Coming Clean

"So you mean to tell me that you didn't get into Boulder?", Teagan said with very, very visible flames of fury in her voice. She was so mad and so angry that if looks could kill and destroy, the whole town would be in flames by now. "Well, i, i-", Wyatt stuttered as he spoke. He had never been so nervous in his entire life before this moment. The only time he was this nervous before was a year ago when he and Teagan had there first date but this time was very different. He didn't know what to say and he was sure that Leo was playing the trickster card at any moment so he had to tell her the truth or things were going to go six feet under. "Look, i...i was going to tell you but i got a call saying that if i summited another application, i had a chance of getting in and i didn't want to tell you unless i knew for real.", Wyatt said in a quick, yet sincere voice as he stuttered a little bit with fear very visible in his tone. The boy then sighed as he spoke these words with a very smooth and soft voice: "I messed up. I messed up big time." Teagan heard his words very clearly but was too blinded by anger and betrayal to fully care for the situation as she let out her anger in one fell swoop. "WHY? I thought we made a deal to not keep secrets from each other and this is what you do??", Teagan roared in a very angry voice. Wyatt just stood there with a face so straight that you would think his face froze for a second. His body also was completely still as with every word Teagan said, his body became stiffer and stiffer as she continued. "I thought i finally found the guy for me and this is what you do? That's it, we are finished!! FINISHED!!", Teagan said as she ran out of the room with her hands covering her face that started to run with tears. Wyatt froze as he felt something very familiar, pain. Pain in the one place he felt the most pain, his heart. He felt his heart experience more pain then when there parents took them away at the game and that was saying something. He was in so much emotional pain that he almost fell to the floor as he felt his legs give up for a second as he walked out of Teagan's room and out of there apartment as he saw Leo waiting for him. "So, how does it feel to-", Leo said as he was about to make a very snarky comment about the situation when Wyatt interrupted him. "You won. This is what you wanted isn't it?", Wyatt said as he was about to walk away but Alex stopped him dead in his tracks. "Not quite Marson but i think you know the rest by now", Alex said in a very happy tone. "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!! I LOST THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME BECAUSE OF YOU TWO COCKSUCKERS!! TAKE TEAGAN FOR ALL I CARE. IT'S WHAT YOU WANTED SO TAKE HER", Wyatt yelled so loudly that later that day, New Jersey called to issue a noise complaint. Leo was about to say something but when he turned his head, Wyatt was gone in a flash. "Should we follow him?", Alex asked with a worried tone. "Without his love for my love, he's nothing more then a knucklehead to me. Now for the moment i worked so hard for!", Leo said as he walked up the the front doors when he noticed something on the front of the building that he didn't notice before. "Late Day Off", Leo said with anger in his voice. "Wait a sec, we were in love with the rivals?", Alex asked with shock written all over her face. "Guess so. I never usually go this way and i never say the building's entrance till now", Leo said to himself as something crossed his mind. For reasons he couldn't explain yet, the words Wyatt said to him stuck to his brain like super glue to well, anything. HE was the reason this all happened, HE was the reason why he caused this break up. He thought about it some more and he looked back at his actions. He was so bitter and so greedy to make Teagan fall in love with him that he didn't notice the love that Wyatt and Teagan had was pure and real. Just then, his eyes struck open as something came flooding back to him. Before this moment, his memory on this event was fuzzy but he remembered it like it was yesterday. This memory started off like a regular day with a younger looking Leo at his first day of high school as a senior. This was a different school as this was before he moved to NYC. He took a seat in his first class and this other girl who looked so, so hot sat next to him. Right then and there, just like with Teagan, he fell in love. Over the year, he kept trying to ask her out but never had the courage to do so, until the day before spring break that year. He knew it was now or never so he went over to her and asked her out, to witch she said no. Leo felt crushed in that moment but then, a very short, not attractive guy came along and Leo pieced it together. They were dating all this time Leo worked up the courage to ask her out. Without even thinking, Leo charged at the guy, pining him to the ground as he kept beating the shit out of him until he found a body part that would tear his reputation to the ground. That body part was non other then his neck. The rest was pretty fuzzy after that but soon, his family moved to N.Y.C and I'm pretty sure you know the rest. "We messed up", Leo said as he walked away with Alex following him back home. "What do you mean we messed up?", Alex asked. "We need to fix this", Leo said as he and Alex walked back home.