Astral Beast Wave 15!

Brenden Smith rose from his chair, a bewildered expression on his face as he gazed at the assembled group of scientists "Huh? What do you mean we are no longer in our Milky Way galaxy?" 

Rick Alucard glanced over at Brenden Smith and elaborated, "It means our planet- no, our solar system is not in the Milky way galaxy 

"We can't see our neighborhood galaxies like Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy, and Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy anymore."

"And the constellation stars around us have changed so drastically that we can't recognize any star around us in the sky."

Joshua Brown was shocked to the core and asked "T-Then what about the space station and satellites?"

Rick Alucard nodded his head "Mr. Brown, they are safe. We have somehow been teleported to an entire different galaxy along with our solar system."