The next day Troy woke up and prepare for work,as he arrived at the supermarket he met Clara looking at him with a smile he then smiled back as he walked towards her, for a second he thought he saw a boy staring angrily at him but he decided to wave it off.

When he met with her, she then thank him for walking home with her, upon hearing this the memory of yesterday peck flashed past his head and his face turned red in embarrassment.

N..oo nee..d to thank m..e he stammered, Clara then burst into laughter seeing him this way as she found him cute.

Troy is a boy with short brown hair reaching his ears and came down reaching his eyebrows it made him very handsome.

After she admired him for some time they then started their work.

Soon they were done and not long after night came and they begin their night shift, after collecting their money Troy then walked home with Clara.

Upon arriving at her house Troy was expecting a kiss this time but instead she hugged him, but still he likes it.

Soon she let go and bids him goodbye,as they departed Troy walked home planning to confess his love to her soon.


At an apartment a boy sat on a chair and in front of him was the picture of Troy, which he took secretly.

What does she saw in him, what am I lacking that he has what is the problem with me said the boy as he banged the table.

But no problem if she doesn't love me, I will not allow her to love that newbie I must kill him no matter what,or I should be expecting an invitation card to their wedding.

No I can't let that happen no matter what he must die, after he dies and she cries for him I will console her and from there she will like me, that's a good plan get ready newbie for your funeral HA HA HA HA HA.


One week passed by since Troy started working at the supermarket, he and Clara had gone closer.

After saving all the money given to him for night shift he can now afford a new set of clothes and even bought some food.

Apart from the money from night shift, they also received money from the customer for helping them with their loads, things were going smoothly for Troy.


The boy in the receptionist decided to take a leave today as he fold his clothes he picked up his tag which have the name Fred.

Today I will make sure you never see Clara again newbie said Fred, he then picked up his phone and dialed a number.

(Yes who's this).

Hello sir, actually I got your number from my friend I have some work for you said Fred.

(If you want to talk about business come over to biker's club) and the call ended.

I have to endure this rudeness to achieve my goal said Fred, as he went out of his house and took a cab to the location.


Upon arriving there Fred called again and ask where they could meet, and he was told to entered and walked towards the bar he will meet a guy in black coat.

And he did as he was told, he saw the black coat guy and he was lead towards a curved shape couch with a single couch.

He could see six men sitting on the couch and puffing out cigarettes smoke.

Sit down and get to the business said a man in the middle,um I would like you to kill someone for me said Fred.

Picture of the person asked the man, Fred then brought out his phone and show them the picture of Troy.

How much are you offering asked the man,2 million said Fred.

All the men were shocked as how he has such a money.

Fred is a rich boy as his father is a business man, he is spoilt by his mother but his brother is a responsible child.

One day Fred harassed a supermarket staff, which affects his father's reputation so as punishment he will have to work as a supermarket staff in another city, when he tried to object his father promised to disown him if he object.

He then have no choice but to accept, that's why he's working at a supermarket.

Do we have a deal asked Fred,yes we do said the man.

I will like it to be like an accident so no suspicion will be raised said Fred,no problem your work will be done tonight.


Back at the supermarket the night shift had just ended and Troy was collecting his cab payment, after he was done he and Clara then walked home together.

As they walked home troy was contemplating whether he should confess his feelings for her, Clara um I

Just say it already said Clara, I have fallen for you would you like to be my girlfriend asked Troy.

Clara then walked up to him and kiss him in the lips, that's a yes as she bid farewell to him.

Troy face was red like a tomato, I can't believe she accepts.

Troy was walking back home with excitement as he's preparing a new relationship with Clara.

As he walked past a corner he saw two men in Black walking in his direction,at first he thought it was normal but soon they started walking faster.

Troy has a bad feeling about the men he started walking as fast as he could, suddenly another man in Black appear in front of him he's then certain that they are bad news.

Troy decided to make a run for it, but before he could a rod hit his head as he fell down, look if it's money you want you can take it but please leave me alone.


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