The Genesis Twins Part One - Genesis

On a planet in the Aswan galaxy, a galaxy in the far reaches of the universe, trillions of lightyears away from the Milky way galaxy, a coup d'état was currently in progress. The situation all starts a few years prior. The planet Hexanza, a planet one fifth the size of Earth, with its monarchical society, was one of the few planets in all the galaxies in all the universes that took well to the Almighty's divine energy.

The mana generated by the planet was incomparable to the previous Earth, but the planet was still well endowed in its own right. The denizens of the planet, throughout the millennia, had developed and passed down the method of harnessing the power of the planet's mana to fulfil desires. The stage of mastery seemed to increase the higher in rank you were, case in point, the royal family being the most powerful on the planet. The current monarch, King Oretelle Hexanza sat at the top, ruling over the entire planet with his wife, Queen Clarzya Hexanza for over a hundred and fifty years.

They sired twin sons who grew to be extremely influential people in their father's kingdom. The twins were recognized as two of the planet's strongest individuals. For years, the monarchy had maintained peace and order on the planet and every citizen of the planet was relatively happy. No one would have imagined that, beneath the peace, chaos was slowly brewing.

The youngest of the Monarchs twin sons, Sirius Hexanza, has been planning a hostile takeover for years. From his perspective, he was in the right. After ruling for a hundred and fifty years, his father had suddenly declared his abdication of the throne to his elder twin, Osairus Hexanza, proclaiming him as next in line for the throne.

To make matters worse, the target of his unrequited love was engaged to, and married to his elder twin brother. The jealousy, rage and heartbreak pushed him beyond the edge, and he finally snapped. He spent an entire year planning and preparing to remove the obstacles between him, the throne and the love of his life, Silendiana Archent.

He hastened his plans when the love of his life conceived and gave birth to two beautiful, silver hair-colored twins; a male and a female. Both babies had birthmarks in the shape of jagged lightning bolts inscribed on their shoulders. They bore the marks of the Ancient Ones, just as the prophesy had foretold, 'And they shall be born of lightning, and they shall bear the marks of the Ancient Ones'.

The Ancient Ones were described akin to gods in the history books of the planet. They were told to have existed several millennia ago in the age of the gods but fell in battle against a certain dark god. Their reincarnation was foretold and it seems the time had finally come for the prophecy to be fulfilled. Clearly alarmed, Sirius had no other hesitations.

One night, he put his plan into action. As the palace was asleep with only a few guards patrolling the grounds and halls, Sirius snuck through the corridors of the palace in the direction of the previous king's chambers. He approached the doors unseen and opened them a crack, peeking inside and observing his sleeping parents.

Without any hesitation, he tossed a gas grenade into the center of the room, quickly closed the doors and bolted for his brother's chambers. The grenade rolled silently under his parents' bed and activated, releasing a silent translucent stream of a toxin known as Kryocynaide gas. This was one of the planet's five deadliest toxins; considered to be quite rare even on the black market but he knew a guy.

His parents, deep in their sleep, breathed in the toxic gas and their systems crushed almost immediately. There was no suffering, ... no pain; their death was instant. Their brains and hearts shut down simultaneously bringing them the quiet embrace of death.

"Now,... time to finish this", Sirius mumbled as he pulled out a device and spoke into it. "It's go-time. Let the beasts loose. Let them storm the capital now", he whispered as he took a breath and stealthily moved towards his brother and sister-in-law's chambers on the other side of the royal palace. With the perfect coup in progress, he was experiencing the greatest success high he had ever experienced. He snuck past all the guards and staff still awake in the palace, and approached their chamber doors.

In the chambers, Osairus and Silendiana were fast asleep with the twins sleeping cozily between them. Silendiana awoke suddenly with a bright emerald glow in her eyes, gasping for breath. The loud gasp woke her husband who turned to her and enquired, "What's wrong my love? What did you see?" Silendiana was among the few, extremely rare diviners ever to exist.

All those who ever or currently had knowledge of her ability on the entire planet could be counted with the five fingers on one hand. Two of those are currently dead in their royal chamber; the other three being her husband Osairus and her own late parents. It was a tightly guarded secret.

"Sirius is up to no good. He's killed Mother and Father; he plans to kill us next", she informed him. Osairus clenched his fists and took a deep breath, bottling up all his pain and grief. He got up from the bed and picked up the twins. "Let's first get you all out of here", he said as he led her through a secret door. Securing his wife and children's safety, Osairus doubled-back to confront his parricidal brother.

Sirius, being none the wiser, repeated his sure-fire murder strategy and tossed in a toxin grenade. The gas cleared out after a few seconds, leaving no traces or evidence. This was its best selling point; the perfect murder weapon. He opened the chamber doors and walked in with a smug look on his face only to meet an empty bed.

In a panic, he turned to flee only to meet his brother with a squadron of the royal guards blocking his escape. "There's no way out of this brother. Your crimes will not go unpunished!!" Osairus shouted with rage. "If you would not die peacefully in your sleep, I'll do it the old-fashioned way. Taste the steel of my blade", Sirius said as he pulled out his sword. Boosting his body with mana, he charged at his brother, "Die...!!"