A Message Across Time

Two weeks after moving to the cavern, Ajarma started having periodical contractions. For the next two days, the duration between each contraction got smaller and smaller. By all indications, she would be going into labor anytime soon. She sat at the entrance of the cavern and stared at the full moon in the night sky contemplating her life.

As she gazed at the night sky, she noticed dark clouds starting to cover the moon as the winds picked up speed. "It looks like rain. I need to get inside", she mumbled to herself as she rose from the ground and entered the cavern. a few minutes later, a light shower started.

She sat on the ground with the fire between her and the cavern entrance, shielding herself from the cold winds entering the cavern. As she tried to rest her eyes, she experienced a contradiction the likes of which she had never experienced before. She keeled over with gritted teeth as she tried to overcome the pain.

The storm outside intensified as she managed to endure and the pain soon passed, although not fully gone. She looked and was surprised to see that her water had in fact broken. She had been expecting it any time now but it still surprised her. She quickly took action.

She lifted herself off the ground and took off all her clothes. She then walked slowly to the back of the cavern where there was a sizeable well of water. She had decided to have a water birth, reason being she had no one to assist her in a regular birthing process.

She dipped her foot in to check the temperature and it was cool…not too cold but cold enough to make you slightly uncomfortable. "Hold on my baby…mama will have you out safe and sound in just a little while" Ajarma said as she braced herself for what came next.

She took a deep breath and walked into the pool of water. The water level reached her chest. She bent her knees, submerging her entire body in the pool leaving only her head above water. she sucked in sharp breaths of air trying to warm up her body temperature. Realizing it wasn't working, she turned her attention to the main task; birthing her child without causing any damaging complications.

She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer before she took in another breath and started pushing. For the next forty-five minutes, she stayed submerged under the water birthing her child and fighting through the pain with will power alone.

At the same time, back in the village, the storm was tearing everything asunder. Large hurricanes were ripping through the entire village forcefully evicting all the villagers from their homes. Human beings were lifted from the ground by the strong currents and swung into trees and other flying objects and people. No one who left the ground returned with life in them. The entire village was wiped out without a single trace.

An hour later, Ajarma sat on her bed with her new born baby boy nursing in her arms. She looked pale and exhausted but she still forced herself to sit up and nurse her baby. She smiled as she looked at her little boy with his eyes closed and nursing in her arms. "A birthmark?" she asked after she noticed a mark on his forehead. "An eagle. What does it mean?" she asked again as she wiped at the mark with her thumb but it didn't come off.

"Such a strange birthmark. Your father and I never had such a mark, I wonder why you do", Ajarma thought out loud. After her baby stopped nursing and fell asleep, she placed him on the bed, leaned against the cavern wall behind her and fell asleep as well.

Suddenly, the cavern began to vibrate. The shock woke her up and she quickly lifted her baby from the bed and held him in her arms. A large red circle suddenly appeared in the middle of the cavern and lit up brightly, forcing her to cover her eyes. A few seconds later, the glow died down revealing a blood crimson mysterious circle.

She slowly approached the circle trying to uncover what exactly it could be. When she got to the urge of the circle, her baby started to cry suddenly. She took a step back to check on her child only to find the strange birthmark on his forehead glowing. She was totally unprepared for the shock of what she was seeing.

The shock only increased as a small beam of light flew from the baby's forehead to the center of the blood red circle. The circle hummed and the cavern vibrated once again as it started to shatter like glass gradually from the center to the edges. The completely shattered circle lit up the entire cavern causing Ajarma to shield her eyes once more.

After the light disappeared, she opened her eyes to see two ethereal looking people floating above the spot the circle used to be. They looked incredibly extraordinary, like nothing she had ever seen before. The man stepped forward and gave a slight bow. "Spirits? I thought they were just a myth", Ajarma mumbled to herself.

"My name is Nashi, the ancient great spirit of the wind and this is my wife Naane, also a spirit of the wind. If you are seeing this message, then you are the one who bore the reincarnation of our son", Nashi declared totally shocking the young mother.

"Reincarnation…what are you talking about?" she asked completely perplexed by the situation. "I know you may be confused about this whole situation. Unfortunately, this is a just a message and we cannot answer any of your question. I implore you to just listen and convey this information to the child when he's older", Nashi requested of her.

"First of all, the child's name is Nabro. It was the name my wife and I chose before the child was born several millennia ago. My wife was still a human then but though it was thought to be impossible, our love blossomed and sprouted this miracle", Nashi informed.

For the next thirty minutes, Nashi informed her of their entire history and explained to her the reason why the entire chiefdom was placed under a blood curse. Ajarma expressed shock on her face as she listened to the account of everything that happened in her village's history. Nashi recounted everything as Naane's ethereal form stood still in silence.

"I know that everything you have heard is highly confusing and I know that your future will be filled with its own strife. But I implore you to take care of the boy. We want him to grow and experience life for himself and to get stronger; for in the end, he has a duty to protect this world. We hope to one day be reunited with him, in this life or the next. Until then, we entrust him to you", Nashi said finally as their ethereal forms flickered out of existence.

"I promise to take care of him, after all, he is still my son as well", Ajarma whispered as she held firmly unto her son and kissed his cheek.