In the quiet confines of his chamber, the young boy stood before the mirror, his reflection illuminated by the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the window. His striking white hair cascaded in elegant waves, framing his angular features, while his ruby-red eyes sparkled with a mesmerizing intensity.

The maid's gentle voice interrupted his reverie, pulling him back to the present moment. "Young master, today is your wedding," she announced softly, her words hanging in the air with a weight of anticipation.

With a nod, the young boy turned to face the maid, his expression a mask of calm resolve despite the flutter of nerves stirring within him. "Thank you," he replied, his voice steady yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

As he made his way to the wardrobe, the young boy's thoughts drifted to the events that had led him to this momentous day. The alliance forged between his kingdom and the Kingdom of Sovernia, the delicate negotiations that had paved the way for this union, and the role he was destined to play as the second prince of Verdía.

With practiced ease, he selected his attire for the day, opting for a suit adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate embellishments. Each garment was chosen with care, reflecting not only his status but also the significance of the occasion.

As he began to dress, the young boy couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him, mingled with a touch of apprehension. Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one that would irrevocably alter the course of his future.

But amidst the uncertainty and the weight of expectation, one thing remained constant—the unwavering resolve to fulfill his duties with honor and integrity. And as he donned the final piece of his attire, a sense of purpose settled over him, guiding him forward into the unknown with quiet determination.

Pov of Krish

As I stepped into the grand hall where the ceremony would soon commence, my eyes were immediately drawn to the figure standing before me—the radiant bride. She stood there, a vision of beauty and grace, her presence commanding the attention of all who beheld her.

Her gown was a masterpiece of elegance, adorned with intricate lacework and delicate floral patterns that seemed to dance across the fabric with every step she took. The neckline dipped modestly, yet it accentuated the graceful curve of her collarbone, adding to her allure.

But it was her hair that truly captivated me—a cascade of rich purple locks cascading down her back, reaching past her wrists in a stunning display of color and vibrancy. Each strand seemed to shimmer in the soft glow of the candlelight, casting an enchanting aura around her.

And then there was the golden veil—a delicate masterpiece woven with threads of shimmering gold that caught the light and cast a warm glow upon her features. It framed her face in a halo of light, enhancing her already stunning beauty and leaving me breathless.

As I approached my bride, a sense of awe washed over me at the sight of her. In that moment, surrounded by the opulence of the hall and the hushed whispers of the gathered guests, I knew that I was about to embark on a journey that would change the course of my life forever.

Taking her hand in mine, I felt a surge of anticipation and excitement coursing through me. With a heart full of hope and love, I was ready to begin this new chapter together, to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited us as husband and wife.

The ceremony began as soft music filled the air, its gentle melody weaving through the grand hall, setting the stage for the momentous occasion unfolding before us. The guests, adorned in their finest attire, watched with bated breath as the bride and groom stood side by side, their hands intertwined in a gesture of unity and devotion.

At the front of the hall, the officiant—an esteemed member of the clergy—stood solemnly, his voice resonating with the weight of tradition and ceremony as he began to recite the sacred vows. Each word was imbued with significance, a solemn promise to honor and cherish one another for all eternity.

As the vows were exchanged, the bride and groom's eyes met, their gazes locked in a silent exchange of love and commitment. In that moment, it felt as though time stood still, the world around them fading into insignificance as they pledged their hearts to one another.

With the exchange of rings, the ceremony reached its climax, sealing the bond between the bride and groom in a sacred union. The rings, symbols of eternal love and devotion, were placed upon their fingers with reverence, each touch a testament to the depth of their connection.

As the officiant pronounced them husband and wife, a wave of joy swept through the hall, accompanied by the triumphant peal of wedding bells. The guests erupted into applause, their cheers echoing off the walls as the newlyweds exchanged a tender kiss, sealing their vows with a promise of everlasting love.

And so, amidst the splendor of the grand hall and the warmth of their loved ones' blessings, the bride and groom embarked on their journey together, ready to face whatever the future held with hearts full of hope and anticipation.

As the ceremony reached its crescendo, a sudden rumble echoed through the grand hall, sending a shiver of unease rippling through the assembled guests. All eyes turned towards the gates, where the source of the disturbance seemed to originate.

The thunders sound grew louder, reverberating through the air with an ominous intensity. Whispers of concern filled the hall as the guests exchanged nervous glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

The officiant paused mid-sentence, his voice faltering as he turned to look towards the gates with a furrowed brow. The bride and groom exchanged a worried glance, their hands tightening instinctively as they braced themselves for whatever might come.

In the tense silence that followed, the thunders sound grew louder still, its relentless rhythm pounding against the walls of the palace like a harbinger of impending doom. And as the gates swung open with a resounding crash, revealing the ominous silhouette of an approaching storm, the atmosphere in the hall crackled with uncertainty and fear.

With a deafening blast, the gate was blown away, hurtling towards Krish and the wedding party with frightening force. Panic rippled through the hall as guests scrambled for cover, their cries of alarm drowned out by the chaos unfolding before them.

But before disaster could strike, a figure emerged from the shadows, swift and decisive in his actions. It was Roman, one of the kingdom's most talented knights, his brown hair swept back as he moved with unparalleled speed and precision.

Clad in his knight's uniform, Roman leaped into action, drawing his sword with a fluid motion as he intercepted the flying debris. With a series of lightning-fast strikes, he sliced the gate into pieces, each cut executed with impeccable skill and timing.

The fragments of the gate clattered to the ground harmlessly, mere inches from where Krish and the wedding party stood. A collective sigh of relief swept through the hall as Roman stood before them, his stance unwavering, his gaze focused and determined.

"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice calm yet urgent as he surveyed the scene before him. His swift intervention had averted disaster, but the threat still lingered, lurking on the fringes of the kingdom's borders like a shadow waiting to strike.

As the guests began to regain their composure, Roman remained vigilant, his senses heightened as he scanned the horizon for any sign of further danger. For he knew that the safety of the kingdom depended on his readiness to defend it against whatever threats may arise.

As the echoes of the blast subsided, a chilling silence descended upon the hall, broken only by the sound of approaching footsteps. All eyes turned towards the entrance where the remnants of the gate lay scattered, anticipation and fear hanging heavy in the air.

And then, emerging from the debris, came a figure unlike any other—a monstrous yet humanoid shape, its presence casting a pall of dread over the assembled guests. Four eyes adorned its face, each closed as if in slumber, yet there was an unmistakable aura of malevolence emanating from its form.

Clad in a sleek suit that seemed out of place against its grotesque features, the creature strode forward with an unsettling grace, its movements fluid yet unnerving. With each step, the air seemed to crackle with an otherworldly energy, sending a shiver down the spines of those who beheld it.

Whispers of fear rippled through the hall as the guests recoiled from the sight before them, their expressions a mixture of horror and disbelief. What manner of being was this, and what dark purpose had brought it to their doorstep on this joyous occasion?

As the creature drew closer, its presence loomed larger, filling the hall with a sense of foreboding that seemed to suffocate the very air. And as its four eyes remained closed, veiled in an eerie stillness, the true nature of the threat it posed remained shrouded in mystery, leaving the wedding party to confront the unknown with trepidation and uncertainty.

As Wishper stood before the bewildered guests, his sinister smile sending shivers down their spines, he began to speak. "Allow me to introduce myself," he began, his voice dripping with malice as he savored the terror that filled the air. "My name is Wishper."

But before he could utter another word, a voice from the crowd erupted in a panicked shout. "Who are you? Who gave you permission to come here? Where are the guards?" The words cut through the tension like a knife, the fear in the speaker's voice palpable.

Before the man could finish his sentence, however, a chilling transformation unfolded before their eyes. His body began to disintegrate, his limbs separating from his torso in a grotesque display of violence. Horror swept through the hall as the guests recoiled in shock, unable to comprehend the horror unfolding before them.

In a matter of seconds, all that remained of the unfortunate guest were scattered body parts strewn across the floor—a grim testament to the power Wishper wielded. Silence descended upon the hall, broken only by the gasps and murmurs of disbelief that rippled through the stunned onlookers.

With a cold, calculated smile, Wishper surveyed the chaos he had wrought, relishing in the terror that gripped the room. "As I was saying," he continued, his voice dripping with malice, "allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wishper, and I have come to claim Your Life.

The air grew heavy with tension as the guests exchanged anxious glances, their minds racing with fear and uncertainty. What dark purpose had brought Wishper to their doorstep, and what horrors awaited them in the shadow of his presence? As the realization of their predicament sank in, the wedding party braced themselves for the coming storm, knowing that they stood on the precipice of a battle for their very lives.




To be continued