The Griffon Manor

"Before I leave, let's take a walk together; just the two of us, like we used to do", Samuel requested and Drogo hopped up and down excitedly in anticipation. "Tell your pack to go home for now", Samuel instructed. Drogo immediately turned to the rest of his pack and gave a loud bark. The pack obeyed immediately and run back in the direction they came from earlier.

"Let's see how fast you are now", Samuel said as he jumped unto Drogo's back, making himself comfortable. Drogo immediately took off, running through the forests with speeds of a cheetah and the flexibility of a leopard.

The two friends enjoyed each other's company as they explored the forest together and played with each other each chance they got. After a couple of hours, Samuel led Drogo back to his house to have lunch.

Bernard almost had a heart attack when he opened the door and came face-to-face with a giant wolf that was almost as tall as he was. "Dad, this is Drogo, the leader of the wolf pack territory near us", Samuel introduced. Drogo gave a low bark of acknowledgement as his tongue hang out and his tail wagged excitedly.

"I see. So, this is the shadow we've been seeing whenever we go on our walks. How is this even possible, wolves this size are usually mentioned in fantasy", Bernard stated in exasperation.

"I can't really explain right now but, due to certain line of events, his entire packs have evolved into a species of wolves called Direwolves", Samuel informed him. "Incredible", Bernard said as he came closer and petted the happy direwolf on the neck.

"Jesus!!" Vivian yelled in shock after coming into the living room and witnessing a five-foot wolf standing in the doorway of her house.

After realizing that her husband and son were standing right next to the creature completely unbothered, she calmed her racing heart and cautiously walked closer to them.

"So, who do we have here?" she asked as she stood before the happy giant wolf. "Remember that giant shadow that had been tailing us whenever we went on our walks? It was this wonderful beast and his pack. His name is Drogo and he's apparently a Direwolf; not sure exactly what they are". Just know that they used to be regular wolves", Bernard informed.

"He'll be joining us for lunch, I hope that's okay?" Samuel asked his mother. "I see no problem with that. He's been keeping us safe for years; a single meal isn't enough to show our thanks", Vivian said as she turned and headed for the kitchen to join Betty prepare enough to accommodate for their impromptu guest.

"Drogo!! Catherina yelled from the stairs after she spotted the lovable wolf standing in the house's doorway.

"Wow! You got bigger!" she shouted as she run down the stairs and jumped unto the direwolf who happily caught her on his back. Drogo backed up unto the porch and started playing with her.

Half an hour later, lunch was ready. Vivian called them all into the dining room. They all sat around the table and with his height, Drogo could sit on the ground and still be eye level with everyone on the table. Betty and Vivian came in with the dishes and set them on the table.

Betty placed a large bowl with large chunks of grilled meat and sautéed rice with vegetables before the direwolf. It was the best thing Drogo had ever seen. This was made known by the amount of drool leaking out of his mouth but, being the good boy he was, Drogo sat still waiting to be instructed to eat.

After Vivian and Betty took their seat, they said grace and started eating. After getting the signal from Samuel, Drogo dug in as well. Even for his first time, Drogo still ate like a perfect gentleman, ensuring that he didn't make a mess at the table. This shocked and pleased Vivian and Betty greatly. They had expected more of a mess from the giant wolf but this was a welcome surprise.

After lunch, they sat in the living room watching television, Drogo laying down by Samuel and napping. "Dad, after we leave here, Drogo and his pack will have a run of the entire place including this house. I've tasked them with maintaining order in the entire range. Soon, creatures like direwolves will be appearing, I need them to keep order here. I want you to get the city to ban entry here. It would be bad if regular people came into contact with creatures like Drogo", Samuel requested.

"Don't worry Sam, I'll take care of it. I'll speak to Dr. Michelson and use both our influences to get it done", Bernard informed. "Thanks Dad", Samuel said as he rose to his feet; Drogo doing so as well. "I'm going back to the woods with Drogo. He needs to return to his family", Samue said as he walked out with Drogo. "Take care", Bernard said as Samuel mounted Drogo and the Direwolf sped off into the woods.


A week went by quickly and the Griffin family had successfully relocated back to their old home in the city. Like any stupidly rich family, the griffons had a large mana which was occupied on a land made up of several plots. In the perspective of outsiders, their home in the mountain was considered high class in itself, but comparing it to the huge mansion before them, the Griffons had indeed really stepped down.

There were dozens of security personnel moving all over the compound. They would stop and salute whenever the Griffons' car passed by them. Bernard drove the family car on their private driveway through the grounds of the manor, heading for the mansion. Samuel and Catherina couldn't help but gawk at their family home. This was their first time witnessing such a magnificent spectacle.

 A few minutes later, the car reached the front of the mansion and stopped. Standing in front of the mansion were two ladies dressed in maid uniforms and an older gentleman who was dressed as a butler. The butler walked up to the car and opened the door for Vivian. "Welcome back Master!... Mistress! We've been expecting you" he said to Vivian as she got out of the vehicle.

"It's good to see you again Sebas, it's been a while", Vivian greeted as she alighted from the car. The butler then turned and opened the door for the two gob-smacked kids. "You must be Young Master Samuel and Young Mistress Catherina. Welcome home. My name is Sebastian Clide and I am the head butler of the manor. Please feel free to call me Sebas. Whenever you need anything please don't hesitate to ask me. It would be done", the butler, Sebastian said with a small bow.