simulation leveled up

- You are 26 years old, you fought a zombie almost equal in size to a 3-storey building and you couldn't defeat it because the zombie's armor was too thick. A former general who was the leader of one of the survivor camps offered to give you a powerful explosive to defeat this zombie, but you rejected his offer and started training to make your physique stronger.

- You are 27 years old, you continue to get stronger by jogging approximately 100 kilometers every day and lifting weights of several tons. While doing sports, you continue to quickly kill a lot of zombies you encounter in the city, which makes the city you live in the safest city and causes the survivor camps to move to the city you live in over time, but there is still something that worries people, which is everything you encounter in the middle of the city. mutant zombie taller than a 10-story building

- You are 28 years old, no matter how hard you try, you cannot get any stronger and you realize this and decide to kill the person you see as your arch-rival. People who own the largest survival camps in the world are watching the fierce fight between you and mutant zombies thanks to the technologies they have developed.

- You are 28.3 years old, every morning after you wake up, nothing you do is run around the city square and start fighting again with the mutant zombie you stopped fighting. You continue to reject the survivor camp leaders who offer you powerful weapons, and each day you continue to use your high speed as an advantage to wear down the mutant one last time.

You are 29 years old, you are stuck at the same level while the mutant zombie continues to get stronger as time goes by. When you are almost killed by the mutant zombie, you finally make a deal with the survivors camp leaders who have been trying to persuade you for a long time and destroy the zombie using an explosive they call a nuclear core, but since the explosive is much stronger than what they told you, you lose your life in this explosion and turn into dust.

"Wow, what action happened in the simulation when I wasn't looking."

[ Simulation ( * ) --> simulation ( ** ) ]

[ Your simulation skill has leveled up to reach the two-star level . Please don't forget to check your simulation ability for new features you get]

Because of the unexpected screens that appeared suddenly, I quickly got up from my bed and opened the main screen of the simulation, and some notifications popped up in front of me.

[ Congratulations, you can now draw simulation template cards ]

[ Congratulations, you can now use someone else to enter the simulation ]

While I was looking at the notifications, which was quite confusing, I saw that there was a question mark button in the corner of both notifications and I clicked on the first notification.

When I clicked on the first notification, the screen in front of me closed and showed me a new section added to the simulation screen.

Curiously, I entered the section called template card and checked what was happening. What I encountered here was an ordinary gacha machine. When I curiously pressed the draw button, warning screens appeared.

[The template card you receive after the raffle will be automatically activated and will remain active for one hour]

[ You can draw once a week . The waiting period will start after you draw]

[ Raffle prizes ; first simulation, second simulation]

[You can name the raffle prizes]

These warning screens were enough to remove almost all the question marks in my mind. Just in case, I decided to save my lottery ticket for when we go to the A-level dungeon.

I clicked on the two cards in the raffle prize list and changed their names to something more descriptive.

First simulation ---> weapons expert Eren

Second simulation ---> martial artist eren

When there was no question mark left in my mind about this change, I clicked on the question mark of the second notification that appeared when I first opened the simulation part of the system and looked at what it was.

[ You can now mark a person to enter the simulation . When the person you mark sleeps, he will enter the simulation and the simulation will continue in an accelerated manner until the person in the simulation wakes up.]

[Warning 1 - make sure that the person you choose to enter the simulation is not awakened by unnatural means]

[Warning 2 - when the person entering the simulation comes out of the simulation, he will think that everything he experienced was a dream and will forget it after a short time.]

[Warning 3 - the person entering the simulation will think that he has died and been reincarnated and will act accordingly. Please make your choice wisely ]

[Warning 4 - while a simulation is in progress, another simulation cannot be started]

After thinking about it for a while, this newly acquired skill could come in handy. It takes less time than normal simulations, and since the person starting the simulation already has the memories of their previous life, the probability of living an extraordinary life increases.

Instead of starting a new simulation, I decided to go to Sofia's house for a guest tomorrow because I still felt that I had revenge to take from her. And one of the best ways to get revenge was to send her to a world full of zombies to have a beautiful nightmare.