punishment mission

[ - task completion time 71 hours

- kill everyone who doesn't know their place

- kill the cult master

- the quest world was destroyed by a great divine punishment

- You were detected stealing the sect master's treasures

Mission completion rating (FFF)]

[You have accumulated a large amount of bad karma for completing the quest with spectacular failure. You will be sent on a punishment mission to purify yourself from this karma.

Remaining time for the punishment mission (escape from the void prison): 99 hours]

It was really bad that I got punished for the challenge I took to become stronger while participating in the national mission tomorrow, but luckily I still had time to serve the punishment.

I walked back to Sofia's house, numb with the amazing taste left in my mouth.

When I stepped into the garden of the house, the noise coming from the backyard caught my attention and I walked on the grass, walked around the house and came to the backyard.

Unsurprisingly, I learned that Sofia also had a training ground in her home. In the empty area in the middle of the training field, Sofia and Kadir faced each other and were fighting with their bare hands.

After watching for a while, what I saw surprised me. Kadir literally turned into a toy in Sofia's hands.

Kadir didn't have much background in martial arts, I already knew that, but Sofia was literally knocking Kadir off his feet.

"What are you two doing?"

When Sofia and Kadir heard my voice, they stopped their one-sided fight. Sofia was the first to speak

" Since there was nothing left to teach him, we decided to do some physical training "

I was going to say that this was bullying, not physical training, but when I looked at Kadir, I saw a fire burning in Kadir's eyes. It wasn't the first time I encountered these kinds of eyes and looking into these eyes reminded me of an old friend.

I had a tall friend with blue hair named Ali in the early days of hunting. The reason why we became friends with him was mostly because of the titles we had.

His title was a title called -werewolf- and all the abilities he gave in the early days were tracking abilities such as nose strengthening. For this reason, hunters with the title of -werewolf- were sent on reconnaissance missions, just like hunters with the title of -survivor- .

But my friend always said that he was more than that, and in his spare time he was constantly hunting low-level dungeons. For almost half a year, he hunted stronger monsters without giving up his determination, even though he had no attack ability, and eventually joined the ranks of A-rank hunters.

Since his time, the werewolf title has become a highly sought after hunter title by private hunting companies. My friend mentioned that after reaching B rank, he got a B rank skill and thanks to this skill, he could half transform and double his stats.

Even though he was an A-rank hunter, the conversation between us never diminished until the day he received an invitation from America to go to the A-rank portal opened in the middle of the ocean.

All the world's television channels had been talking about this dungeon raid all day, and this dungeon would be the first A-rank dungeon my friend would attend.

Humanity experienced complete disappointment in this dungeon. Of the 53 A-rank hunters who participated in the dungeon raid, only 3 A-rank hunters survived and left the dungeon, and when these hunters came out, they said that they did not remember what they saw in the dungeon.

That day, a quarter of the A-rank hunters in the world died. This incident benefited Korea the most because all medium-sized countries like Korea sent their hunters to please America, but Korea was busy with the B-level dungeon that opened on the same day. In this way, Korea was now known as the fifth largest country in the world's hunting industry.

My friend's reason for joining this dungeon was completely different from other hunters. The only thing he wanted was to protect everyone. He was the one who convinced me to walk the hunting path

While looking at Kadir, I saw the shadow of Ali standing in front of me and saying "I will protect you" while hitting his own chest with one hand.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Or are you really attracted to me? Yare yare"

I came to my senses with Sofia's self-confident nonsense

"If I had accepted her the day my father asked me, "I found a girl who wanted you, would you like to marry me?" I would have a child your age now. You are just a brat in my eyes, Sofia.


"I know you're making fun of me for bullying your student. Stop me in your hands if you dare."

While looking at Sofia, who had taken a battle stance, I smiled, left a few words behind, and left.

"Is it bullying? I only see two people training"

Sofia yelled after me, "Coward!" After shouting, she turned to Kadir, who was pleased to hear my words.

"It's a shame you have such a teacher. Did you see how you ran away after letting me beat you?"

As Kadir's breathing rate improved, he gave a short answer to Sofia and took his fighting position.

"He's a better teacher than you."


As I entered the house and passed by the kitchen, I decided to cook something for Kadir and Sofia.

As someone who has been living away from my family for a long time, I knew a thing or two about cooking. I wanted to go through the kitchen cabinets and check what ingredients were there, but after opening a few cabinets, I gave up on this idea.

Every cabinet I opened was filled to the brim with cooking supplies. If I went online and looked up a recipe for any dish, I probably had all the ingredients I would need somewhere in the kitchen.

I had no idea if Sofia had breakfast, but I still had an hour or two for lunch.

Since I had no idea about healthy eating, I decided to make fried cheese dough.

After about 1.5 hours of effort, I finished preparing the meal and invited Sofia and Kadir, who were training, to dinner.

When Sofia saw that I had prepared the meal, she went upstairs and came back with one of those poison detection sticks designed for use in dungeons and, ignoring the veins on my forehead that were about to burst, she checked whether the food was poisoned or not.

I finally gave in, ignored Sofia's behavior, and joined them at the dinner table.

The only thing I felt after taking a bite of the fried food filled with crispy cheese was disappointment.

I still remember the taste of the weed I ate during the challenge mission.

After eating enough to fill my stomach, I got up from the table, sat in front of the TV and started watching a movie I found out of boredom.

Kadir and Sofia left the house and went to the backyard as if they were going back to the computer to play games.