Kabusia II - I

After a sleep break that lasted about 4 hours, I was woken up by Elif because it was my turn to keep watch.

After getting up from my bed and drinking some water, I wet my hands and face with a small amount of water and left the tent. I sat in front of an area with colorful ropes and started watching the ropes in front of me.

If someone passes through the area where the traps are, the rope that is the same color as the traps of the area they pass through will move and I will take precautions accordingly.

One more word, after continuing to follow the trap ropes without doing anything, I decided to open the system simulation and start a new simulation out of boredom.

Although I knew a lot about the first simulation world, the fact that I could not transfer any of this information to my personality in the simulation made me dependent on Sofia in a new way. The easiest and fastest way to complete the first simulation world is to rely entirely on Sofia