first simulation II

The simulation was continuing while I was eating my popcorn.

- You are 9.5 years old, you started a new school and you sat next to a beautiful girl in the new class.

[You have to make an important decision]

[ 1 - make a good friendship with the girl next to you . Maybe you can be together in the future]

[ 2 - ignore the girl and focus on your studies ]

[ 3 - ask the girl out, if she refuses, you can focus on your studies ]

The popcorn in my hand almost fell to the ground as I stared motionlessly at the screen in front of me.

My instincts were telling me to stay away from the girl in order for the simulation to end in the best way, but now I was as caught up in the simulation as if I were watching a Korean drama.

Moreover, it had been a long time since I had forgotten that the name of the simulation world was zombie apocalypse, so I was going back and forth between the second and third options.

If I chose the second option, I would suffer from love pain if the girl fell in love with someone else.

If I chose the third option, I would have two years ahead of me. The first time, I would reject my girl offer and make her regret it after working hard and becoming an important person, the second way, she would accept my girl offer and our epic love that would last for years began.

After thinking for a long time, I decided to take a risk and chose the third option

- You are 9.5 years old, you asked out the beautiful girl who was your deskmate, and the girl reported you to the teacher on the grounds that you were a pervert. You now sit in different rows

As I looked at the screen in front of me, I was shocked by the cruelty of the little girl and wiped my wet eyes with a napkin I took from the next table.

- You are 10 years old, while your mother supports the family by working in a cafe, you go to school and come first in every exam. Your mother and teachers have high expectations from you

- You are 11 years old, your mother got too excited at the cafe where she worked, provoked by a group of drunk young people, and her old illness resurfaced. Your mother is no longer able to work and the household needs income. You had to leave school

- You are 11.1 years old, one of your teachers told you that you could work at a friend's mechanic shop.

[You have to make an important decision]

[ 1 - accept your teacher's offer and become an apprentice to a car mechanic and earn half the minimum wage limit every month ]

[ 2 - decline your teacher's offer and tell her she doesn't need to worry about you ]

While I was looking at the options in front of me, I heard someone entering the room and I shifted my attention from the system screen to the person entering the room.

When I woke up, I was a little surprised to see the first doctor I saw walk into my room because I hadn't seen him since I woke up.

"You seem surprised to see me."

The doctor had a strange facial expression as usual and had his hands clasped behind his back.

"I guess you noticed, so guess what's behind me?"

Even though I knew that the doctor in front of me was the one who saved my life, I couldn't ignore the fact that he went crazy after studying in medical school for six years.

I started to think about what kind of mental illness the doctor was and make guesses accordingly.

" Flower "

"It doesn't even matter"

" Chocolate "

" No "

" My money "

"Something better"

" impossible "

"Okay, okay, if you can't guess it then let me tell you"

When I finally heard that the doctor would stop this stupid game, I loosened my fists

The doctor slowly took out a large chart from behind and handed it to me.

When I saw that there was a certificate placed in the table, I read the contents of the certificate with curiosity.

After a few seconds, I looked at the doctor with a general look of disbelief on my face because the certificate he brought was a Guinness World record certificate for staying dead for the longest time.

"Why are you looking like that, aren't you happy?"

"This is my very happy look"

While I was wondering why the doctor standing in front of me was so stupid even though he was almost in his forties, I came across a notification from the system.

[You have to make an important decision]

" Can i ask you a question "

" Everything "

"Imagine a child, this child is an eleven year old boy who is very successful in school, okay?"

" Ok "

"The child lives alone with his mother, but one day his mother falls into a coma and the child has to stand on his own feet."

(Standing on one's own feet: meeting one's own needs - living one's life alone)

"Does he not have any other relatives?"

" no . One of the child's teachers is making an offer to this child "

" What offer "

"The teacher tells the child that he can become a car mechanic with a friend, but he can only earn half of the military wage."

"So what's the question?"

"If you were in this child's place, would you accept the teacher's offer or would you reject it and look for another job?"

"Of course I would agree, no one would give a better job to an eleven-year-old child, and since it is not legal for this mechanic to employ the child for such a low salary, this job will never officially exist. According to state records, the child will be in need of help with a sick mother." support will be provided. Thus, all the child has to do is to somehow avoid being taken to the orphanage by the child welfare institution."

This stupid looking doctor left me in a daze once again

"Oh, by the way, if the child lives in a rich country, he cannot be a Mechanic because he will be constantly monitored by the state. Although, if the teacher made such an offer to the child, there is probably no such thing in that country."

"Anyway, I have a rich girl to take care of, I'll see you again later. By the way, if you want to be discharged, come to me, I'll make sure you are discharged as long as you hire a private nurse to your home."

If someone had told me beforehand that this doctor could be this cool, I definitely wouldn't have believed him.

The sound of the doctor closing the door made me choose the first option in the simulation.