The Sacrifice

The moon hung low in the sky as Arin, her family, and Alex, were wide awake, and were gathering their belongings at the campsite. The abandoned airport loomed in the distance, its silent runways and vacant terminals waiting to be awakened.

Arin's mother, Lisa, furrowed her brow in concern. "Where are these survivors?"

Arin, choosing her words carefully, replied, "They must have left. From the note I found in the tent, it seems like they were Sam's followers."

Lisa exchanged glances with Arin's father, uncertainty etched on their faces. Arin concealed the truth, knowing it was best to keep her plan a secret for now.

Alex, his gaze fixed on Arin, expressed doubt. "Are you sure?"

Arin, maintaining a steady gaze, asserted, "Yes." She ensured there was no hint of hesitation in her voice.

Alex remained skeptical, a silent tension lingering between him and Arin.

Arin, fabricating her version of events, continued, "I managed to find the antidote and saved everyone. That's how we're here now."

Arin's dad interjected, "Okay, Arin. Whatever happened has happened. We must head to the airport."

Arin's family exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of recent events etched on their faces. Alex, standing guard, observed the surroundings.

Arin whispered to Alex, "We need to be careful. Sam could be watching us."

Alex nodded, his eyes scanning the shadows. The group, bound by a common goal, moved, loading supplies into backpacks and checking weapons.

Then, they headed towards the so-called abandoned airport.

As the group approached the airport's entrance, a sudden stillness settled over the air. The night, once filled with the whispers of the wind, fell silent. The distant howl of a lone undead echoed, sending shivers down their spines.

Without warning, a hundred zombies materialized around them, their lifeless eyes fixed on the group. Arin's heart raced as the scene unfolded exactly like the nightmare she had in her sleep.

Arin thought, "This... this was in my dream."

This scene was so similar to her that she had to pass through loops. reliving this scene again and again. It sent shivers down her spine.

The zombies, eerily motionless, created an impenetrable wall around the car. The air grew heavy, with tension as a familiar voice sliced through the silence.

Amidst the zombie brigade, there was a figure seen in sight. He was a man around the age of Alex. He had red hair and blue eyes. It was Sam.

Sam: (evil laughter) Welcome to my nightmare, Alex. Did you enjoy the little preview?

Sam emerged from the shadows, his sinister grin twisting the once-familiar face into a grotesque mask of malice. He reveled in the fear that painted Alex's expression.

Alex suddenly got out of the car, followed by Arin and her family.

Alex: (angrily) Sam! What are you doing here?

Sam: (mockingly) Did you think you could escape me so easily? My influence extends far beyond what you can comprehend.

Arin's family and Alex stood ready, weapons drawn, but the controlled zombies remained immobile, awaiting Sam's command.

Sam: (tauntingly) I control the nightmares, Alex. And soon, you'll realize there's no waking up from this one.

The confrontation escalated into a fierce clash between Alex and Sam. The night seemed to hold its breath as each blow and parry resonated like thunder, echoing through the deserted landscape. Their movements were a dance of combat, a relentless clash of wills and strengths.

Alex, who was fueled by determination, pressed the attack, skillfully countering Sam's sinister moves. Punches and kicks were flying over Sam.

For a moment, it appeared as though Sam might be overpowered. Alex's relentless assault pushed him to the brink, and the aura that shrouded Sam began to waver. The night seemed to favor justice, and victory appeared within Alex's grasp.

However, just as Sam teetered on the edge of defeat, the unmistakable sound of helicopter blades sliced through the air. The night was shattered by the deafening roar of the aircraft's engine, and its searchlights cast an ominous glow on the battleground. Bullets rained down from the helicopter, forcing Alex to step back, seeking cover from the relentless gunfire.

With a sinister smile, Sam disengaged from the fight and swiftly boarded the waiting aircraft. As the helicopter ascended, he unleashed a horde of controlled zombies on Arin, her family, and Alex.

Faced with overwhelming odds, the air hung heavy with the stench of desperation as Arin's family and Alex sprinted towards the gate of the airport, adrenaline coursing through their veins. The distant roar of the helicopter and the relentless advance of the controlled zombies added urgency to their steps.

Arin's father, a strong figure now facing an imminent tragedy, looked back with determination. Arin's mother, her eyes filled with tears, held onto the dwindling hope that their sacrifice could bring salvation. The airport gate appeared in the distance like a far-off sanctuary, a symbol of safety that felt painfully out of reach. They were ready to sacrifice themselves.

As they approached the gate, the echoes of the relentless gunfire and the sinister laughter of Sam intensified.

Arin's parents, recognizing the imminent danger and driven by selfless love, made a gut-wrenching decision. In a heartrending display of bravery, they pushed Arin, her brother- Kevin, and Alex inside the safety of the airport, their desperate hands lingering on the cold metal of the door. The weight of the impending sacrifice hung in the air. It was farewell.

As the door swung shut, the metallic clang echoed, sealing Arin, her brother, and Alex within the relative safety of the airport. The cries of Arin's parents, now muffled by the thick door, reverberated through the empty halls. 

Arin and her brother stood inside the airport, their faces pressed against the cold glass, eyes wide with horror and disbelief. The echoes of their parents' cries still lingered in their ears, haunting them with the stark reality of the sacrifice unfolding before them.

Arin suddenly ran towards the door; banging it. She cried, "Mom! Dad!"

She continuously banged the door, her hand was bruised with blood coming out. It was a tragic scene. Alex came close and tried pulling her away, but she wasn't moving. She stuck herself to the door and said


Kevin, overwhelmed by the unfolding tragedy, joined his sister in the corridor. Tears welled up in his eyes as he went and hugged Arin, seeking solace amidst the chaos. His small voice quivered with sadness as he asked, "Sister, where are mom and dad?"

Arin, still pressed against the door, turned to her younger brother. Tears streaked down her face as she struggled to find the right words. "They... they did something really brave, Kevin. They... they saved us," she managed to say, her voice choked with sorrow.

Kevin, not fully understanding the gravity of the situation, tightened his grip on Arin. "Saved us? But where are they? Why aren't they here with us?" he questioned, his innocence highlighting the harsh reality that even in moments of heroism, profound loss remained.

Suddenly a loud voice was heard.

The last plane to the Safe City: Pātukāp is leaving in 5 minutes