Middle School Graduation Ceremony Part One

The day before the middle school graduation ceremony, Clarice and Silendiana took the children along on a shopping trip in the city. They arrived at the mall and visited every single shop on their path. With her platinum rank master card, buying everything in the mall would barely make a dent in the Miller fortune.

Upon reaching the second floor, they entered a unisex hair and nails salon that came highly recommended. The boys had the best trim they ever had. This boosted their already unfairly handsome appearances into the realm of 'impossibly handsome'. The ladies around could not keep their eyes off even for a single second.

The girls had a similar effect on those around them, and though Catherina was not graduating as well, she joined in and was the cutest girl there. After their hairs were done, they moved on to the nails section and had the best manicures and pedicures they had ever experienced in their lives. Even with their initial reluctance to have their nails done, Samuel, Sylvester and Delgato proudly displayed their manicured tips with beaming smiles, receiving giggles from the staff and ladies.

"That was the best thing I have ever experienced", Sylvia said with a smile. "Yeah, it felt great. We could end the trip now and I would not be upset", Sylvester declared. "Don't say that just yet. we saved the best for last", Clarice announced. She then proceeded to lead them to the elevator, heading to the fourth floor.

Upon exiting the elevator, their jaws dropped when they saw the atmosphere of the floor. This whole floor was a spa area. Everywhere you looked, you'd see people with smiles and relaxed faces. "Welcome to the Aurora Spa", a staff member greeted them at the front desk. "Thank you. Reservation for seven under the name Clarice Miller", Clarice informed the attendant who had a visible display of surprise on her face. "We were expecting you Madam. Please come this way", the attendant said as she led them inside the spa.

She guided them to the massage parlors and handed them over to the chief Masseuse. "Please enjoy your stay with us and thank you for choosing Aurora Spa", the attendant said with a slight bow and excused herself. "Thank you", Clarice said as she turned her attention to the chief Masseuse. "We'll be in your care", she said to the Masseuse who smiled in acknowledgement.

The experiences the group had from that point on was nothing short of heavenly. They each had a full body massage which seemed to melt away all the fatigue and stress of their training, leaving them in a state of bliss. Following that, they experienced the other services provided by the spa and finished up just in time for lunch.

They had lunch at the restaurant on the top floor of the mall, where they ate their fill surprising the waiters and the chefs with their stomach capacities. After their lunch, they ended the trip and returned home to prepare for the next day.

The day of the middle school graduation finally arrived and the school was filled with numerous visitors. The main auditorium was filled with friends and families here to witness the graduation of their friends and wards, as well as the students of the lower grades who were here to observe.

It was soon time for the graduating class to enter the hall and take their seats. The school's anthem played over the speakers as the large doors opened wide. The audience rose in reverence as, in a single file, the graduating class waltzed in with practiced steps, walking in tune with the playing anthem, in order of their ranks in the class. Sylvia, ranked as the first out of the two hundred graduating students led them in, followed by her twin Sylvester who was ranked second in the class. Samuel and Delgato followed them in with the rankings of third and fourth respectively.

With the sort of 'education' they were getting inside and outside of school, it was almost guaranteed that they would take the top-ranking spots. It was a fact that their academic achievements were almost on par with each other, therefore, in order to properly rank them, the school management had to find ways and means to achieve that goal. Finding the tiniest marking error to allow them justify the rankings. Of course, the four kids didn't actually care about which of them was first so they allowed the school to do whatever they wanted in order to save face.

The graduands waltzed up the aisle towards their seating area at the front of the large auditorium, portraying faces that reflected their ranks perfectly; from joy, moving on to indifference and finally disgrace. The last rankers kept their heads down as they followed their classmates up the aisle.

As they walked up the aisle, Samuel noticed a presence at the corner of his eyes. Using his sharp eyesight, he quickly identified his parents within the crowd. He was surprised as he was uninformed of their presence there today. The Griffin couple with Catherina and their maid Betty, sat with the Millers, Silendiana and Dr. Michelson who had a smirk on his face. 'Must be the surprise he mentioned before", Samuel wondered to himself.

They sat together at the seating area reserved for the families and friends of the students who ranked from first to tenth. "Since when have they even been acquainted? I guess doc has been doing things behind my back as usual", Samuel thought to himself as he saw his parents chatting with the Millers and Silendiana as if they were long friends. He flashed a smirk of his own as he continued to observe them with his wide view of vision.

He noticed another couple sitting close to Silendiana and occasionally speaking to her. "Must be Delgato's parents. He looks like his father quite a lot", he noted as they finally reached the front of the auditorium and took their seats in the same order of their rankings. The audience also took their seats as the anthem finished playing.

The school Principal took to the podium and held up a hand, requiring the audience to quiet down. As the host, he officially launched the ceremony and gave the welcoming address. He then followed up with his speech. He gave a brief history about the school before giving a report about the school's current state of affairs. He rapped up his speech by congratulating the graduands and advising the lower grade students to also give their best in their studies. He ended his speech, receiving applause from the audience, and took his seat.

Following his lead, several members of the school board each took a turn giving speeches of their own with the director of the regional Board of Education giving his at the end. Sylvia then took the podium and overlooked the over thousand members of the audience. She took a deep breath, pushing down her nervousness, and proceeded to deliver her valedictorian speech.

With her otherworldly beauty, she drew the full attention of the entire audience especially the boys of her grade and those of lower grades. Over the years, several boys had had and still have crushes on her, attempting to ask her out on multiple occasions. Unfortunately for them, she always moves with her brother, Samuel and Delgato. Those three were in a class on their own and they served as a natural buffer surrounding her. Even the so called wealthy young masters who were brave enough to approach her always retreated in the end after being stared down on by Sylvester, Samuel and Delgato. It was like being stared down on by three monsters. No one in their right minds would risk making such a proposal in their presence.

A few minutes later, she ended her speech with a slight bow, receiving a standing ovation from the audience. She then gracefully returned to her seat; multiple eyes still glued to her beautiful figure.

The principal returned to the podium after she left and announced the climax of the entire ceremony. His secretary joined him on stage with a list in hand. Following her was another teacher who wheeled in a cart filled with the rolled-up diplomas. The principal then called the Regional Director of Education and the members of the school's board to join him on stage to award the diplomas.

"First Rank Sylvia Miller!" the secretary called, starting from the first rank as displayed on the list she held. Sylvia quickly rose from her seat and walked up the stage; receiving her diploma from the director, shaking hands with everyone on the stage and returning to her seat. "Second Rank Sylvester Miller", before she got down from the stage, the secretary called out the second name. Sylvester rose from his seat and approached the stage. He met his sister halfway the stairs and they exchanged a smirk.

Girls in the auditorium squealed loudly as Sylvester reached the stage, received his diploma and shook hands with director, principal and the members of the Board. He smiled in return as he turned to return to his seat. "Third Rank Samuel Griffin", the secretary called as Samuel rose to his feet and walked up to the stage, giving Sylvester a side fist bump as they met on the stairs. The girls squealed again as he got onto the stage, his devilish good looks laid bare for all to see.

Samuel went through the same process of picking his diploma and shaking hands and turned to return to his seat. "Fourth Rank Delgato Smith", she called out as Delgato followed the same procedure; giving Samuel a side fist bump. The girls squealed once again as he got to the stage. His appearance, though not as profound as that of his three friends, he was still extremely good looking for a regular human. He had the face of a nerd and the body of an athlete. He picked his diploma, shook hands and returned to his seat as the next name was called.