First Friendships Part Two

"How about a swim?" Samuel asked her as the arrived at the deeper and clearer portion of the stream. "I can't. I don't know how to swim", she answered in an embarrassed tone. "Then, how about I give you a ride downstream", he said as he dove into the stream. "Really, won't that make us sink?" she asked. "I'm extremely buoyant. And besides. this is part of your tour. Get unto my back", he said and floated closer to her. He stretched his wing out to her feet to aid her.

She slowly climbed unto his wing and gently walked across it, getting unto his back. She sat on his back and let her legs swim in the fresh water. With a wave of his strong reptilian tail, they started to move, going along with the current's flow, heading downstream. The came across several fresh water aquatic creatures but they ignored him completely as if he was part of their world. As they moved along the slow current of the stream, they came across a float of freshwater crocodiles.

"Are you sure we should be going close to them?" she whispered. "It's fine", he said as they approached the float. A spooked crocodile growled, but upon witnessing the cause, ignored them and turned away. "See", he said with a smile as they swam alongside the creatures who seemed to completely ignore the duo's presence. "This is incredible", she said with an excited smile.

They swam for a couple of hours until they reached a small lake. They got out of the water and using the winds from his wings, dried them off. "That was fun especially the part with the crocs. I'm surprised they left us alone" she said excitedly. "I always swim with them. They are used to me. I did get into a fight with them the first time though", Samuel said with a laugh. "And you won?" she asked surprised. "Yeah. I happened to be a tad bit stronger", he said as she looked at him with awe. "Let's continue", he said as he led her into the trees.

They walked through the trees until they came upon a pack of wild wolves. "Stay behind me and keep calm", he said to her as he slowly walked towards the growling lead wolf, presumably, the alpha. It stood almost a meter from the ground with a bulky build. He approached it slowly, knelt before it and looked it in the eye intently. "Should we leave?" she asked a little terrified. He held up a finger as he continued their staring contest.

After a few seconds, the alpha stopped growling and started wagging his tail excitedly. She could swear she heard them both communicating with each other the entire time. After a few minutes, he stood up and looked unto the pack. "Drogo!!" he called out as a wolf cub run up to him and leapt into his arms. "This is Drogo, my best friend in the entire world", he said as he drew closer to her. "Go ahead and pet him", he suggested to her. "Are you sure?" she asked with an excited look. "Of course," he assured as she lifted her hands to the wolf cub.

Drogo sniffed her hand for a few seconds before licking it. "He likes you", Samuel said. "He's so cute. How did you two meet each other?" she asked. "He was caught in a bear trap one time and I helped him. After I returned him to his family, they were grateful and pretty soon, we bonded, after I had visited multiple times. I occasionally go hunting with them, they are fun to hang out with", he answered scratching behind the cub's ears. "Sounds nice", she said in a slightly jealous tone.

After a few minutes, the packs Alpha male's ears perked up and turned its head to listen. It then turned back to look at the duo, conveying his wish with his eyes. "It's time for the pack to head back home", he said as let go of Drogo. The cub barked and ran back to his mother in the midst of the pack. The wolves gave off a synchronized howl and run off into the forest as he waved goodbye. He turned and smiled at her, "should we continue?" he asked, pointing to the path ahead.

"What were you doing with that big wolf before?" she asked, unable to contain her curiosity. "Oh that! His name is Cain. I was just asking him to keep his pack away from your camp site and also to keep an eye on you and your family whenever you left to explore. They always obey me for some reason", he answered. "Thanks, I think", she said unsure of what to say next. The sun soon set behind the mountains to the west as the night fell quickly.

"Well, I've got to be heading back now", she said. "I'll walk you", he said as he escorted her through the trees to her camp. Her parents were out night fishing when they arrived at the camp. "Thank you for a great day", she said taking his hand. "Sure. I'm honestly surprised your parents did not freak out and search for you", he observed. "Well, my necklace has a tracking chip so they'll know if anything happens to me", she informed. "I see, anyway, will I see you tomorrow?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll see you at our picnic spot", she replied with a smile and run towards her camp site.

He smiled back, stepped back and spread his wings wide. With a beat, he rose quickly into the air and flew away. When he was out of sight, she arrived at the tents. "Elizabeth!" she heard her mom call. "Why did you leave without informing us. You moved as if you knew exactly where you were going. What were you up to?" her mother asked. "I was having fun in the forest", she exclaimed. She then proceeded to narrate the events of the day to her parents. The stream, the crocs, the wolves, and finally, the strange monster kid who could fly.

"She must have been playing pretend again", her mom whispered to her dad who just smiled and said, "Well just be careful he doesn't fly away with you the next time you meet him".

"They think I am making it all up", she thought to herself with a blush. "O well, it doesn't really matter", she smiled to herself and turned away from her laughing parents and walked towards the entrance of her tent. Just before she entered her tent, a thought struck her, "I didn't even ask his name. I'm such an idiot. Well, I can ask when I see him tomorrow", she mumbled to herself with a shake of her head, and entered her tent.

The next day came like a flash and Elizabeth woke up with bags under her eyes. All the excitement she experienced the previous day had caused her to go to sleep extremely late. She quickly had breakfast and as soon as she was done left the campsite. "Be careful out there", her mom yelled. "I will!" she responded as she entered the forest. "Do you think it was wise to let her go into the forest alone again?" she asked her husband. "I think she will be alright; she is a smart girl. Besides, we are able to track her movement after all", her husband responded showing his phone with a red dot moving quickly away from their location.