Called By Blood

Naane woke up, what felt like a couple hours later, only to realize that she was tied up to the corners of a familiar bed in a very familiar room. This was her father's bedroom in the Chief's palace.

She pulled hard on the ropes, trying to free herself but they were too strong for her. The door swung open suddenly and a shirtless Mulatta. He was a handsome man with a great body with well-defined muscles resulting from his years of service as the village's head warrior.

"You're finally awake. You've been asleep for the past two days, I was beginning to worry", Mulatta said as he walked towards the bed and tried to touch her. "Don't come any closer…stay away from me", she said, trying to push his hand away only to be restrained by the ropes.

"You and I are married now. As my wife, I can choose to do whatever I want to you and no one can say anything about it, or rather, no one will", he said as he released the cloth covering his lower half revealing the large meaty rod between his thighs. Naane screamed out in fear as she tried to wrestle herself free from her bindings but all to no avail.

Mulatta got unto the bed and slowly crawled between her thighs. "No!! Please don't do this! I don't want this!" Naane screamed but no one came to her rescue. As a matter of fact, the guards of the palace were currently having the time of their lives with Naane's personal maid in their own quarters. Her eyes were dead, a true reflection of someone who had completely given up on life and embraced death. She had been used over and over by Mulatta's men as a method of sexual relief for the past two days and she had completely resigned herself to her fate.

Mulatta licked her neck and Naane scrounged up her face in disgust. "You are going to bear me a son", he said to her as he plunged his rod deep inside her womb. She cried out in pain as he kept on plunging in and out of her, completely disregarding her cries.

This went on for quite some time. Two hours later, Mulatta was at his limit as he released his final load deep into her womb. "That was amazing. This was the best I've ever had. All the other girls I've been with cannot compare", he complimented as he got off the now silent Naane and laid back on the other side of the bed.

Naane had tears streaming out of her lifeless eyes with bruises on her neck and shoulders. Naane resembled someone whose soul had left the body. She laid there lifelessly, a stream of blood and semen streaming out of her bottom set of lips.

"I can't wait until you give birth to my child. I'm going to keep at it until you get pregnant. You'd better get ready", Mulatta said as he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep from total exhaustion.

Naane just lay there naked contemplating her life choices and wondering what went wrong. She recalled the love of her life, Nashi, she remembered her father, her brother, her mother who had passed years prior and finally, she remembered her precious baby boy. She recalled the feeling of carrying her baby in her womb, the feeling of holding her little Nabro in her arms and nursing him for the first time. The memories washed over her like a flood.

Along with the memories, her rage began to fester. The fact that the same man who tore apart her family and murdered her child had just defiled her body and poured his seed into her womb and was now sleeping by her side was causing her rage to bubble. She hated him with every fiber of her being. She hated this god-forsaken village that turned its back on her and her family. She wanted them all to experience her anguish.

With her anger clouding her mind, she forcefully dislocated her thumb, stifling her cry of pain. She then quickly slid her hand out of the restraint and untied the rest of the ropes. She got up from the bed and quickly wrapped her body in cloth. She stared at Mulatta's sleeping body with rage filled eyes for a few seconds before she turned and slipped out of the palace.

She walked through the darkness of the night through the sleeping village and made it to the border. Without any hesitation, she entered the forest, heading towards the large mountain.

Without encountering any wild animal, she made it to the mountain an hour later and started going up a familiar path. The path led to a small cavern in the side of the mountain. This cavern was used by her and Nashi when they had their occasional get togethers.

She entered the cavern and walked straight to the back of the cave and started pulling the rock wall apart. The rocks gave way easily revealing a piece of bark wrapped in fine linen and stored in a hole in the wall. This bark was a piece of the trees used as the totems by the ancient spirits in order to manifest physical forms in the mortal plane.

She placed the bark in the center of the room and knelt beside it. Picking up a sharp rock, she started to carve out the totem symbol for the Great spirit of Wind Nashi. After carving out the symbol on the bark, she used the stone to cut open her palm, allowing blood to pour out unto the bark.

Once this was done, she began to recite the summoning chant Nashi had taught her incase they were to be apart in the future.

She called out to Nashi multiple times until suddenly, the markings on the bark absorbed all the blood and started glowing. Soon a bright light washed over the entire cavern.

The light faded to reveal the Great spirit, Nashi, in an ethereal form floating above the marked bark. Naane cried as she threw herself into the arms of the spirit who held onto her without a problem. "Thanks for answering my call", she said in tears as she lay in his arms. "I'll always come when you call for me my love", Nashi said as he held her tighter in his embrace.