room, with its high ceilings and ornate furnishings, became a forum for the exchange of ideas and strategies as they sought to unravel the mystery of the unknown figures and their role in the war.

As the meeting concluded, Ava left the meeting hall, her mind preoccupied with the discussion about the unknown figures and their connection to the royal family. As she made her way through the corridors of the castle, she encountered one of the maids.

"Do you know where His Highness Lucus is?" Ava inquired, her voice tinged with urgency. The maid, taken aback by the sudden question, hesitated for a moment before responding.

"I believe His Highness Lucus is in his study, Your Highness," the maid replied, her tone respectful. "Shall I escort you there?"

Ava nodded, grateful for the assistance. "Yes, please," she said, and the maid led the way to Lucus's study. The room, with its shelves lined with books and the scent of parchment in the air, held a sense of familiarity as Ava entered, her thoughts still consumed by the mysteries that had unfolded during the meeting.

As Ava entered Lucus's study, she noticed a figure sitting on the sofa, engrossed in the books that lined the shelves. The person had long black hair that cascaded down their back, and their eyes, a striking shade of red, were focused intently on the pages before them. The room, with its shelves lined with books and the scent of parchment in the air, held a sense of familiarity as Ava entered, her thoughts still consumed by the mysteries that had unfolded during the meeting.

The air was thick with tension as she stared at the figure before her, her eyes glowing an eerie blue for a fleeting moment. It was then that she realized this was not the real Lucus, but a mere duplicate created through the of blood magic.



The duplicate looked at her and said, "Hello, my name is Linda." As hespoke, his appearance changed into a woman with orange hair and yellow eyes. After that, she continued, "You must be Lady Ava, right? I am one of the master Lucus summons."




To be continued