The prince stood up slowly, surprise registering on his exhausted face as he gazed at Clara. She had crossed the room to retrieve a small, four-legged stool positioned near the window and placed it before him. He watched as she efficiently set the table, her movements graceful and assured. She filled the previously empty table with a clay plate heaped with assorted bush meat, expertly roasted and seasoned with a variety of locally sourced spices. A clay cup of palm wine, its fermentation process carefully monitored to achieve just the right level of sweetness, accompanied the meal.

The aroma of the food filled the room, creating a serene and comforting atmosphere that was accentuated by the lingering incense from their earlier dinner. The prince's stomach growled in anticipation, a reminder of the physical needs that persisted despite the emotional and psychological challenges he faced.

Clara noticed the prince's gaze but didn't laugh, feeling a sense of discomfort at the memory of their earlier intimate moment. Despite this, she remained dedicated to treating him with the respect and care befitting his status as a king. She stood up, her movements graceful and deliberate, and said, "Enjoy your meal, my lord." She bowed respectfully and turned to exit the room.

As she reached the door, she heard the prince's voice behind her. "Stay here with me tonight," he said. The words felt strange to her, and she froze, startled by the unexpected request. One of the cups she was carrying slipped from her grasp and shattered on the floor, the sound of breaking porcelain cutting through the silence.

The prince added that he only wanted her to stay for that night, and Clara responded, her back still turned to him. "I have nothing else to do here, other than to take care of you until you recover," she said, her voice steady despite the rush of emotions she felt.

The prince spoke again, his tone gentle but insistent. "Clara, please sleep here with me tonight."

The atmosphere in the room was charged with unspoken feelings and tension, and Clara found herself at a crossroads. Her duty to care for the prince clashed with the unexpected intimacy of his request, leaving her uncertain and conflicted.

Clara felt a sense of discomfort at the prince's unexpected request. She clutched her clothing tightly, feeling a wave of confusion and uncertainty wash over her. She wondered what he could mean by asking her to stay the night, and her thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of the situation.

She crossed her arms over her chest and turned to face him, her expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "What do you mean by 'tonight,' sir?" she asked, her voice steady but filled with unspoken questions.

The prince tried to explain, "Just accompany me here. I couldn't sleep last night, hearing the voices of the wizard in this forest." Clara couldn't help but find his fears amusing, and she replied with a touch of humor, "You're still scared of those superstitions?"

The prince seemed surprised by her casual manner of speaking, exclaiming, "You're actually speaking to me so casually now." Clara quickly apologized, realizing that she may have overstepped the boundaries of their relationship. "I'm sorry, I may have lost my mind," she said, trying to regain her composure.

Despite the prince's request, Clara insisted on leaving the room, feeling the need to process the unexpected turn of events.

As Clara made her way towards the door, the prince spoke up again, his voice stopping her in her tracks. "I want to ask you a question," he said, and Clara turned to face him, curious and somewhat hesitant.

She listened attentively as he spoke, and then she moved to the innermost right room near the door. From there, she retrieved her sleeping mat and pillow and brought them back into the main room. She laid the mat down beside the prince's bed, placing it about three meters away from him. She then sat down on the mat, drawing her legs up to her chest and gazing towards the door.

In this position, Clara appeared to be in a reflective state, perhaps contemplating the events of the day and the unexpected request the prince had made of her. The distance between them seemed to represent the emotional space that had opened up, filled with questions and uncertainty about what their relationship would become.

After a few minutes, the prince finished his meal and expressed his gratitude to Clara. "Thank you, Clara," he said, his tone appreciative. "You're an excellent cook."

Clara replied in a shy voice, surprised by the compliment. "What!?" she said, her cheeks coloring slightly. "It was my pleasure, my lord," she added, bowing respectfully.

Clara stood up and began to clear the table and tidy the room. She returned from her own kitchen, carrying a large candle that could burn for up to three days. She closed the door, and the room became dim, causing the prince some discomfort. However, he knew he had no choice but to adapt to the situation.

Clara lit the candle and placed it on a small stool between her sleeping mat and the prince's bed. The flickering light cast a warm, soft glow around the room, illuminating their surroundings and creating a sense of intimacy. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and the prince found himself even more aware of Clara's presence and the emotions that swirled between them.

As the night deepened, the wind began to blow through the gap between the door and its frame, causing the candlelight to flicker and dance around the room. The prince sat on his mat; his legs stretched out in front of him, mesmerized by the flickering light and lost in thought about how to prevent the candle from going out. Clara, too, was focused on the same concern, her mind racing for a solution to keep the flame alive.

As the candle's light weakened and threatened to extinguish, both the prince and Clara instinctively moved closer to it, their hands reaching out to shield the flame from the breeze. Their movements were synchronized, as if guided by an unspoken connection between them. They held their breath, concentrating on protecting the delicate flame and willing it to stabilize.

Their hands met on the small stool, intertwining as they each sought to preserve the candle's light. The air in the room became charged with anticipation, their shared focus and the physical closeness creating a sense of intimacy and connection. The flame flickered, but held strong, and in that moment.

The candle's flame continued to burn brightly between them, casting a warm glow that seemed to echo the memories that stirred within both the prince and Clara. They became lost in their thoughts, reminiscing about their shared past and the feelings that had brought them together.

The prince, Samuel, found himself recalling the tenderness of their first kiss, the innocence and passion of their youth stirring within him. Clara, too, was transported back to that moment, reliving the emotions that had bound them together. They were so engrossed in their memories that they were unaware of the heat of the candle, their minds fully immersed in the past.

As the candle's flame stabilized and illuminated the room, the sudden cold weather that had blown in through the door gave way to a cool, comfortable atmosphere. The prince and Clara remained lost in their thoughts, each caught in their own world of memories and emotions.

Outside, the sky had darkened, the red clouds giving way to a deeper, more intense shade of black. In contrast, the North Pole shone with a brilliant white light, a beacon of hope amid the encroaching darkness. Suddenly, a ray of sunlight broke through the window, catching their attention and drawing them back to the present moment.

They blinked, their gazes meeting as they realized they had been staring into each other's faces for the past half hour. The connection between them was palpable, a mixture of nostalgia, longing, and a sense of unfinished business. The prince and Clara found themselves on the precipice of a decision, their past intermingling with their present and shaping the path that lay before them.

As they regained their composure, the prince and Clara noticed an oversized hourglass nailed to the wall near the roof. The black sand within seemed to mark the passage of time, and its presence added to the sense of unease that had settled between them. They shifted awkwardly, moving back to their respective mats and turning their faces away from each other, feeling a sense of embarrassment at the intimacy they had shared.

Clara stood up, seeking a distraction from the tension in the room. She walked over to the small, open window and gazed outside, her mind still reeling from the events of the previous day. She decided to voice her curiosity to Samuel, remembering the adage "a closed mouth is a closed destiny."

As she stared out the window, she posed her question to the prince. "My lord, do you know anything about what happened yesterday?"

Samuel responded, "I know a lot about it," his voice measured and enigmatic. Clara was taken aback by his response, surprised that he had insights into the unusual occurrence. 

Sensing her interest, Samuel added, "But on one condition..." His words hung in the air, leaving Clara curious and uncertain about what he might ask in return for the information she sought.

Samuel turned to Clara and spoke, "I would like to know how you managed to treat my injured knee and the reason behind your sudden dash outside yesterday.

Samuel continued, "I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a full account of the situation later tonight. I'm interested in hearing your perspective and will gladly answer any questions you may have."

Clara questioned, "How can you be sure I will keep on with the conditions?"

Samuel responded, "I can see how eager you are to hear my answers, and I know you were frightened by what happened yesterday. I can assure you that I will uphold my end of the agreement."

Clara turned back to him...….