Am I more handsome?

- You are 11 years old, you are now one of the most powerful people in the assassin organization. One day, the shadow called you and while we were chatting, he told you that he was working on an experiment that could give people superpowers in the future. You refused to be a part of the experiment, saying that life would be boring without people stronger than me. After laughing out loud at what you said, Shadow understood you and you heard his last words before leaving. "The only person who can be stronger than me in the future is you, and I hope this future comes quickly because I'm so bored."

- You are 12 years old, you have finished secondary school and need to start high school. You want some change in your life, you want a quieter life, so you moved to a different city and decided to stay away from the assassination organization for a while.

- You are 12.5 years old, with your magnificent physique, cold looks and extraordinary handsomeness, you are the prince charming of all the girls in your school's dreams, but you have no idea about this situation.

As I continued to watch the simulation, a sharp alarm sound reached my ears.

I got up from my bed, took the phone that was sitting forgotten in a corner of the table, and stopped the alarm. Meanwhile, my eyes coincidentally reached the series of numbers at the top of the phone indicating the time and I saw that it was already morning and there were still twenty minutes left until breakfast time ended.

When I took my eyes off the simulation, I was torn between the feeling of insomnia and the wild roars coming from my stomach for a while.

Finally, I reached into the mini fridge, put a few of the sugarpare desserts I had hidden there in the past few days into my mouth, and closed my eyes.

Like every normal person, I didn't realize how time passed while I was sleeping and suddenly it was already evening. Shortly after opening my eyes, I realized that my room was dark and I immediately reached for my phone. Fortunately, I still had time to go down to dinner.

I took a towel and shampoo with me to get out of bed and go to the shared bathrooms. After a short shower, I finally managed to come to my senses. While I felt as if I had been created all over again, the only thing left was to fulfill the wishes of my stomach, which was making strange noises.

After going to my room and getting dressed, I stood in front of the mirror and checked myself out of habit before leaving my room. And that's when I remembered the two stat points I invested in my charm attribute

The eyes of the person standing on the other side of the mirror looking at me were not a black-brown color as they used to be, he had light brown eyes that were strikingly striking, as if they were a vast desert, and there were no longer any yellow or blood lines in the white parts of his eyes.

My hair looked more well-groomed than before; it was matte black, as if it resembled the darkness of the night. In fact, when I looked carefully, it seemed like I had grown a little taller. After thinking for a while, I went to the bookshelf, which I knew was 2 meters tall, and compared my height. I guess the distance between the place I marked on the bookshelf and the top of the bookcase was around 15-20 centimeters, which means that I had grown a lot, not a little.

With only 2 stat points, the change in my body was truly remarkable and completely exceeded my expectations. Once hunters assigned stat points to their attractiveness value, what kind of improvements they would get was generally fixed and related to their genes. Someone who increased his attractiveness value to ten points would almost certainly grow taller, his eye color would be lighter, his body hair distribution would be regulated, his hair would be more vibrant, his skin would be healthier, and sometimes his facial features would become sharper.

But there was a problem: if all of a hunter's relatives had a big nose, that hunter couldn't use his stat points to have a more average nose, or if all of his relatives were short, that hunter wouldn't grow very tall. I guess if I scored two more points my height would easily exceed 190 cm.

After taking out my phone and taking a few narcissistic photos showing off my muscles, I left the room.

When I went down to the dining hall, I was surprised by a surprise that made me very unhappy. While I was locking the cafeteria door, I was looking at the old cleaning lady who said to me that we closed early today.

I left the dorm desperately thinking that I should eat this meal outside.

After going out, I went to the maps on my phone and checked if there was a restaurant still open nearby. Even though I found a few restaurants, I didn't want to eat meat or drink soup by myself at this time of the night, so I desperately decided to run four kilometers to the pizzeria, which was the only option left.

It was an indescribable pleasure to pass by people walking along the road at full speed while running at full speed. While my body was overflowing with adrenaline, I continued running without thinking about anything. Probably my current speed could compete with a super athlete. I felt old for a moment when I remembered how big an event the Olympics were before hunting came into being. People were no longer interested in watching the Olympics because who would watch ordinary people when they could watch a former athlete running near the speed of sound on television?

When I pulled myself away from my thoughts, I was already standing in front of the pizza restaurant, which has branches almost all over the world. When I walked in, I saw that there was only one customer other than the employees.

So, after choosing a random table and sitting down, I ordered a mixed and largest size pizza for myself via the QR code on the table and started waiting.