Chapter 7

"Ah, Hikigaya. Were the points transferred to you?"

When I entered the classroom, Yamauchi approached me and asked me such a question. My classmates in the classroom look at me.

"No, it wasn't transferred."

Well, my points have increased tremendously due to gambling.

"Hikigaya too, is it the school's fault that there are so many people who haven't received points?"

Yamauchi said that and went back to his seat, but it wasn't the school's mistake, it was your stupidity of masturbating.

Even as I thought so, I pulled out the chess board and started playing a chess problem as usual.

I want to improve my skills in order to win when I gamble with the chess club in the future and to defeat Sakayanagi.

After a while, a chime rang throughout the school, and Mr. Chabashira entered the room. She was holding a poster tube in her hand, and her expression was even graver than usual. It's probably about points. I feel sorry for that teacher.

"Sensei! Did your period stop?"

And Ike speaks words without delicacy. You always say you want to be popular, but if you want to be popular, don't say things like that.

While internally disappointed, Chabashira-sensei ignores Ike's joke and opens her mouth. "I'm going to start the morning HR session now, but before that, I'm sure there's something you'd like to ask me. I'll accept it before we start."

'It was as if she was sure he had a question. In fact, more than half of the students timidly raised their hands.

"Um, when I checked this morning, the points weren't transferred to me. Isn't it paid on the first day of every month? I was nervous because I couldn't buy juice."

"Hondo, as I said before, points are paid on the first day of every month. The money was transferred on the same day. The school has checked just to be sure, but there is no problem with it.''

"Eh? But it hasn't been transferred...''

Hondo is upset and looks at Yamauchi. And most of the students are hanging out with friends nearby.

As someone who knows the situation, I'm scared that a riot might break out.

There will definitely be people who will complain without admitting their fault.

"You guys are really stupid.'' Then Chabashira-sensei started shouting insults that clearly disqualified her as a teacher.

The emotion contained in the teacher's words was...anger? Or pleasure?

Her classmates can only gape at her as she carries an eerie presence.

"Sit down, Hondo. I won't say it twice.'

"S-Sae-chan-sensei...?'' Hondo was stunned for a while, swallowed up by the harshest tone he had ever heard, but perhaps his instincts had predicted the future.

After a few seconds, he slid into his seat.

"Let me say it one more time. The points were definitely transferred. There is no doubt about that. There is no illusion or possibility that this class was forgotten. Do you understand?

" ...What?'' Hondo looked dissatisfied and asked his classmates for agreement, who nodded.

"Hahaha, I see, teacher. I understand this riddle.'' Then Koenji, the maverick of the class, laughed out loud.

Apparently he solved the mystery about points. Then he seemed to realize that this was not a class and put his feet on his desk.

"It's simple, we D-class weren't given a single point."

"Huh? Why? I'm sure 100,000 points are transferred every month."

"I don't remember hearing that. Isn't it? Hikigaya boy."

"...Why do you ask me?"

It was completely unexpected for Koenji to mention his name.

However, with my doubts elsewhere, Koenji was still looking at me, and other classmates were also looking at me, so I let out a heavy sigh and opened my mouth.

"...Well, that's fine. Chabashira-sensei said that the school would transfer the money on the 1st of every month, but she didn't say that they would transfer 100,000 yen on the 1st of every month. And for some reason, our points became 0... …?"

Finally, I took the attitude of checking with Chabashira-sensei. The truth is that I know the reason why my points were reduced, but if I acted like I knew, I might get criticized for saying,

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?'' so I purposely said that for some reason.

That guy Koenji is saying unnecessary things... Why don't you just iron your nails in the corner like always and leave me alone?

When I looked ahead, feeling annoyed at Koenji, Chabashira-sensei nodded.

"Hikigaya is right. And the reason is simply your words and actions. You were late and absent a total of 98 times. You talked privately during class and touched your cell phone 391 times. You've messed up a lot in one month. At school, class grades are reflected in points. As a result, you all gave up all 100,000 points that were supposed to be transferred. That's all. I should have explained it to you directly on the day of the entrance ceremony. This school is based on your ability. When we measure the students. And this time, you received a grade of 0. That's all.'' Most of the class was at a loss for words at those words.

They probably couldn't understand that it was their fault. Come to think of it she didn't mention Yamauchi's actions? I decided to keep my mouth shut honestly.

Besides I was speechless too. I knew that there were many cases of lateness, absenteeism, and private speaking, but I never expected it to be this much.

As expected, most of these classmates are different from the students at Sobu Junior High School, and seem to have a low level of civility.

"Chabashira-sensei. I don't remember hearing any explanations like that..." Hirata, the class leader, raised his hand. However, the teacher scoffs.

"What? You guys can't understand unless it's explained to you?"

"Of course. If only they had given an explanation, they wouldn't have been late or talked privately."

"That's a strange story, Hirata. It's normal to be late and not talk privately during class. It should have been taught in elementary and middle school."

"Oh, that's..."

"It is true that there were a small number of students, including Hirata, Hikigaya, and Koenji, who were taking classes seriously, but that is normal. If everyone was doing the normal things, at least the points would not be 0. It's all your own fault."  She said while glancing at Yamauchi who shrinked in fear on his desk.

The teacher's words made the atmosphere in the classroom even heavier.

Well, up until yesterday, that is, last month, we were happily talking about our plans for next month. However, this system was perfect for the students who took the classes seriously.

Wouldn't it be nice to have some relief measures?

"Besides, did you guys seriously think that you guys, who just entered your first year of high school, would be allowed to spend 100,000 yen a month? At this school whose purpose is to educate talented people? It's impossible, think about it with common sense. Why? I'll leave the question as a question,''

I thought.

I took countermeasures by talking with Sakayanagi and Shiina, accessing the school internet, and gambling. As a result, I got over 800,000 points, and I'm safe for the time being.

When I look at Hirata, he looks disappointed, but he immediately looks into the teacher's eyes. "Please at least tell me the details of the increase and decrease of points..."

"That's not an option. I'm not supposed to tell you the details of the assessment. But, yeah... I'll tell you one good thing." With that, the teacher looked around the class.

"Even if you change your tardiness and class attitude and reduce the negative points to 0 this month, the points will not decrease, but they will not increase. In other words, the points that will be paid next month will be 0. I heard that it doesn't matter if you are absent or late. What do you think? There's no harm in remembering that, right?"

"Huh..." Hirata seemed to understand. If you say something like that, your awareness to improve your private language and tardiness will be diminished.

However, if it were a normal school, it would be a problematic system...

As I was thinking about this, the chime rang, signaling the end of homeroom time, but Chabashira-sensei didn't stop insults.

"Looks like we've had enough idle talk. Let's get down to business,'' the teacher said, taking out a large piece of white paper from the tube in his hand and pasting it on the blackboard.

There, the names of classes A to D were written with numbers next to them.

We, D class, are 0. I knew it, but seeing it like this makes me sigh.

The other classes are C class and 490. B class is 650. The A class was 940. In other words, Shiina will get 49,000 points and Sakayanagi will get 94,000 points. "For the past month, you've been living your life as you please at school. The school has no intention of denying that. It's just that they are paying for it. You are free to use it however you like.The same goes for the use of points.In fact, I wouldn't have placed any restrictions on that point.'' In short, it's at your own risk.

The 0 point groups like Ike and Yamauchi are crying out because of this, but it's probably their own fault.

I mean, you guys should really not be moving your hands in class.

"Why... is there such a difference in points between classes?'' Hirata seemed to notice that the point difference had widened up so clearly.

"Have you gradually come to understand? Why were you chosen to be Class D?"

"Isn't that appropriate?"

"Isn't that what class division is all about?"

"No. At this school, students are divided into classes in order of their ability. The most talented students go to class A. The weak students go to class D. Huh. In other words, you guys are the worst kind of defective products."

Yeah. I learned that yesterday at the chess club. That we are defective.

What's more, the trouble with this system is that it doesn't decide based on simple grades.

While thinking this, Mr. Chabashira applauds. "And you guys are the first to get all the points in one month. On the contrary, I'm impressed, you're very admirable."

"Does that mean that as long as this point is 0, we will always have 0 points?"

"Yeah. But don't worry, you can live at this school even without points." I know that. Some food and daily necessities are free.

However, most of my classmates were extravagant, so I wouldn't be able to tell. In addition, the free food only exists to fill the stomach and is frankly tasteless.

"Does that mean we're going to be made fun of by other classes for the rest of our lives?'' Then Sudo kicks the leg of the desk, but please stops hitting things!

I was so scared because it was so close. "What, I see you're also concerned about other people's evaluations. Then you're going to do your best to move up to a higher class."


"Class points are not only linked to money, but the value of these points is directly reflected in the class rank.''

Having said that, there is a 490 point difference from the C class, which is quite a painful sight.

"Well, I have another piece of disappointing news for you guys.'' A piece of paper is added to the blackboard.

There, the names of all the students in Class D are listed, along with numbers next to their names.

"Even you defective people will know what this number is. This is the result of a quiz I took the other day. What the hell did you guys study in junior high school?"  Most students, except for the top students in their division, scored around 60 points.

Some students score less than 30 points.

The number 88 written next to me means I'm in 4th place after Koenji, Horikita, and Yukimura, but there are too many idiots in my class, right?

Even if I couldn't help but answer the last three questions, the rest were really easy.

Chabashira-sensei's words continued while I was inwardly stunned. "That's great, if this had been a real event, seven of you would have been expelled."

"Y-you're expelled? What do you mean!?"

"What, didn't I explain that to you? At this school, if you get a red mark in even one subject on the midterm and final exams, you will be immediately expelled."

Chabashira-sensei's words cause the academic scumbags to make a fuss.

I confirmed this on the school's internet, but I'm really glad I studied science subjects even though I was willing to die to get into this school.

"Don't be silly! Expulsion is not a joke!!"

"I wouldn't mind if you told me. It's the rules of this school."

"As the teacher said, there seem to be a lot of idiots in this class.'' Kouenji, who was sharpening his nails and had his feet on the desk, smiled arrogantly. If you want to sharpen your nails, put a tissue underneath.

This guy is all about himself.

"What the hell, Koenji! You're a red dot anyway!"

"Hmph. I wonder where you're looking, boy. Look carefully.'' Koenji's score was 90 points, tied for first place with Horikita and Yukimura.

"I thought you were a stupid character like Sudo...'' You can hear voices from around the class, but Koenji was actually participating in the class.

He's usually a weirdo, but he doesn't forget his duty as a student. From my point of view, I like him more than Ike and Yamauchi.

"Also, I'd like to add one more thing. This school boasts a high rate of advancement and employment. I'm sure you all have your own goals for higher education and employment."

I don't have one though . . I simply enrolled in this school because I wanted to distance myself from my family and the Sobu guys.

"But there are no such good stories in this world. Only the upper classes can benefit from this school."

"Does that mean I have to move up to C class or higher to benefit from it?"

"That's not true, Hirata. If you want this school to fulfill your future wishes, you have no choice but to move up to class A."

"I-I haven't heard anything like that! That's absurd!"

Then Yukimura makes a fuss after Hirata, but the teacher doesn't care at all.

Koenji then calls Yukimura unseemly, and Yukimura refutes it, but Koenji's going-my-way theory quickly shuts him down.

Koenji has a lot of confidence in himself, so Yukimura won't stand a chance against him.

"It seems your excited mood has been shaken off. There are three weeks until the midterm exam, so do your best to avoid expulsion. I'm sure there's a way for you to get through without getting a red mark.'' Sensei .

Finally, she left the classroom with meaningful words, but the atmosphere in the class was as dark as a night.

Meanwhile, I thought that I was glad that there was no riot.