end of bandits

When the bandits heard me threatening them, they looked at each other and then started laughing loudly.

When I heard that they had made their choice, I took out my graphene dagger from my jacket pocket without further hesitation.

When the leader of the bandits saw the dagger in my hand, his joy was evident even in his eyes.

"Isn't that thing in your hand illegal? You'd better give it to me and I'll leave you alone, what do you say, young man?"

While looking at the dagger in my hand, I whispered "tie it" into the air as if I didn't hear what the man said.

"Hey damn guy, can you hear what I'm saying?"

The weapon in my hand changed rapidly, becoming sharper, brighter, lighter and most importantly, completely transparent. Thanks to a strange bond between me and my dagger, information such as the length of my dagger appeared in my mind as if I had been using this dagger for years.

"Hey hey hey, what did you do with that dagger, do you know how much that dagger is worth on the black market, you fucker?"

As the leader thug approached me angrily, the other man behind him grabbed his leader's arm.

"Boss, didn't you say that man was a cockroach, how did he put the dagger in his inventory then?"

When the boss heard what his man said, he narrowed his eyes, took a step back and showed a thoughtful expression. While they were having action among themselves, I was completely focused on the system.

[ Congratulations, you have become a ( D ) level hunter ]

When I saw the last system screen, everything around froze like when the title I first had evolved.

While I was confused about what was happening, my skill tree appeared in front of me and one of the branches lit up and unlocked a new skill.

[ Congratulations, you have acquired a new skill ( personal challenge ) ]

I heard the leader bandit's words as everything around me started to move again

"You don't need to be afraid, even if he had a double awakening, since he entered an F-rank dungeon, he is still nothing but an F-rank. If we attack at the same time, we can quickly save his business and get rich."

The rogue leader's words gave me an epiphany

"Did you say double awakening? Wow, I hadn't thought of that before. Thanks for the idea."

I had no idea to give them the opportunity to talk further, because Kadir might have been stupid and attacked the goblins alone while I was lingering here. When this possibility came to my mind, I immediately rushed forward.

When the girl standing behind saw me attacking, she released the bow in her hand and shot an arrow at me. When I saw the arrow coming, I immediately turned behind a tree on my right. While the arrow was stuck in the tree, I came out from behind the tree without losing any speed and ran and attacked their leader.

The man who was their leader was a very intelligent man compared to his appearance, and when he saw me attacking, he took a step back, thinking that I had a trump card that I could hide, and let the man next to him take the attack.

Almost all of my 3-year hunting life was spent fighting against much more difficult enemies than other hunters. Hunters would often turn to creatures lower than themselves, but that was never an option for me, and thus I developed a strong combat instinct.

After giving a condescending look at the spear coming towards my face, I hit the side of the spear with my back kick, causing the spear to get stuck in the tree next to me. Even though the man immediately tried to pull the spear, I took advantage of that moment of defense and made a fatal cut on the man's throat with the invisible dagger in my hand.

When the leader of the bandits saw what I was doing, he realized that instead of hiding the graphene dagger in a storage ability, I had an ability that made the dagger invisible

"Be careful, the dagger is still in his hand, but it is invisible."

After warning the archer behind him, the bandit leader threw down his spear and pulled out a small battle axe.

So the leader bandit showed me once again how smart he is. If I had really stepped forward, thinking that the weapon in his hand was not suitable for a war environment, he could have used the ax behind him to make a surprise attack on me and killed me.

I rushed forward and wanted to kill the leader without waiting for the archer to get ready again, but the bearded brute, the leader of the bandits, was really skilled in fighting. Even though the dagger in my hand was completely invisible and I often tried to surprise him by shifting the dagger from one hand to the other to confuse him, he managed to deflect every attack.

When I saw the archer woman aiming at me again out of the corner of my eye, I activated the first of my dagger's newly acquired abilities and sent a small light reflection towards the archer's eye. Just as the archer woman was about to fire the bow in her hand, when a blinding light suddenly appeared in her field of vision, she reflexively tried to release one of her hands holding the bow and close her eyes.

When I realized that I had reached my goal, I threw the dagger in my hand towards the leader. Normally doing this would be pretty stupid because I would be giving up both the weapon in my hand and my only advantage for an injury. The leader of the bandits didn't try to defend himself because he thought I was pretending to throw the dagger, but this time he was wrong and the dagger was stuck in the man's shoulder. While the leader was in pain, he was distracted for a short moment, and I took this moment of distraction as an opportunity, made a fist with my right hand, leaving two fingers exposed, and raised it to the same level as my chin, and shouted "decay" into the air.

The leader, who had taken a few steps back, tried to remove the invisible dagger from his shoulder with one hand, and suddenly fell to the ground screaming. I took this opportunity and jumped on the archer who was still trying to open his eyes, and with one move I broke the woman's neck, leaving the bandit leader alone.

After picking up the bow and arrow that the woman had just dropped, I stretched the bow and pointed it at the leader bandit, and I saw that there was a rotten skeleton where the leader bandit was.

Apparently, my dagger's ability called Decay Curse was much more powerful than I expected.

I threw the bow in my hand to the ground, leaned on one of the trees behind me, and started to catch my breath.

"Will you be my master?"

I almost had a heart attack until I realized that the person suddenly appearing next to me and talking in my ear was Kadir.

Killing people was a crime, and killing hunters was a greater crime. So I tried to make an excuse by working my brain fast.

"They were all dead when I arrived, I guess they encountered a gang of goblins"

Kadir looked at me for a while without any emotion and then opened his mouth.

" This is not possible "

"Why not? You say I killed them."

"The reason that's not possible is that I've been standing here watching you since you killed the first man."

"What makes you think I can't kill you?"

"Because I am just a clone, when I disappear, the main body will take all the information I have. If you agree to be my master, I will not tell anyone about what happened here."

"You little bastard"

"Does this mean yes?"

"Of course it is. But remember, you will not tell anyone about what happened here."

"As you command, master"

After Kadir showed a smile that was too modest to be called a smile, he started to step back and walk away.

While I was scratching my itchy head due to high stress and anger, I saw that Kadir, who claimed to be a clone, suddenly withered and turned into a green mass of branches and wood.

Whatever this kid's title was, it gave him multiple cool abilities at rank F. Maybe being his master wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.