Start Talking

Hidden in a small cave at the base of one of the many mountains were two brothers. Their very appearance showed two people who had been through hell all their lives.

They both had long and messy hair covering their heterochromatic eyes. They were bathed in filth, from their tattered clothes to their very skin.

"Damn it! How do they keep finding us? It's almost like they know exactly where we are", the younger brother complained as he lay on the bare ground, sucking large gulps of air into his lungs.

"I don't know. I just can't believe that they've been pursuing us for months. We haven't had the chance to rest properly the entire time. If not for your ability, we would have very well already been captured", his elder brother replied, lying by his brother's side on the cave floor.

"You've been carrying me along all this time, I'm sorry Eddie…for putting such a burden on you", the elder brother said in apology to his little brother.

"Don't worry Tom, we are brothers. We can only depend on each other", Eddie, the little brother said as he closed his eyes to rest.

"Anyway, I'm more worried about the roar we heard when we first arrived. I wonder what kind of creature it was", Tom said recalling the deafening roar that enveloped the entire area the moment they arrived at the cave.

"I don't know. It's probably the apex predator in the area declaring its territory. We should be fine as long as we don't draw too much attention to ourselves", Eddie replied with his eyes still closed.

"Well, we probably can't stay here for long, but, go ahead and rest. We'll find something to eat when you get up…I'll keep watch for now", Tom said as he forced himself to the mouth of the small cave and plopped down against the walls of the entrance.

The sound of his snoring brother soon reached his ears and he could only smile sadly.

He recalled how they had been chased from the facility hidden in the Arctic desert, chased from country to country for months on end until finally, they had been able to escape to this cave.

Though, he was sure they would be discovered once again, he was glad for this brief respite. 

As he leaned on the cave's entrance resting as well as keeping a look out, he kept using his power over sound to send intermittent burst of low frequency sound waves.

Even though each wave burst constantly drained his stamina, he poised himself to keep going.

The wave travelled as far as three miles out, covering the entire area and travelling back to him, conveying information about any creature in the area.

He kept it on for a good thirty minutes while resting between each burst.

Suddenly, one of his waves picked out the form of a large creature flying at an incredibly fast speed, towards their direction.

Before he could turn and alert his brother, a loud roar struck the mountain they were in, causing it to shake violently.

Eddie shook awake immediately, confused on what was happening. "What in God's name was that?" he asked his brother.

"I don't know but it's extremely big. We need to get out of here quickly", Tom said as his brother approached him and held him over his shoulder.

They quickly approached the cave's entrance, intending to use Eddie's ability to outrun and escape whatever monster it was.

Their hope was dashed when, upon exiting the cave, they came face to face with numerous, insanely large wolves and foxes, surrounding them at all sides.

The ferocious appearances of the beasts before them were downright terrifying.

Coupled with their massive sizes, anyone who came into contact with them will certainly piss their pants.

The two biggest of the numerous beasts standing directly before the two brothers didn't help matters one bit.

The size of the fangs and claws on the bigger wolflike beast looked like it could easily crush bone and rip a human body apart.

The killer expression on the face of the foxlike beast beside it was just as frightening.

Multiple shadows flew over the fearful brothers and, when they slowly looked up, they saw abnormally large ravens circling them.

The dark brown, almost red eyes of all the ravens were locked unto them and they knew it.

Taking a look in all directions, the brothers could not find a single opening to escape their entrapment.

The number of creatures before them probably exceeded hundreds, and with their closely packed formation, there was no way through even with Eddie's hyper speed ability. 

The brothers' legs turned to jelly and they collapsed unto their knees. "I'm sorry Eddie, it seems we made a mistake hiding here, I should have noticed all these monsters earlier…it's my fault", Tom said to his brother.

"Don't say that. I should have immediately used my power and escaped this place with you. My hesitation and lack of alertness caused this", Eddie replied as he pulled his brother closer.

"I guess this is better than being tortured in that lab till we eventually die anyway. At least we get to choose how we go", Tom said as he hugged his brother and awaited the chilling embrace of death.

"Ho! Now that's interesting. I want you to tell me more about this lab you speak off", a loud and deep menacing voice sounded above them.

They slowly turned their heads up to meet the gaze of the most terrifying creature they had ever laid eyes upon.

The presence of the numerous beasts surrounding them paled in comparison to the gigantic creature above them. Its size made the mountain upon which it stood look smaller in comparison.

The creature descended slowly towards the two brothers who couldn't help but let their teeth chatter loudly, just shy of pissing themselves.

"What in the world is that creature? How on earth does such a creature exist?" Eddie asked as he started hyperventilating.

The wolves and foxes stepped back into the trees, creating space as the giant creature reached the ground and stood before them.

The creature lowered its massive head until it was directly facing them.

"Start talking. I'm listening", the creature demanded as its ominous eyes stared deep into their souls.