urgent task

Famous and powerful hunters all had their own way of assigning a certain statistic score. They also gave names to these methods. For example, if I were to assign my stat points according to the method of Charlie, the most famous battle mage, I would have to assign 40% of my points to mana, 20% to strength, 25% to speed and the rest of my stats to defense.

In this way, I could engage in close combat with the wizard's staff and fight for a long time.

In fact, in general, all statistical assignment methods had their own balance. This balance was generally based on what skills were in the skill tree, but the problem for me was that I didn't know what kind of skills I would have in the future, and my guess was that the skills the system rewarded were completely random.

While looking at my unassigned stat points I decided to use them after getting a good skill

The only thing I could do for now was to increase my attractiveness score by 2 points because, like every human being, I wanted to be more beautiful.

After searching for two stat points I checked my system profile again

[ Profile

Name: Eren Black

Title: -living multiple lives-

Age: 25

Lvl: E 8 ( 0 / 200 )

Remaining time: 70 hours

Power: 4

Defense: 3

Speed: 5

Assignable stat points: 15

Mana: 0

Chance : ?

Charm: 6 (+2)

Abilities ;

Active abilities;

- simulation

Passive abilities;

- fast ant expert ]

When I saw the +2 sign next to my charm stat, I knew all I had to do now was wait

The system would inject people's assigned stat points into their bodies while they were sleeping. In fact, it would be enough for me to sleep for 10 minutes to make the system do this immediately, because as far as I know, it takes 10 minutes for a rank E hunter's stats to be injected. The higher your Hunter level, the longer it will take for your assigned stat points to be injected into your body.

* Horn sound *

When I raised my head and looked reflexively at the sound of the horn, I saw that a yellow taxi had stopped in front of the park. I did not keep the taxi driver waiting any longer and got into the taxi.

About half an hour later, the taxi was still taking me quickly to where I wanted to go. I knew I wasn't being scammed by the taxi driver because I knew some of the buildings in the area.

In a position where the taxi driver could not see me, I silently entered the banking application on my phone and checked how much balance I had left on my credit card.

I was already regretting taking a taxi right now, but it was too late to feel sorry.

After another ten-minute taxi ride, I returned to my dormitory.

While I was looking at the $35 balance missing from my account with little tears in my eyes, I saw the board hanging on the wall of the stairs as I was climbing the stairs of the dormitory.

There haven't been many posts on this board lately because the hunters living here were generally low-level hunters. I moved closer to the board and took a look at the 3 tasks that were obviously newly posted.

[ Goblin hunt ]

[ quest content : We are looking for people to join us in raiding a dungeon of goblins

Duty place and time: We will leave in 3 days to go to the dungeon, please be in front of the dormitory at 9 in the morning.

Post sent by: Koç Holding

Reward: 0% of dungeon earnings, $1000 participation reward per person

Person capacity: 10

Level required to participate: E ~ ?

Signature of persons participating (signature) (signature)]

Even though the first mission seemed bad, it was actually a pretty good mission. If a E-rank hunter hunted in a E-rank dungeon and obtained 3 or 4 crystals, he could earn 300-400 dollars as a result, but with this quest, he only had to participate.

There were already two people who signed to join the mission. Actually, I had the level to participate in this mission, but I wasn't planning to tell anyone that my level had increased for now.

For obvious reasons, if people found out that I had leveled up, they would probably report me to the Hunters Association without hesitation.

When I saw that there was nothing for me in the first mission, I started to examine the second mission.

[Emergency Defense mission]

[ Mission content: According to a prophecy agreed upon by many prophets in our country and around the world, an A level 1 portal will appear in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, and for this, all hunters must gather in Ankara within a week.

Duty place and time: For hunters who do not have their own vehicles, a large bus will depart from in front of the hunters' dormitory after 5 days. Hour ; 22.00

Post sender: President of the European Hunters Association, President of the Asian Hunters Association

Reward: if the dungeon is captured successfully, 30% of the income from the dungeon will be distributed to the participants according to their level

Person capacity: unlimited

Level required to participate: Doesn't matter

Signature of the people who will participate: participation is mandatory]

When I looked at this mission, I realized that Turkey would be in trouble in the future. In fact, due to my known title - survivor - I could not be held responsible even if I ignored this mission, but as someone who has never shirked my responsibilities, I decided to participate in this mission.

Since this mission is still 5 days away, I also took a look at the other mission

[ Lion's mane ]

[Quest content: Entering a forest type F rank dungeon and finding the plant called lion's mane

Quest place and time: [location of the dungeon marked on the map] time Within 3 days

Person sending the mission: anonymous (mission target will be delivered to the dormitory manager)

Reward: items you took out of the dungeon + 200 dollars per person

Person capacity: one person

Level required to participate: must be at least rank E (for your safety)

Signature of the people who will participate: ]

I was very happy to see the last mission because I was very experienced in plant collection missions and without hesitation, I wrote my name and signed in the list of people who will participate.

In fact, what I did now could be considered quite stupid. Because the name of the person who sent the task was recorded anonymously

If it had been someone else, he might have thought that this mission would be a trap, but frankly, I didn't care that much because I was planning to do the mission after the current simulation was over and I guess I would be a D-level hunter after this simulation.

Before leaving in front of the board, I took a photo of the urgent task with my phone and then went to my room.

When I went down to the mess hall for dinner, I could almost hear all the hunters talking about the urgent mission.

When I saw a couple of my friends that I don't hang out with very often, I sat next to them with the food in my hand.

When I sat down at the dining table, they greeted me briefly and then continued gossiping about the urgent mission. Luckily, the reason I sat next to them was to listen to gossip about this mission.

"Hey Yilmaz, did you hear that the person named Ghost will also join this mission?"

"Haha, is that something? I heard that Prof. Dr. Gazi has already set out from America. He is coming to Turkey for this mission."

"I heard while talking to Aslıgül that the hunters' associations in Asia and Europe were preparing a delegation of 100 people each to come to Turkey."

While they continued talking, I sat next to them and listened to their gossip while quietly eating my food.

"Well, Erin, aren't you excited? Your best friend will also join this mission. Maybe you can get together again."

Even though I was a little confused when the topic suddenly turned to me, I didn't give a damn.

"Who do you mean by my best friend?"

"Who could it be, of course I'm talking about instructor Mert"

When I heard the name Mert, I spit out the soup I was about to swallow.

While my friends sitting at the table started laughing at my reaction, some people from the surrounding tables looked at our table, wondering what they were laughing at.

Instructor Mert was actually someone I knew very well. In the second year of my training as a hunter, I worked as an instructor for a while to train new hunters. One of the hunters I trained during this period was a young athlete named Mert.

When I started training Mert, everything started out pretty normal, but for some reason Mert got too attached to my subpar training techniques.

Right now, Mert is like a pop star, a trainer who praises me everywhere and trains new hunters with my methods.