
When I called out a profile into the air, a floating system screen appeared in front of me

[ Profile

Name : eren black

Title : -living more than one life-

Age : 25

Lvl : F 3 ( 60 / 100 )

Time remaining : 5 hours

Strength : 4

Defense : 3

Speed : 5

Mana : 0

Luck : ?

Charm : 6

Abilities ;

Active abilities ;

- simulation : using this ability you can simulate your life in different timelines, you will receive rewards according to the result of the simulation

Passive abilities ; ]

Looking at my profile, I was briefly shocked that I was level 3, but I didn't have time to think about it because the time flow started to resume again.

While the doctors were checking my health, I was preoccupied with the question of why I was level 3.

For F levels, each level drop time is 48 hours, so the time it took me to drop from level 7 to level 3 should have been around 8 days.

When I saw that the chief physician was still reviewing documents related to my health, I opened my mouth to ask the question that had been nagging me

"Doctor, you said I've been unconscious for two hours, right?"

The doctor took off the glasses hanging by a string around his neck, looked at me seriously and said "no"

"But you just told me"

"What I told you was that your heart stopped beating for two hours, and of course it's been almost a week since that happened, hasn't it, Angela?"

He asked the last question, turning to the girl with blunt black hair who had been waiting silently beside him for a long time.

"That's exactly one hundred and sixty-four hours, twenty-one minutes and sixteen seconds, that's seven days, twenty hours, twenty minutes and twenty-one seconds."

"So you're saying I slept here for a fucking week?"

"It's actually a week and twenty hours and twenty-one minutes"

"Okay, okay, I don't need any more details, I understand."

Looking at the girl named Angela, I could easily see that she hated me for interrupting her.

Trying to pretend that nothing had happened, I asked the chief physician again

"Any news from my father or my sister, do they know I'm here?"

"Yep, they've both been in the hospital for about 5 days waiting for you to wake up."

"Can I see them?"

They should probably be quite worried about me by now, after all I normally call them on the phone at least every 3 days

"No you can't"

"Why not?"

The doctor gestured outside and continued speaking

"There are a couple of Hunters' association employees and police officers there who want to ask you questions. You'll have to talk to them first."

After writing a few more things on the paper in his hand, the doctor closed the file, put it on the table next to me and left the room with the other doctors.

Just a few seconds after they left, a group of three people each from the Hunters' Association and police officers entered the room.

The leader of the group from the hunters' association was a woman in a suit with her blonde hair tied back.

3 police officers who entered the room stepped back, allowing people from the Hunters Association to be the first to speak

"Just to confirm, is your name Eren black?"

It was not difficult to understand from the tone of her voice that this was an interrogation, so I decided to answer as briefly as possible


"Did you log in from an F-level portal 7 days ago"

I was about to approve her again when I noticed that the right side of her suit was about a few centimeters shorter than the left side.

"Did you hear me?"

Doing my best to concentrate, I answered yes, but I still couldn't take my eyes off the right side of her suit.

The woman was wearing a perfect suit that was obviously freshly ironed, she was obviously meticulous, so why was she not offended by such an inequality?

"According to the records, there were 5 other people who entered this dungeon with you, but you were the only one who left the dungeon, can you swear that you didn't kill the other hunters who entered the dungeon?"

I was now able to focus on the conversation, as the woman arranged her suit with a small gesture before she began to speak.

But I realized that there was a strange mistake in what she said. She told me that a total of 6 people had entered the dungeon, but I was very clear about my memory and I was sure that 7 of us had entered the dungeon.

"There were a total of 7 people who entered the dungeon, not 6. If you are doing this to test me, there is no need, my memory is fine"

When I mentioned the number of people entering the dungeon, the woman questioning me frowned openly

"According to the records, 5 F level hunters and 1 D level hunter entered the dungeon, so are you saying that my records are wrong?"

"Yes, I remember very well that there were 5 F-level hunters, 1 D-level hunter and a C-level hunter, a little girl, who entered the dungeon with me"

One of the men behind her came forward and whispered something in her ear, she frowned, turned to me, said a few words and left the room

"Hmm, we'll continue our conversation a little later, in the meantime, help the cops file a report."

When the people from the hunters' association left the room, the police officers came forward and told me to tell them everything that happened inside and took notes of every word I said.

After I finished telling the cops everything except my evolving title, the cops left the room.

As soon as the officers left, a woman from the Hunters' Association came in alone and as soon as she entered, she placed a small device on the wall

A blue wave of energy emanated from the small device stuck to the wall and filled the entire room

"Okay, young man, now there are some things I need to talk to you about seriously."

Her stern gaze and serious tone of voice added a certain charm to her youthful appearance.