The Primordial Beast Of Chaos

In the beginning the Almighty Yahweh created the cosmos with all the universes and their mortal and heavenly realms. He then released his divine power into his creation in the form of mana birthing nature and all creatures of the planets.

Following that, he created and implemented the 'scales of polarity' which served the purpose of balancing out order and chaos in the cosmos.

The large concentration of mana in the heavenly realms soon condensed and transformed into divine mana bringing about the birth of gods, deities, demigods, spirits and heavenly angels. These divine beings were given the role of monitoring the mortal world as the Almighty had clearly taken a hands-off approach. The Angels were meant to serve as guards for the realm of the Almighty Yahweh originally, but got free reign after the Almighty went into seclusion.

In one of the many universes was a planet called Earth. It was one of the planets that took extremely well with the mana and brought about multiple lifeforms including mankind; made up of both humans and demihumans.

As mankind continued to revere these divine beings, it only served to make them even more powerful. As beings of order, the more powerful they became, the more the scales of polarity were forced out of balance.

In the course of a few millennia, the universe itself sought to restore balance by bringing about the birth of chaos; a child born between Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth and Tartarus, the spirit of the netherworld. The child's name was Typhon, a being of cosmic power fueled by the Earth itself.

At this time, the gods had been split into various pantheons and had all but cut-off connection between each other. They began to feel threatened as Typhon's fearsome power grew as the centuries passed, begining to reach out of their control.

They then resolved to send scores of lower deities to find and eliminate the threat. This action turned out to be the final nail in their proverbial coffins as the more deities he killed and consumed, Typhon's power only compounded.

Typhon soon met his soul mate, a monster of half woman and half snake called Echidna. She was the daughter of the sea deities Phorcys and Ceto. Falling in love with him at first sight, she betrayed her parents and the other deities sent to kill Typhon, leaving them to his mercy; of which he had none.

She got together with him and lived together as a family in a cave. She soon gave birth to his children who grew to become fearsome monsters in their own rights, becoming sources of terror to both the mortal and heavenly realms.

Centuries of continual battle had made Typhon too strong for a single Pantheon to handle at a time. They had no other choice than to hold a summit between all the leaders of the various pantheons. Some of the main pantheons were the Greek, Sumerian, Egyptian, Roman, Norse Æsir and Vanir, Aztec, Hindu, Buddhist, Yoruba Orisha and Akan Pantheons. In attendance was also the chief of the heavenly angels.

"It abhors me to sit in the same room as you all but the current threat is too big to ignore", Zeus exclaimed. "Amituofo Zeus, let's try to have a peaceful discussion", Buddha spoke up with his eyes closed trying to quench any conflicts before the flames could fester. ('Amituofo' is a kind of greeting or a form of well-wishing in Buddhism).

"Let's get straight to the point. How are we going to remove that pest Typhon?" Odin asked clearly enraged over the fact that he had lost the most deities to Typhon. "I believe before we talk about how to defeat him, we need to first look at what caused his birth. We can't have another situation like this happening again", Arch Angel Micheal interjected.

"I believe I may have a hypothesis", Indra said in a slow but calm voice as he stood up from his throne and approached the center of the summit hall. "Speak quickly, we do not have all day", Zeus shouted, clearly irritated by Indra's slow way of speaking. Not taking any offence, Indra began stating his hypothesis. He reminded them of the scales of Polarity the Almighty Yahweh had put in place before his retreat into solitude.

He further explained that the likely cause was the cosmos trying to balance out the power they as gods have continued to acquire and use to influence the mortal realm. "Basically, we beings of order are too powerful hence a being of chaos has been created as a counter to our power. Just as our power grows perpetually so does Typhons power. I for one believe that we should leave him be since he is not actively trying to hunt as, but, if we should take action against him it has to be now before he gets too strong. Even with the millennia worth of power we had, he's quickly catching up to us", Indra ended his long-winded speech.

"Based on your hypothesis, even if we could remove this Typhon, the cosmos would just bring forth another. How do we prevent such a future?" Huitzilopochtli, the god of the Aztecs asked. "It's simple. We will force him to bow his head", Zeus declared and further stated the plan he had come up with receiving approving nods from all gods but one.

"What's wrong Olorun, do you not agree with the plan?" Odin asked. (Olorun is the chief god of the Yoruba Orisha pantheon). "I have the weirdest feeling that this action may not yield us the outcome we are hoping for", Olorun admitted. "I'm of a similar mindset", Abosom added. (Abosom is a two headed god who served as the representative of the Akan Pantheon)

"You worry too much. With our power as supreme gods combined, we can make that pest bow before our feet in submission", Zeus declared arrogantly. "Also, every pantheon should activate their resurrection rune in case of emergencies. If we lose all our gods before this conflict ends, there will be hell to pay. The souls of all the deities who died in the initial assault are in the underworld and there is no way out for them. We need to keep the souls out of the underworld to allow for resurrection", Zeus instructed as he stood from his throne.

"My Pantheon alone were able to bring down the Titans, with all of us working together, Typhon will fall just as quickly ", he declared to the entire summit and was received by a loud cheer.

The plan was, by itself, a simple plan. Kill Typhon's wife and subjugate his children. What at all could go wrong with such a plan? Waiting for the moment Typhon showed up on the other side of the world on one of his escapades, the gods quickly moved in and took Echidna's head, and with her blood, wrote a warning message to Typhon.

They then proceeded to subjugate and brainwash Typhon's children, sending a clear message of their capability to easily subjugate him if they so wished. The intention here was to break Typhon's spirit but they seemed to have forgotten Typhon's title as the Primordial Beast of Chaos.

Typhon returned home to find his wife's head nailed to the cave wall with dried tears of blood on her face and her headless corpse on the floor below it in a pool of her own blood. He trembled in shock as he approached her corpse and fell on his knees before it. Tears poured out of his eyes as he gently unpinned her head and cradled it in his arms.

He knelt there for days crying over her corpse, his heart completely torn in two. As he cried, his blurry vision picked up on certain writings on the wall that weren't supposed to be there. A quick sniff told him that the writing was done in Echidna's blood. His heart started racing, the sound of each pump echoing within the cave. His eyes glowed as he read the message, his heart beat increasing in tempo.

"So, this is what it's come to. Killing my wife and enslaving my children all to make me bow my head. Have they forgotten who I am? Have they forgotten WHAT I AM? I AM THE PRIMORDIAL BEAST OF CHAOS!!" Typhon roared as the Earth began to tremble violently. Multiple fissures and tectonic shifts occurred just from his rage. Deep in the center of Typhon's heart, a small crystal started cracking releasing thin traces of crimson light particles into his blood.

Typhon roared loudly as his eyes glowed a bright shade of crimson with tears of blood trickling down his face. The crystal within his heart could no longer bear the strain and completely shattered releasing Typhon's true chaotic power that was sealed by his mother Gaia the moment he was born. His body glowed brightly as he let out a reality shattering roar.