zombie dungeon

Ten minutes after arriving at the bus stop, a small minibus stopped in front of me

I got into the minibus, sat quietly in one of the single seats and waited for the vehicle to start moving.

After a few more low-level Hunters boarded the vehicle, the van finally started moving

After about 2 hours of traveling, we arrived in a small town

The van dropped us off in the center of the town and continued on its own, we were a team of about 7 people now

In our team of 7, 6 of us were men and there was one young girl we picked up on the way

When I looked at the girl I saw that she was only 15-16 years old, so as an experienced hunter I approached her to tell her what to look out for in the dungeon

"Hello, may I know your name, ma'am?"

The girl spoke carelessly as if she didn't notice me


"Have you ever been in a dungeon before?"


"Do you want me to give you some tips about dungeons?"


The girl finally looked up and looked at me, and after a short time she lowered her head back down and looked in front of her as if nothing was happening.

In front of us was a gray-framed portal about 3 meters high

"Can you see the gray color around the portal, this color indicates that this portal belongs to a level F dungeon"

" Hmm "

"And what level of hunter are you?"

After looking at me emotionlessly for a while, the girl took out a badge with the C-level Hunter emblem from her pants pocket, hung it around her neck and then replied

" C "

When I heard the girl's answer I walked away quietly, seeing how young she was I thought she was a low level hunter or even a beginner, but it turns out she was a stronger hunter than me

I went to a corner and waited for the time to enter the dungeon, it was going to be my last dungeon because I don't want to go to dungeons anymore, I have saved enough money and I will go and work in an ordinary job and live like ordinary people

When the clock struck 12 o'clock, the head of our group, a middle-aged man, blew the whistle hanging around his neck and informed us that the dungeon raid had begun

In our group of 7 there were 5 F level hunters, 1 D level hunter and 1 C level hunter. Strangely enough, the D level hunter was the leader of the group, probably because he had been to this dungeon before for cleaning.

I learned a few things about this dungeon through the group leader's explanations on the way

He said that this dungeon was a kind of zombie graveyard and that he had been actively involved in the development of hunters for about 3 months.

The reason we came here today was to kill the dungeon boss to close this dungeon completely

As the group made their way to the dungeon, I followed behind as usual. When I entered the dungeon, I found myself in a huge graveyard.

The leader of the group came to the front of the group, stood at the head of one of the graves and with a sword in his hand made a cut in the stone placed at the head of the graveyard

A system window appeared in front of everyone in the group

[ You have disrespected those who are asleep and you must suffer the consequences ]

Suddenly the ground began to tremble and the graves split open, causing zombies to come out of them

Before we could react, the portal door behind us disappeared and we were alone in the middle of a huge cemetery

"What's going on, only one zombie was supposed to wake up"

When we heard the words of the group leader, almost all of us looked at him in shock and fear

I stepped forward, grabbed the group leader by the collar and asked him what was going on

"Normally, if we hit a tombstone, the zombie sleeping in the grave would stand up and attack us, but now all the zombies are standing up all at once"

I was thinking quickly as I looked at the hundreds of cemeteries around me and when I looked back at the group leader I saw him shaking with fear

There was a slight movement in the giant grave at the end of the cemetery and a cold wind blew towards us that made all our hair stand on end.

Since the group leader couldn't seem to lead anymore, I decided to act fast and put people in order

"Everyone calm down, this is only a level F dungeon, so all the zombies are only level F. If we stick together and stick together, we can deal with all the zombies."

In response to me, the next youngest in the group, the F-level hunter, shouted

"Don't joke with us, everyone knows that an F-level Hunter is weaker than an F-level monster without using his skills, and you're telling us to use our swords to deal with hundreds of them at once?"

"If you don't have a better plan, shut up and follow what I say."

The young hunter had to give up through gritted teeth and everyone gathered around me. Even though the D level Hunter was stronger than us, he was still a D level Hunter, so he unwittingly followed my orders and came to my side.

There were six of us now, four of us with swords and two with spears and bows respectively. I looked around and saw that the little girl, a C-level Hunter, was nowhere to be seen, so I looked back in case she had gone back the way we came.

I saw the little girl standing by the disappearing entrance door and when our eyes met for a moment, she apologized to me with an expressionless face and before I could react, she disappeared