From Captive to Carnage [6]

A sleek ark was dashing through the space at full burst speed leaving behind a blue trial.

Inside the ark, Ji Shuang stood near the viewing deck with her hands clenched behind her back 'Hope nothing happened to them...'

As she continued her flight, her gaze suddenly squinted, looking at the blue black line in the distance.


Her eyes narrowed and as soon as she reached there, she saw a massive line of enormous arks blocking her path.

Looking at the arks' patterns, she instantly recognised 'Longqing Ridge?'

Longqing Ridge is one of the six apex stars in the High Stars cluster.

And by the looks of it, its pretty sure they are not passing by "They are clearly blocking my way..."

As her ark dashed toward the line of arks, she got out of the ark and went forward.

A moment later, from the largest ark in the blockade, a figure emerged and stepped out.