Random thoughts #4

Today is weird, as much as i love helping everyone, i feel just like not doing it...

I never mentioned in my previous thoughts, how much i despite humanity, sometimes, it happens, not always, but those past few days, i kinda despise all those humans...They play with other's life without fearing the repercussion of their actions, they argue for nothing as always, they nearly can never be agree on something, and they constantly need to do compareason on everything....they just hurt you freely.

I don't know maybe they think it is funny, amusing...they reach such a level of satisfaction when doing those actions or things. Some of them don't even realise how words can hurt, they just say mean things just because the others do, just to cover their own insecurities of not being accepted inside a group "They" think is cool, to discover that the only truth behind it....is that you too...Will return to that insecured state before joining them...

Humanity is such a pity, if only there was a way to actually eleminate them, not all of them, at least who are mean...i'm sure this cursed planet would a little bit better...

They Inovate, create, develop a lot of things, but all they are doing is driving them to their own doom...They are too curious, too naive, Too conquerent, too childish, too insecure, too complex to understand for some of us, of course i'm not in that majority.

All they do is care about themselves, they are selfish, and if they act kind and all...don't be decieved by those actions...its only to put themselves to a more advantageous position to facilitate their Survival, after all if you can't get something by yourself, why don't you go where you can have it, mainly with another human...except that some of them stole it, and will not wait to create a source with their friends or partner through time and effort. Of course some will go slowly but keep the entire stock for themselves...

Acting as a team was never a thing i liked to do, your ideas deviate too much from them, and sometimes if you are not blessed with the leading personality, well, you will be forced to go with their ideas...I can thanks my capacity to adapt easily to all situation...of course in term of social situation not the physical one...the type that goes like "Jumping from a plane without a parachute"...i just don't like acting team things, i have trust issues, i barely like humans, and yea i don't expect anything anymore cause i don't want anymore...i'm just tired of pretending too...so i prefer to stay away and the minimum interaction. I think its better for my survival...in anycase

I always was better alone...but its boring, i just wish someone who loves for who i am...well at least i saw someone, now is this will be a complete Story with its bad or good ending or will it just be only a teaser...who knows...i don't know...I'm just tired of hoping and expecting...
